This is what I've gathered up for the month of January so far. My new year's resolution was to save as much money as possible to put up a decent down payment on a house in 2015. However, it's kinda hard to save money when I keep bringing home more boxes of useless s***.
I picked up these N64 games for 50 cents. All are doubles except for Winback but for 50 cents how could I say no?
[img width=700 height=933][/img]
Knocked off 2 more 32x games off my list, that brings me down to 12 games remaining. I traded in a bunch of useless Xbox games for em, I spent a grand total of $5 when all was said and done.
[img width=700 height=933][/img]
This was completely an impulse buy and I kinda regretted it as soon as I walked out the door. But you don't see Mega Man x PC too often. It came with the controller and the original jewel case too.
[img width=700 height=933][/img]
Nothing fancy here, but for $1 you can't pass up NES carts
[img width=700 height=933][/img]
These Intellevision games were another impulse buy. I have no will power
$2 each, 2 of which are sealed. I.....couldn'!!!!
[img width=700 height=933][/img]
I'm a weak man.