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Author Topic: Lets sing  (Read 69454 times)
Achievement Whore
DB Editor
United States
Posts: 15752

« Reply #105 on: June 16, 2006, 07:28:23 AM »

Slayers new song "Cult"

Opression is the holy law
In God I distrust
Italic monuments will fall
Like ashes to dust
It's war and creed the master plan
The battle's where it all began
It's propaganda shouts despair
And sends this virus everywhere


Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion is obscene
Religion is a whore

The pestilence of Jesus Christ
There never was a sacrifice
No man who hung the crucifix
Beware the call for purity
Infections their facility
I've made my choice

Carussa Green's a paedophile
No praying for the priest
Confession finds a lonely child
Now preys on the weak
You think your soul can still be saved
I think you're fucking miles away
Scream out loud, heres where you begin
Forgive me Father for I have sinned!


Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion is obscene
Religion is a whore

The target's fucking Jesus Christ
The one I'd love to sacrifice
I'd nail him to the crucifix
Beware the call for purity
Infections their facility
I've made my choice

Jesus is pain
Jesus is gore
Jesus is the blood that is spilled in war
He's everything
He's all things dead
He's pulling down the trigger pointed at your head!
The fear your shoulded to the front
Revelation, Revolution, I see through your cracked illusion!

The war on terror just drags along
My holy god it's growing strong
It's propaganda shouts despair
And sends this virus everywhere


Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion is obscene
Religion is a whore

There is no fucking Jesus Christ
There never was a sacrifice
No man upon the crucifix
Beware the call for purity
Infections their facility
I've made my choice

Virtual Boy
United States
Posts: 178

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Champion of
« Reply #106 on: June 26, 2006, 11:28:20 AM »

Ooo, I wanna sing I wanna sing!

Road to Joy by Bright Eyes
The sun came up with no conclusion
Flowers sleeping in their beds
This city's cemetery's humming
I'm wide-awake, it's morning

I have my drugs, I have my woman
They keep away my loneliness
My parents have they have their religion
But sleep in separate houses

I read the body count out of the paper
And now it's written all over my face
No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter
Sometimes that's just the most comfortable place

So I'm drinking, breathing, writing, singing
Everyday I'm on the clock
My mind races with all my longings
But cant keep up with what I got

I hope I don't sound too ungrateful
What history gave modern man
A telephone to talk to strangers
Machine guns and a camera lens

So when you're asked to fight a war that's over nothing
It's best to join the side that's gonna win
And no one's sure how all of this got started
But we're gonna make them goddam certain how its gonna end
Oh ya we will, oh ya we will!

Well I could have been a famous singer
If I had someone else's voice
But failure's always sounded better
Let's fuck it up boys, make some noise!

The sun came up with no conclusion
Flowers sleeping in their beds
This city's cemetery's humming
I'm wide-awake, it's morning!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2006, 11:30:35 AM by RetroYoungen » Logged

Here is where the witty signature is supposed to go.
Sorry you must have been boring me.
RFG Friend
Posts: 2212

« Reply #107 on: June 26, 2006, 11:28:30 PM »

Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown (of Ultimate Destiny)

Old Godzilla was hopping around
Tokyo City like a big playground
when suddenly Batman burst from the shade
and hit Godzilla with a Batgrenade
Godzilla got pissed and began to attack
but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq
who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq Fu
when Aaron Carter came out of the blue

and he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal
then they both got flattened by the Batmobile
but before it could make it back to the Batcave
Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave
and took an AK47 out from under his hat
and blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat
but he ran out of bullets and he ran away
because Optimus Prime came to save the day

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime
like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime
and then Shaq came back covered in a tire track
but Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back
and Batman was injured, and trying to get steady
when Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete
but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped
Indiana Jones took him out with his whip

then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
and he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
'cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed
and Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
then he jumped in the air and did a summersault
while Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault
onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air
then they both got hit by a Care Bear Stare, oooh

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown...

angels sang out in immaculate chorus
down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
who deliver a kick which could shatter bones
into the crotch of Indiana Jones
who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne
but Chuck saw through his clever disguise
and he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs

then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and
Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and
Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,
Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
all came out of no where lightning fast
and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass
it was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw
with civilians looking on total awe

and the fight raged on for a century
many lives were claimed, but eventually
the champion stood, the rest saw their better:
Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
of Ultimate Destiny

Virtual Boy
United States
Posts: 178

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Champion of
« Reply #108 on: June 30, 2006, 10:04:32 PM »

Save Tonight by Eagle-Eye Cherry

Go on and close the curtains
All we need is candlelight
You and me and a bottle of wine
Going to hold you tonight

We know I'm going away
How I wish....wish it weren't so
Take this wine & drink with me
Let's delay our misery

Save tonight
And fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone

There's a log on the fire
And it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire
To take me away....it's true
It ain't easy to say goodbye
Darling please don't start cry
'Cause girl you know I've got to go
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Save tonight
And fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone

Tomorrow comes to take me away
I wish that I......that I could stay
Girl you know I've got to go
Lord I wish it wasn't so

Save tonight
And fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone...

Here is where the witty signature is supposed to go.
Achievement Whore
DB Editor
United States
Posts: 15752

« Reply #109 on: July 10, 2006, 04:23:54 PM »

Megadeth - Prince Of Darkness

My victims are rich of poor, young or old, strong or weak
I cause millions of accidents, I am cancer in your bones
I fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truth
I am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomes

I take what you love, and leave you in tears
I imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
While you burn at the stake I dance with the flames

I bring poverty, sickness and death
A worthless handshake, the slickest thief, I steal your wealth
I answer your prayers for greed and lust
More than evil, I laugh at your trust

I am more powerful than all the armies of the world
I am more violent than violence, more deadly than death
I have destroyed more men than all the nation's wars
I am relentless, unpredictable, waiting for your last breath

Evil, more evil than violence
Violent, more violent than death
Deadly, more deadly than man
I am yeah, yeah, I'm evil I am

My kingdom corrupt with dissent
Your sins erupt by my intent
I loathe your prayer, I wallow in sin
Let the nightmare begin
Prince of darkness, your satanic highness
Prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded Lucifer
Prince of darkness

I take what you love, and leave you in tears
Imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
While you burn at the stake I dance with the flames

Prince of darkness, your satanic highness
Prince of darkness, the most beautiful angel
Prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded Lucifer
Prince of darkness, unpredictable, the prince of darkness
Prince of darkness

Sorry you must have been boring me.
RFG Friend
Posts: 2212

« Reply #110 on: July 10, 2006, 06:52:25 PM »

Baz Luhrmann - Everyone's Free to Wear Sunscreen

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 97...

Wear Sunscreen

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experienceI will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years youll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you cant grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.Youre not as fat as you imagine.

Dont worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Dont be reckless with other peoples hearts, dont put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Dont waste your time on jealousy; sometimes youre ahead, sometimes youre behindthe race is long, and in the end, its only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Dont feel guilty if you dont know what you want to do with your lifethe most interesting people I know didnt know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds know still dont.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, youll miss them when theyre gone.

Maybe youll marry, maybe you wont, maybe youll have children, maybe you wont, maybe youll divorce at 40, maybe youll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversarywhat ever you do, dont congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either your choices are half chance, so are everybody elses. Enjoy your body, use it every way you candont be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, its the greatest instrument youll ever own..

Danceeven if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you dont follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when theyll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do youll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Dont expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Dont mess too much with your hair, or by the time its 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than its worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen...

I eated the purple berries
Neo Geo AES
Russian Federation
Posts: 640

« Reply #111 on: July 10, 2006, 08:25:36 PM »

>:0 I was trying to find the song that is in the montage at the beginning of the Venture Brothers season two for the good part of an hour, and I kept getting that song as a result.

"It rains acid, one day the earth will cry from a stone
And you'll be lookin' at the world livin' inside of a dome
Comperized humanity living inside of a clone
This is the place where the unknown is living and real
Worm went to planet X and the seventh seal"

Immortal Technique
I eated the purple berries
Neo Geo AES
Russian Federation
Posts: 640

« Reply #112 on: July 14, 2006, 01:23:08 PM »

Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil Lyrics
[Verse 1]

I once knew a nigga whose real name was William

his primary concern, was making a million

being the illest hustler, that the world ever seen

he used to fuck moviestars and sniff coke in his dreams

a corrupted young mind, at the age of thirteen

nigga never had a father and his mom was a feen

she put the pipe down, but forever yeah she was sober

her sons heart simultaneously grew colder

he started hanging out selling bags in the projects

checking the young chicks, looking for hit and run prospects

he was fascinated by material objects

but he understood money never bought respect

he build a reputation cause he could hustle and steal

but got locked once it didn't hesitate to squeal

so criminals he chilled with didn't think he was real

you see me and niggaz like this have never been equal

I dont project my insurecurity's at other people

he feeded for props like addicts with pipes and needles

so he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil

a fever minded young man with infinite potetial

the product of a ghetto breed capatalistic mental

coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed

dancing with the devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed

but he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed


Everyone trying to be trife never face the consequences

you propably only did a month for minor offences

ask a nigga doing life if he had another chance

but then again there's always the wicked at new and advanced

dance forever with the devil on a code cell block

but thats what happens when you rape, murder and sell rock

devils used to be gods, angels that fell from the top

there's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot

[Verse 2]

So Billy started robbing niggaz, anything he could do

he'd get his respect back, in the eyes of his crew

starting fights over little shit, up on the block

stepped up to selling mothers and brothers the crack rock

working overtime for making money for the crack spot

hit the jackpot and wanted to move up to cocaine

for filling the scarface fantasy stuck in his brain

tired of the block niggaz treating him the same

he wanted to be major like the cut throats and the thugs

but when he tried to step to 'em, niggaz showed him no love

they told him any motherfucking coward can sell drugs

any bitch nigga with a gun, can bust slugs

any nigga with a red shirt can front like a blood

even Puffy smoked the motherfucker up in a club

but only a real thug can stab someone till they die

standing in front of them, starring straight into their eyes

Billy realized that these men were well guarded

and they wanted to test him, before business started

suggested raping a bitch to prove he was cold hearted

so now he had a choice between going back to his life

or making money with made men, up in the cife

his dreams about cars and ice, made him agree

a hardcore nigga is all he ever wanted to be

and so he met them friday night at a quarter to three


[Verse 3]

They drove around the projects slow while it was raining

smoking blunts, drinking and joking for entertainment

untill they saw a woman on the street walking alone

three in the morning, coming back from work, on her way home

and so they quietly got out the car and followed her

walking through the projects, the darkness swallowed her

they wrapped her shirt around her head and knocked her onto the floor

this is it kid now you got your chance to be raw

so Billy oaked her up and grapped the chick by the hair

and dragged her into a lobby that had nobody there

she struggled hard but they forced her to go up the stairs

they got to the roof and then held her down on the ground

screaming shut the fuck up and stop moving around

the shirt covered her face, but she screamed the clouts

so Billy stomped on the bitch, until he broken her jaw

the dirty bastards knew exactly what they were doing

they kicked her until they cracked her ribs and she stopped moving

blood leaking through the cloth, she cried silently

and then they all proceeded to rape her violently

Billy was meant to go first, but each of them took a turn

ripping her up, and choking her until her throat burned

a broken jaw mumbled for god but they weren't concerned

when they were done and she was lying bloody, broken and broos

one of them niggaz pulled out a brand new twenty-two

they told him that she was a witness of what she'd gone through

and if he killed her he was guaranteed a spot in the crew

he thought about it for a minute, she was practicly dead

and so he leaned over and put the gun right to her head

[Sample from "Survival of the Fittest" by Mobb Deep]

I'm falling and I can't turn back

I'm falling and I can't turn back

[Verse 4]

Right before he pulled the trigger, and ended her life

he thought about the cold pain with the platinum and ice

and he felt strong standing along with his new brothers

cocked the gat to her head, and pulled back the shirt cover

but what he saw made him start the cringine studder

cuz he was starring into the eyes of his own mother

she looked back at him and cried, cause he had forsaken her

she cried more painfully, than when they were raping her

his whole world stopped, he couldn't even contiplate

his corruption had succesfully changed his fate

and he remembered how his mom used to come home late

working hard for nothing, cause now what was he worth

he turned away from the woman that had once given him birth

and crying out to the sky cause he was lonely and scared

but only the devil responded, cause god wasn't there

and right then he knew what it was to be empty and cold

and so he jumped off the roof and died with no soul

they say death take you to a better place but I doubt it

after that they killed his mother, and never spoke about it

and listen cause the story that I'm telling is true

cuz I was there with Billy Jacobs and I raped his mom to

and now the devil follows me everywhere that I go

infact I'm sure he's standing among one of you at my shows

and every street cypher listening to little thugs flowe

he could be standing right next to you, and you wouldn't know

the devil grows inside the hearts of the selvish and wicked

white, brown, yellow and black colored is not restricted

you have a self destructive destiny when your inflicted

and you'll be one of gods children and fell from the top

there's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot

so when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say

because the dance with the devil might last you forever

"It rains acid, one day the earth will cry from a stone
And you'll be lookin' at the world livin' inside of a dome
Comperized humanity living inside of a clone
This is the place where the unknown is living and real
Worm went to planet X and the seventh seal"

Immortal Technique
Achievement Whore
DB Editor
United States
Posts: 15752

« Reply #113 on: September 27, 2006, 03:13:44 PM »

Godsmack - The Enemy

Hey! Oh, Mr. backstabbing son of a bitch
You're living in a world that will soon be dying
And I know, everybody knows you try to be like me
But even at your best, as a man you couldn't equal half of me

I am realizing, that everybody's lost their simple ways
And now that it's here, I see it all so clearly
I've come face to face with the enemy, oh the enemy!

You! You're another shit talking punk to me
You're living inspiration for what I never wanna be
And I see, you've been blinded by what you believe
And now back up and sit down shut up and act you need to be

I am realizing, that everybody's lost their simple ways
And now that it's here, I see it all so clearly
I've come face to face with the enemy, oh the enemy!
Come to me, come to me, the enemy, come to me, come to me

So predicting, you're the reason why
I lie
Simple decision took too much time
To fly
Oh, check mate, check mate...

I am realizing, that everybody's lost their simple ways
And now that it's here, I see it all so clearly
I've come face to face with the enemy, oh the enemy!
Come to me

Sorry you must have been boring me.
RFG Friend
Posts: 2212

« Reply #114 on: September 28, 2006, 02:40:10 AM »

Coma: Numb

WE'RE all a bunch of sinners
Faceless and unknown
Buying all the filth and fuck
And trying to sell our own
WE'RE all kings and liars
Bound tight to broken thrones
Forget god the truth is
In lust we trust alone...

WE'RE all living legends for the dead Unborn
WE'RE all nameless sinners WE'RE
All money whores
WE'RE all selling something
Down on all fours
We all count our money
While WE'RE licking our sores

WE'RE all living legends for the dead


WE'RE all nameless sinners WE'RE
All money whores
WE'RE all selling something
Down on all fours
We all count our money
While we suck our sores!

WE'RE all living legends
We are dead unborn
WE'RE all nameless sinners
We are money whores
Im trying to sell you something
DON'T you want more?
Im lyin/tryin/dyin just to give
You more!

WE'RE allthe ones, that are taking
WE'RE all the ones, that are making
WE'RE all the ones, that are faking
WE'RE all the ones, that are shaking

The Metamorphosing Leon
Laying on the green leaf, left and abandoned...
United States
Posts: 9496

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« Reply #115 on: November 10, 2006, 04:53:42 PM »

Throw the Jew Down the Well - Borat

In my country there is problem,
And that problem is transport.
It take very very long,
Because Kazakhstan is big.

Throw transport down the well
So my country can be free
We must make travel easy
Then we'll have a big party

In my country there is problem
And that problem is the Jew
They take everybody money
And they never give it back

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party

If you see the Jew coming
You must be careful of his teeth
You must grab him by his money
And I tell you what to do

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2006, 05:43:40 PM by The Maligned Samurai-san Leon » Logged

When shall his new form be revealed?
Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
United States
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Champion of
« Reply #116 on: February 05, 2007, 10:52:10 PM »

Been listening to these alot on the radio lately. Amongst all the older music.

Artist:    Hurt
Song:    Falls Apart
Album:    Vol. 1

i messed up again when i tried
you spend all your money and i
and, oh! by the way,
with all you did nothing has changed
so lie like a waste by the side
as everything just falls apart
'cause everything just fell apart for me

i cracked my head and broke my
i correct my head and broke my
i cracked my head and broke my heart

and i don't feel the need to go on
i was happier singing along the way
i had things, i need to say
but now it's like a swallowed tape
that holds up my face from inside
as everything just falls apart
'cause everything just fell apart for me

so woe is me
oh woe is me, yeah

i cracked my head and broke my... heart
and the hell of it is what we are
we finish and wish we could start again
our skin tears away as
our memories fade with age
and we don't even know 'til it's gone?
but everything just fell apart
'cause everything just falls apart for me

so woe is me
it all falls apart you see
so woe it me
it all fell apart

i cracked my head and broke my
i cracked my head and broke my
i cracked my head and broke my heart
everything just comes down
it falls around me
'cause, well...
everything just falls uhhhh

so woe is me
it all falls apart you see
so woe is me
it all fell apart

but i cracked my head and broke my
i cracked my head and broke my
everything just falls a...

Artist: Three Days Grace
Album: One-X
Title: Pain

    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like it rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

    You're sick of feeling down
    You're not the only one
    I'll take you by the hand
    And I'll show you a world that you can understand
    This life is filled with hurt
    When happiness doesn't work
    Trust me and take my hand
    When the lights go out you will understand

    Pain, without love
    Paint, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

    Anger and agony
    Are better than misery
    Trust me I've got a plan
    When the lights go off you will understand

    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
    Rather feel pain

    I know (I know I know I know I know)
    That you're wounded
    You know (You know you know you know you know)
    That I'm here to save you
    You know (You know you know you know you know)
    I'm always here for you
    I know (I know I know I know I know)
    That you'll thank me later

    Pain, without love
    Pain, can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Pain, without love
    Pain, I can't get enough
    Pain, I like rough
    'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Rather feel pain than nothing at all
    Rather feel pain

Disturbed "Liberate"

Liberate your mind
You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded
So narrow-minded
Liberate your mind
Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind
This time

Bold motherfucker
Don't limit your mind
Can;t you see that the pace
Has fallen behind
All the hate in your heart
Will be leaving you blind
So bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
This time

Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
Still awaiting. I

"Out of Zion shall come forth a law
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem
Nation shall not raise sword against nation
And they shall not learn war anymore
For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken"

Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
Still awaiting.

Saliva "Ladies and Gentlemen"

Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?
For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe

Like nothing you've ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you'll be begging for more

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You've seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you're still breathing

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen
(x 6)

To Be Loved

Listen up, turn it up and rock it out
party on, I wanna hear you scream and shout
this is real, as real as it gets
I came to get down to get some fucking respect
taking it back to hardcore level
you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal
taking it back to hardcore level
you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal.


Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved

I want domination
I want your submission
I see you're not resisting
To this temptation
I've got one confession
A love deprivation
I've got a jet black heart
It's all fucked up and it's falling apart

Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved

I've got another confession
I fell to temptation
And there is no question
There was some connection
I've got to follow my heart
No matter how far
I've gotta roll the dice
Never look back and never think twice

Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved

Take your past and burn it up and let it go
Carry on; I'm stronger than you'll ever know
That's the deal; you get no respect
You're gonna get yours
You better watch your fucking neck

Take your past and burn it up and let it go
Carry on; I'm stronger than you'll ever know
That's the deal; you get no respect
You're gonna get yours
You better watch your fucking neck

Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved

Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
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Champion of
« Reply #117 on: February 06, 2007, 04:28:47 PM »

Another one...

Artist:     Breaking Benjamin
Album:    Phobia
Title:    The Diary Of Jane

If I had to
I would put myself right beside you
So let me ask
Would you like that?
Would you like that?

And I don't mind
If you say this love is the last time
So now I'll ask
Do you like that?
Do you like that?


Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane
So tell me how it should be

Try to find out what makes you tick
As I lie down
Sore and sick
Do you like that?
Do you like that?

There's a fine line between love and hate
And I don't mind
Just let me say that I like that
I like that

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane
As I burn another page
As I look the other way
I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane
So tell me how it should be

Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love
Die for anyone
What have I become

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane
As I burn another page
As I look the other way
I still try to find my place
In the diary of Jane

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United States
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Champion of
« Reply #118 on: February 06, 2007, 04:53:23 PM »

Listening to this song right now...

Straws Pulled At Random by Meshuggah

What solace lies in the arms of fate
-The ill embrace of uncertainty
When did I leave this in other hands
-To be pulled down at chance

Ripped away by destiny-claws
Am I another of fate's possessions
Dwelling the lie of freedom
Just another straw pulled at random

Reclaimed by deceiving time
A silent judgement I can not overrule

Drawn back into the origin-vortex
Uprooted and ground to dust
Retracted into anti-existence
A magnet repelled by life's polarity

Denied the self control of fate
we flow suspended in semi-life
Until the ever imminent day
when oblivion claims our breath

Nowhere indefinitely
Not dead, not alive
Existence-patterns ripped of symmetry
as will and fate divide

Have I appeased the gods of fate
Am I allowed another day
Must I die to escape
the scanning eyes of death

[img width=550 height=125]http://mypsn.eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/Tondog.png[/img]
Black Flower Music Podcast - Like that annoying elitist hipster guy you know, except in podcast form.
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The Metamorphosing Leon
Laying on the green leaf, left and abandoned...
United States
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« Reply #119 on: February 07, 2007, 02:42:40 AM »

Digital Droo - Monkey Developers

Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers

Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers


Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers

No senses!

I have four words for you!

Developers Developers Developers Developers


You know it's for me!!!!

Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers

« Last Edit: February 07, 2007, 02:48:34 AM by The Maligned Anarchist Leon » Logged

When shall his new form be revealed?
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