Wanted to share a couple finds from the flea markets on the way down to Nashville. The camera sucks, but they are nice finds:
Jaguar CD Memory Track CIB
[img width=480 height=640]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/JaguarCDMemoryTrack.jpg[/img]
Phantasy Star II complete with map and hint book (this is an important one for me, since my last complete copy was borrowed and never returned about 20 years ago)
[img width=480 height=640]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/PhantasyStarIIcomplete.jpg[/img]
Mickey's Adventure in Numberland
[img width=480 height=640]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/AdventureinNumberland.jpg[/img]
Zillion II CIB (not a fantastic find, but I'm glad to have it in the collection)
[img width=480 height=640]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/ZillionII.jpg[/img]
Let's hope I can find a few more goodies before I return home