So I remember reading about these two games--El Chavo and Atrevete a Sonar--a while back, and with the Wii singing its swan song, I felt it was time to seek these out. I'm not sure if they're Mexican exclusives, or Latin American exclusives, but I'm pretty sure they'll be pretty uncommon in days to come, especially with Mexico's game market being predominantly pirate-based. Anyways, I found this website : as having the cheapest prices, but they don't offer international shipments. Luckily, I have some relatives who are coming down from Mexico (or should i say up?) this month. If you really want one or both of these games, let me know and I'll buy you a copy on good faith.
El Chavo - $299 pesos ~ $24.21 (average $40 on ebay)
Atrevete a Sonar (w/ mic) $99 pesos ~ $8.02 (non-existent on ebay)
EDIT: The database has proof of a Brazilian variant of El Chavo. Also, it looks like ethere's two versions of Atrevete, one with a mic.
Never heard until now about ''Atrévete a Sońar'', looks like it's based on a Mexican Soap Opera, i bet it's a Mexico release only.
About ''El Chavo'', yes i read a year ago that it would be released only in Mexico and Brazil (as ''Chaves'', that's how we call it here) firstly, because these two countries have the largest fan base of that sitcom and they are the biggest latin american markets. Then, they would think about a US release (because of the great latin community there), but seeing that Wii is almost dead, it's very unlikely,'s a Mexico and Brazil release only. I already picked my copy (and submitted scans for RF Generation as well
If you guys are interested in Chaves/ El Chavo, i can help too, for now there's some copies at a store from a mall next to my building. It costs R$ 99,00 reais (brazilian currency), about U$ 49,00 dollars.