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RF Generation Message Board | Gaming | Video Game Generation | I think I've decided to never buy a new system 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. « previous next »
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Author Topic: I think I've decided to never buy a new system  (Read 2028 times)
DB Reviewer
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« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2008, 12:30:57 PM »

These days the same companies behind computer graphics are also behind the systems graphics even. It is intentional too, as Sony has stated both with the PS2 & PS3 it is a PC replacement.
I know, it's terrible.
I love the way how consoles were simple machines, no problems playing games, no problems with the consoles themselves...

The more consoles will be PC's, the more problems will appear. (Updates, virusses, hardware failure, ....)

Mark my words, next generation Microsoft will announce the Xbox 720 (or whatever they'll call it) with Vista on it...

"Now your console has all the functionalities of a PC, it's a revolution!!!!"

Seriously, the day that comes, I'm no longer buying consoles.
Jaguar CD
Posts: 110

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« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2008, 11:42:21 PM »

I have yet to buy a PS3, Wii, or Xbox360 but I have friends with one, two, or all three. They aren't bad but I still prefer my modern PC gaming over their performance. The computer just offers more options than a game console for what they are attempting. I have serveral games for the PC that are also available on PS3 and Xbox360, in addition have seen them run at friends houses. I receive similar and in some cases, better performance than their console and this machine is nearly 5 years old. It's total cost up to now has been under $1000 and it's used for far more than just gaming so it's all about utility.

The last "new" system I bought was a PS2 2 years ago from September (it was the "limited" edition silver slim launch). It was an awesome decision and they are still $129 new locally and their used prices havne't budged much. I've taken advantage of wonderful titles that have been released in the past years and find for good prices. Katamari Damacy and Shadow of the Colossus are two of the more rencent titles I've been playing along with Gradius III, IV, and V. The system had matured, the selection is available and is still putting out good games. So the moral of that is it's nice to buy new when the system approaches the $100 mark retail. My GameCube was purchased at $120 shortly after Double Dash was removed from their package, but I did get my Platinum edition. Have played the hell out of that console in the past 4 years, although I have a few more PS2 titles than GameCube regardless of having it half the elapsed time. Still don't have an Xbox so nothing on that front, yet. So many sports titles I'm trying to build a more playable library before I get the easily available system.

Aside from the last generation, there are just too many games for classic systems that haven't been touched. It's another reason I'm not eager to jump onto the band wagon for modern systems. I still have hundreds of games that need to be played through, but at the same time a few dozen movies and series to watch I have on DVD. Back logs suck but they keep you busy on what to do in the spare time. Smiley

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