Lots of people gave Prince of Persia crap but I loved it. Enslaved is great too.
I really liked that Prince of Persia game, too! I've yet to play Enslaved. Maximo and Jak & Daxter are two of my all time favorite games.
Bought Patapon 3 (new) for €7.5 and uDraw Gametablet + "Instant Artist" game (also new) for €15. The tablet really works quite well for something so cheap. Atleast what I paid for it. It was priced down from €39.95 or something. I think the store was trying to get rid of it quickly.
How can it be that I can buy this fairly decent tablet for €15 including a game yet a new Dualshock 3 controller is around €60! It's a well made controller, but c'mon.
THQ lost $60M on that tablet. :/
Well, maybe it's not "gold", but it's a strategy guide from my childhood that has a special place. I used to spend hours drawing the fighters in this book until I could recreate the picture perfectly. It's gold for me
I had a copy of GamePro I would bring to the arcade with me for MK2 for reference. I would play on the machine for hours until the day care would leave, only using up about $1-2 in quarters (because I couldn't afford to play any more after that). However, one day, I had the magazine next to the machine and a few people stepped on it and ripped it to shreds. :/
A couple weeks later, someone opened up a book store next to the arcade, and stopped by to challenge the best person there to MK2. I ended up beating him for 25 matches straight, and he told me I could come next door and pick out any book I wanted. Lo and behold, I found an MK2 strategy guide for consoles there to replace my old, ripped up copy of GamePro. The arcade shut down a week later, unfortunately, and my day care never really went to the arcade again after that, but I still own that book. It was the second strategy guide I technically owned (first being a copy of Phantasy Star III's guide, which I just finally purchased the game for last month). I spent hours upon hours upon hours with that PS III guide, thinking of how awesome it would be to play through and what choices I would make, even making it a point to memorize the guide and play through the entire game in my head when I was bored in school.
...now I own 600+ guides, with those two snuggled in with the rest.