However the RIAA's embarrassment doesn't end there. Chianumba said that she had sent a copy of her mother's death certificate to record company lawyers in response to an initial warning letter, over a week before the suit was filed. In 2003 the RIAA sued a twelve year-old girl for copyright infringement. She'd harbored an MP3 file of her favorite TV show on her hard drive. Her working class parents in a housing project in New York were forced to pay two thousand dollars in a settlement.
That girl and a few of the other kids who got sued where in a Pepsi commercial. It was for some Pepsi sponsered music download thing.
I am pretty sure Pepsi donated all the money to the kids families that they had been sued for.
I remember them drinking Pepsi and saying "Now we can download as much as we want and you can't do anything about it!"
The dead lady is the best though