of my favorites:
If you're logged out, the "User" text becomes "Killa" and it says "Motherfucka password?"
n tha bootylicious Mighty Final Fight .
In the newly-updated games and collections, we now have:
4. Virtua Motherfucka 4 (PS2)and
3. philosizzleand
1. Mighty Final Fizzay (NES)
2. Mighty Biznomb Jizzy (NES)
3. Miznight & Magic: Secret of tha Inna Sanctum (NES)And perhaps the best of all:
But diznon't wait too long, coz before you knizzow it, wizze'll hizzle posted new images . Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome!
I'm sure if you keep looking, you'll find even more priceless translations.