No secondary market has been an ongoing debate for what 10+ years now?
People parade Steam around and PC gaming but (to me) that is what it looks like the Nextbox is trying to emulate.
I and apparently thousands of others thought the system looked like a VCR. I was not overly impressed with anything. me interested in how much more potential the next kinect has.
Other than that i'm still not really interested in anything it has to offer.
I don't see why it is so shocking profiles would carry over. They carried from Xbox to 360.
But for some people even that isn't really good news. I know there are quite a few people out there who have profiles that kills their current system and i doubt anything will have been done to fix that current problem. Most likely even more info will be getting dumped onto your profile making it larger and causing even more lag.
Instead of trying to make everything work with everything else and still keeping everything separate they should have focused on making a cohesive fully functioning market place. Their Sales and Special app for example was a complete disgrace. Having a GFWL, Win7, Win8, Win8 PC, XBLA, and a couple other market places all chopped into different locations. Some use MSP some only use debit. Stupid.
They get a +1 for further improving the controller while still maintaining the same design (much like Sony has done in years past)
They get a +1 for making the Kinect 2 MUCH more capable (this is tentative though. Much like the Wiimote and the Kinect it still needs to see actual useage). Based on some of the homegrown Kinect stuff i have seen vs retail applications though i think part of the kinect problems was on the developer ends.
Addressing the lighting and space concerns makes me happy to hear though.
Everything else was a wash in my book.
I don't care about any of the features they have included that were stolen from a PC. If my cuz stays in Japan i could potentially use it for Skype. But i have that on my PC. I have Netflix on my bluray player. I have the internet on my PC i have music on my PC.
I use my gaming consoles for gaming.
I'm certainly not impressed enough to go out and throw down a preorder so i can get 10$s off when i buy it.
EA backing them with exclusive feature should work in their favor.
Activision backing them with CoD content first will certainly help them.
Seemingly not expecting backlash from the obvious issues they have hurt themselves. I didn't find any of the conference thrilling but from a financial standpoint they seem to be off to a good start. Assuming they can keep those deals under lock and potentially secure more.
BTW i was watching a few stocks during the confrence. MS was down between .09 and .2
EA bounce between 2-3% up. Dips generally occured shortly after mentions of exclusivity. Which seemed odd.
Activision showed little change throughout and was up before the confrence started so i didn't keep close tabs.
Sony was down a tad(less than MS)
Nintendo was up around 2-3%
Since i don't follow those stocks frequently and the conference seemed to have so little impact i can assume it is just normal trading cycle. It was interesting though that up stocks seemed to drop a bit and down stock seemed to drop lower when they were talking and when they were showing videos they would inch back up.
Blck is completely correct. Xbox 1 is a terrible name.
I also agree with Leon. I don't think that PS9 commercial from 10ish years ago is going to come to fruition. MS, Sony and Nintendo will all be around for a long time to come. Regardless of what happens with the gaming market 2 of them have other business ventures and Nintendo has MASSIVE brand recognition and like Sega and Atari is here to stay regardless of the form it takes or who has to buy their IPs