I just came home from Japan about a month ago and brought back multiple items for my collection. However the Bandai Playdia I brought back doesn't really fit into my collection...
So I thought I would sell for cash, or just some games.
The Console is still in box with power cord, video cord, and Instruction manual. I have attached pictures.
http://i.imgur.com/ELYur.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/zAHCm.jpgAlso I've attached an Excel spreadsheet of my collection, since my RFGen profile is out of date.
I have a couple of things I am actively searching for in regards to my collection.
1. CIB SNES or N64 games
2. A copy of Tales of Destiny II for PS1 (The American one that is actually Tales of Eternia)
3. Neo Geo AES Games(I know this one is a bit of a long shot, but I thought I'd put it anyway)
I am also open to other offers. Or just a straight up exchange for cash.