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Author Topic: Valentines Day sucks  (Read 9094 times)
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Champion of
« on: February 09, 2005, 07:01:15 AM »

I hate Valentines Day.  It's not because I don't have anyone to spend it with, it's because I don't want to spend needless money.  

Why is it that guys have to spend hundreds of dollars for thier girlfriends/wives, yet the only thing that women gives (and it isn't even necessary to give) is sex.  I can get sex whenever.  How the hell did chicks get off so easily?  This weekend I have to go out and find roses that aren't going to cost $50 for a dozen, go find some sort of present-probably in the form of wearable precious gems and stones-and I still have to take her out for "a night on the town".

What do I get for all that?  The same thing I got for free the other night.  Am I the only one that sees a problem with this little set up?  My blood pressure is going up.  I'm done for now.
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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2005, 07:10:06 AM »

well you are quite the romantic aren't you?

when my wife and I were dating we used to exchange small trinkets on Valentine's Day. Cards, candy, flowers, maybe dinner and a movie. Now we just do cards since our wedding anniversary is 3 days later.

I don't have a problem with the holiday. I have a problem with how florists jack up the prices on roses. kind of like how gas prices always go up on holiday weekends. fuckers.

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Champion of
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2005, 07:39:57 AM »

Being single does have its advantages  Cheesy
But seriously , you know you dont need to give her expensive items. All they really want is some romance and time spent with them. Anything on top of that is icicing on the cake. I mean you can make them a fancy meal at home cant you ? How about candle light?
Use your imagination......

Sure they like jewlery and flowers , and sure hallmark makes way too much money on this holiday , but what can you do  :-/


Atari 7800
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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2005, 08:10:26 AM »

I hate Valentine's Day, too. Also, not because I have no one to spend it with. And I don't mind dishing out some lovin' for whatever I happen to be getting.

I hate getting the damn presents in the first place! Pretty much for the same reason that Sauza hates the holiday. I think it's rediculous that men are expected to lavish their dates/girlfriends with a rediculous amount of gifts and all the girls really have to do is be grateful and maybe give them a card. Why?! It really disgusts me.

Phia the Pirate: which I think means that link is a slut
Phia the Pirate: because, you know, he keeps taking it in the face
loves White Castle!
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« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2005, 08:27:18 AM »

And I don't mind dishing out some lovin' for whatever I happen to be getting.

be prepared for the single fellas to start showering you with gifts.

Lord Nepenthean
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« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2005, 09:06:25 AM »

I hate the expectations that are behind Valentine's Day, but if I have a girlfriend that doesn't have expectations, and takes it upon herself to give as much as she expects to receive, I have no problem buying gifts for her and taking her out to dinner.  I dated a girl once that pretty much expected me to spend tons of money, and then she'd give me a card.  Ridiculous.  Then I dated a girl who spent just as much on me as I did on her at this holiday, and we usually just spent the day together, ate dinner, watched a movie, etc.  Nothing fancy, but since it was very equal, it was great.  I guess it just depends on what the girl expects.  If she has ridiculous expectations, the holiday sucks.  If she's just as interested in showering you as you are her, though, it can be a good day.  

The way advertisers constantly bombard us all with "BUY, BUY, BUY" does kind of suck, but it's kind of irrelevant to a relationship if the two people in it are focused on each other rather than $$$.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2005, 09:10:49 AM by admin » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2005, 09:19:27 AM »

I hate valentine's day and not because it's never been an issue either.

I hate it cause what's the point really? If you're gonna be kewl to someone you should be kewl to them year round and not because hallmark fucking says so! Why give someone chocolates and candies if you're just gonna be an asshole the very next day and tell them they're too fat or whatever? Why buy jewelry that won't be worn? Why buy flowers that are overpriced and are just gonna die? Fuck that! I will always fully boycott v-day.

[img width=406 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/yabbattach/lordnep.gif[/img]
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Champion of
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2005, 10:02:29 AM »

I hate valentine's day and not because it's never been an issue either.

I hate it cause what's the point really? If you're gonna be kewl to someone you should be kewl to them year round and not because hallmark fucking says so! Why give someone chocolates and candies if you're just gonna be an asshole the very next day and tell them they're too fat or whatever? Why buy jewelry that won't be worn? Why buy flowers that are overpriced and are just gonna die? Fuck that! I will always fully boycott v-day.

Didnt we have this same converation or something like it over AOL... Maybe its just dejavu Huh

Sorry you must have been boring me.
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« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2005, 10:09:04 AM »

I've always hated valentines day its a pointless holiday that costs way to much money.

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Champion of
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2005, 10:24:21 AM »

well you are quite the romantic aren't you?

Why yes, yes I am.  |D

I guess what really irks me is that I spend time with my girlfriend and act "romantic" every other day during the year, but now it's required.  Ity just seems like a really one sided holiday.  Luckily for me I've already slapped a ban on that Sweetest day fuck thing.
Achievement Whore
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« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2005, 10:53:00 AM »

I hate Valentines Day.  It's not because I don't have anyone to spend it with, it's because I don't want to spend needless money.  

Why is it that guys have to spend hundreds of dollars for thier girlfriends/wives, yet the only thing that women gives (and it isn't even necessary to give) is sex.  I can get sex whenever.  How the hell did chicks get off so easily?  This weekend I have to go out and find roses that aren't going to cost $50 for a dozen, go find some sort of present-probably in the form of wearable precious gems and stones-and I still have to take her out for "a night on the town".

What do I get for all that?  The same thing I got for free the other night.  Am I the only one that sees a problem with this little set up?  My blood pressure is going up.  I'm done for now.

With that kind of thinking I am amazed that you are single.

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Champion of
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2005, 11:01:15 AM »

I hate valentine's day and not because it's never been an issue either.

I hate it cause what's the point really? If you're gonna be kewl to someone you should be kewl to them year round and not because hallmark fucking says so! Why give someone chocolates and candies if you're just gonna be an asshole the very next day and tell them they're too fat or whatever? Why buy jewelry that won't be worn? Why buy flowers that are overpriced and are just gonna die? Fuck that! I will always fully boycott v-day.

Mos Def.

I haven't had to worry about Vday yet either because i had a gf after it happened or broke up (or lost contact with her) before it happened.

I just really don't get it. I don't know maybe i will have a reason to disagree when a chick expects me to drop a wad of cash for her for nothing. If i am going to spend more money than usual there is going to be a real reason behind it. Like a celebration or birthday or anniversary or something.

If your going to care about someone do it every day of the year and you won't have to make up for it on Valentines day.

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Champion of
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2005, 11:12:15 AM »

With that kind of thinking I am amazed that you are single.

I actually do have a girlfriend.  I am actually a nice guy but I don't like the entire premise of these type of holidays.  I guess that does make me sound like sort of a dick.  laugh
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« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2005, 01:05:45 PM »

Didnt we have this same converation or something like it over AOL... Maybe its just dejavu

Why yes Rick, WE did. I wanted to share that thought with the rest of the class though Tongue

[img width=406 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/yabbattach/lordnep.gif[/img]
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Champion of
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2005, 02:55:02 PM »

Wario Ware: Touched comes out Valentines day i just found out.

I think Nintendo is poushing this adult oriented system a bit too much.

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