1. Way of the Samurai (ps2) - pretty much sucked and was stupidly easy.
2. GTA San Andreas (PS2) - beat all the main missions but still need a little for 100%. 9/10
3. Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) - Talk about late. First time too. 8/10
4. Red Dead Revolver (PS2 - Forget my earlier statement this is my favorite game, ever. 10/10
5. Pirates! (NES) - I know you can't really beat it. But I finally got the highest title. Thats right, King's Advisor.

6. Leisure Suit Larry 3 (PC) - Rules. 7/10
7. Mafia (PS2) - Wish I had the PC version. 5/10
8. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) - I started playing MGS 3 then decided to rebeat all the games. 9/10
9. Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2) - First one's so much better. 7/10
10. Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2) - Awesome. Gonna beat it again with some good stats. 10/10
11. Tenchu: Stealth Assasin (PS1) (the first one) - Ninja's and stealth kills. nuff said. Just don't play any of the sequels. 6/10
12. Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (PS2) - Me and a friend played through the crappy game co-op and stayed for the Multiplayer, which is suprisingly fun. 6/10
13. Hitman: Codename 47 (PC) - My favorite of the series. 8/10
14. Killzone (PS2) - Nice game but lacking a bit. With a little more work it would have been totally awesome instead of just awesome.
15. Max Payne (PC) - Almost beat it a year ago and my comp crashed. Just now got back to it and beat it. This game is so very very awesome, best 3d shooter. Ever. Playing some of the mods now. (Only the PC version!!!! The Console versions suck) 9/10
16. Call of Duty (PC) - *Drool* this is the WW 2 shooter I had always wanted. So intense you could scream and the fights are so awesome-o you could scream again. The russian levels are downright dirty combat. RAD!!!!!!!   9/10
17. STAR WARS Battlefront (PS2) - I beat every Galactic Conquest and Historical campaign about thirty times apiece. I love Battlefront, can't wait till two.   8/10
18. Neverwinter Nights (PC) - Got the Gold Edition. Still gotta beat the Shadows of Undrentide, or whatever its called, expansion.
8/10 (without the toolset its a 6/10)
19. Thief (PC) - Awesome, needs more killing and naked chicks though.
20. Thief 2 (PC) - Pretty much the same as thief, nothing new really, I got really bored by the end of this one. 8/10
21. God of War (PS2) - Beat this one awhile back. Of course it gets 10/10