Hey all. I'm looking for some friends to play N64 Games with on an Emulator over the net. Games like Mario Party 2, Donkey Kong 64, and more. Post here if you want to play and we'll work something out. Thanks for looking!
EDIT: I'm having a ton of trouble setting up the N64 Netplay Emulator, so until I figure that out, let's play some MAME Games! Here's how:
1. Go to
www.kaillera.com2. Grab the current client version, which should be 0.9
3. Extract it from it's zip or rar archive to somewhere on your computer. It can be anywhere as far as I know.
4. Go find some ROMs. (And no, I will not, and cannot, tell you where to get them here. If you need them, PM me, because I cannot tell you here. I'm sorry, but it's the rules, plain and simple. Are you unfamiliar with how MAME works? If you mention that in your PM, I will explain that too, as it works differently than most emulators).
5. Start up "mameppkgui".
6. Click "File", and under it, click "Kaillera Netplay".
7. Type a Username, and click "Enter IP..."
8. Type "" without the Quotes to join my Server.
9. Click "Join" to join my current game. You'll need to have the same ROM as me. As mentioned before, I cannot tell you where to get them, at least not here. Send me a PM.
10. That's all. I would recommend going to Options -> Default Game Options and setting the game to run in a Window under Display so you can chat with other players. Also, you'll have to enlarge the window by dragging it from the corner. Also, don't enlarge it until the game actually starts, or it will just revert back to it's small size. There may be a way to chat in-game, but I haven't figured that out yet.
Whew. That takes care of everything I think. If you have any problems, post here. Also, if you want to schedule a time to play, let me know here. Have fun!