I bought my beloved the Soul Calibur V CE for Valentine's day, and she said it was the perfect gift. And after the kids went to bed she trounced me at it. Without button-mashing. Because she was so familiar with the mechanics of the series, which we started with the original Dreamcast Soul Calibur, and then continued with every entry since (skipping III for awhile.)
She was also the first in our home to complete a 3DS game, namely finishing off Dead or Alive Dimensions.
Among others, she finished the Saturn gem Albert Odyssey, the DC version of Grandia II, and most of Skies of Arcadia. Recently she and I went through Catherine together, and we're in the process of going through the Uncharted Series.
She got her start on the original Legend of Zelda, which she went through on the second quest first by accident because she and her sister thought it would be neat to name their file ZELDA and didn't realize the implications.
I don't believe I could have even thought about collecting to the scale we do if she wasn't having as much fun with it as me. She's even co-hosted our podcast a few times.
Yep, got a gamer wife for life.