Ok guys... here it is. lol. I hope it lives up to the hype...
A lot of you know I'm really close to completing my N64 set. That is a goal I focused on the last few years, however, my first love and main reason for collecting is the NES! I love the system and love collecting for it. As a matter of fact I only need about 90 more and I'll have them all, unlicensed included!
Now, a lot of people ask the question, Complete or Cart Only? I collect only carts really. I don't have the money to collect boxed copies, and I really like to find stuff locally, going online is irritating to me (although I haven't done much trading, only buying). Anyway, I just try to get the carts, however, if an opportunity comes up to get a boxed copy of a game, I don't pass it by!
So, last Tuesday I randomly stopped in a little place I used to go a lot, but haven't as much because they never have anything anymore to my interests. Lo and behold, I look behind the counter and I see about 100 boxes NES titles! I am very happy because these things just aren't around here anymore. Very tough to find locally.
So, I'm looking through the titles, and much to my dismay, there are about maybe 6 or 7 that I need. So I bought them, thats cool, but I wished there were more. And I wished I could buy just the boxes, since I already had the actual games.
Maybe this should have been a blog post after all? But I don't have a blog.. yet... hmm... if the mods don't like the length here I can move it!
Anyway, so I'm thinking, screw it, I will just ask. So I ask the lady, I said "listen, I am a huge collector of these games. I have ALL these other games you have, but I don't have the boxes. I would love to pay you cash for these boxes, and you can keep the games, still sell them and still make money on them!"
She thought about it, and said "how much are you willing to pay?" I figured I would go really low, so I said $1 a box. She said "How about $2 per box?" I smiled and said DEAL! But, I had to wait till payday. I'm not rich ya know! Anyway, she said that was fine, and she would go to the trouble of removing the games.
Sure enough I went in Friday after work and picked up the boxes. 81 NES boxes for $162 dollars plus tax! To me, this is awesome and totally worth the cash. I was super happy, and there are some really cool things about these boxes!
For one, a lot of them have the plastic still on them! Not sealed, but just with a slit at the top so you can get the game out. Thats pretty cool, and the boxed are protected that way. Also, 90% of them have the instructions, and I thought that was really cool especially on the rarer games like the unlicensed ones etc. Some of them also have photocopied instructions and yeah, you can tell that these were boxes used as displays for rental places. There are also some stickers that have the instructions on them, like that you would see on a rental box. These stickers haven't been peeled and are just sitting in the boxes! Totally a cool blast from my past as I was def. one of those rent one game on the weekend kids.
Anyway, I'm happy. lol. Hopefully this was cool for you all to read, and now, the pics! My phone sucks and I ont have a digital camera so some of these are stupid and fuzzy. But you can generally tell what titles are what.
http://imgur.com/a/ak5uvThe haul!
[img width=700 height=457]http://i.imgur.com/KLMbzh.jpg[/img]
Everything included!
[img width=700 height=441]http://i.imgur.com/Q2SHhh.jpg[/img]
Another cool one!
[img width=700 height=571]http://i.imgur.com/cDvObh.jpg[/img]
Plastic and Hang Tabs!
[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/2lwPeh.jpg[/img]
Example of rental selling sticker and instruction sticker!
[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/nyjhgh.jpg[/img]
Awesome sticker!!
[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/W7b2Oh.jpg[/img]
ALL my boxed NES games!! Arkanoid and the Aladdin collection at the bottom!
[img width=700 height=758]http://i.imgur.com/FeVzWh.jpg[/img]
Another view!
[img width=700 height=587]http://i.imgur.com/g60zPh.jpg[/img]
Big mess boxing them up!
[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/whk92h.jpg[/img]
All done!!!
[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/lD9KWh.jpg[/img]