[img alt=traduccion de paginas web]http://i.imgur.com/ZTD6WRX.jpg[/img]
If you have an Internet site that works as a platform for playing online games, you might wonder if a
website translation is necessary for an improvement. When aiming new professional targets, the answer is undoubtedly "yes". But, which may be those targets? The two main aims are both attracting visitors and make them loyal to your site. So, translating the information contained on menus or blogs might be an essential step. Here is a list of facts that would also reinforce the idea of a website translation and that can be very useful for your page.
AccessibilityA monolingual Internet page does not focus on a big public, it just do with a small audience. So, if you aim a site accessible for more individuals, you should consider having a multilingual version. For such purpose, you have to look for a solution that makes information understandable for them; that is the key. But, how can it be done? It is simple, just having a text written in their mother tongue. And this is where a website translation appears on scene. Such task will ease communication. But, before start translating, you better do a previous market research for choosing those necessary languages. English should probably be the first one, but also take into account those countries where you have more visitors and/or the public that you are aiming to attract. After having collected such information, you can start your website translation.
GrowthSuch accessibility we have just mentioned above implies a growth. So, if you aim a global growth or development, do not neglect a website translation. It will open you professional doors and will result in a much more connected world. A multilingual page has a more professional look and it offers detailed information. If you consider a website translation on your page, you will provide an extra service that not all competition of the videogame sector does. So be different, that is what will make you highlight among the others.
InterestEase communication meanwhile you are searching for your audience’s interest. Just think in the following idea and put yourself in your visitors' shoes. Imagine that you are a gamer and, after a hard working day, you just want to go back home and play videogames on a Internet site. Which page will you choose? Undoubtedly, you will select one offering you the videogames you like; but a site with information explained in your own language will also be a positive point because it is an easier task for your mind. You are tired, so you would prefer not to think in a foreign language. And back to your page's interests, a website translation might attract more gamers to it - and, especially make visitors loyal.
CuriosityApart from a website translation of all the menus, you should think about creating a blog. You can write about curiosities or tips for videogames... just consider something interesting for your potential readers. If you edit such blog in different languages, you will increase the possibilities of your readers to share such information. In other words, more languages mean a bigger audience. Focus on a website translation of your blog because it will make such information worldwide accessible. Consider this option for spreading your videogame page.
SEOSEO means Search Engine Optimisation, that is what you need for Internet search engines - as Google or Yahoo - to appear on the first page of results. SEO requires a complex strategy and many factors are taken into consideration for its improvement. One of those factors is a multilingual website. That is to say, a website translation can improve your presence on the Internet.
To sum up, a website translation is the key you need for improving the quality of your page. Videogames are not an exception and you can boost such sector for getting the presence you need within the online videogame industry.