I need the following items to finish off my Ultra and Koei subsets. Want to get these two knocked off ASAP, for as little as possible (as in, I have next to nothing saved for my trip to Europe next month, so I need it as inexpensive as possible).
ULTRAKings of the Beach (white writing end label variant) - CIB
Metal Gear (oval seal variant) - box & map
Rollergames - box
Skate or Die (oval seal variant) - box
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Manual (the one without the * by the item number)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - cart & box (no Pizza Hut offer version)
KOEIBandit Kings of Ancient China - map
Romance of the Three Kingdoms - map
Uncharted Waters - CIB
Some of the stuff I have isn't in the best shape either, so if you have minty stuff to trade that I already have, by all means, feel free to offer and I'll check the condition of what I have. Thanks guys

EDIT: Heh, forgot about the TMNT II variant I was missing...that's what I get for not sleeping much