To those who were wondering:
First and foremost, we'd like to announce to you the project that we are working on: RF Generation. Much like the site we created at Video Game Bible, our new web site will be devoted to any and all things video games - a constantly-evolving database of information on our favorite pasttime. The site is still in the works, but our permanent message board can be found at our new domain,
www.rfgeneration.comIt was just time that we left.  Video Game Bible was no longer where we needed to be.  We, the current staff of RF Generation, felt that our many hours of work were not "paying off" (figuratively speaking) at Video Game Bible.  We felt that Andy's complete and sole ownership of the Video Game Bible "brand name" was unfair considering the disproportionality between the amount of work we put in to the site and its various projects as compared to the amount of work Andy himself put forth.  Atari programmers left the company in the days of yore to start their own companies where they would get the credit they deserved - and not have their company's owners sitting on high horses looking down on a mountain of esteem built for them by those who worked for them.  Sometimes, even at small video game web sites, similar things can happen.
Additionally, Andy's intermittent absences from the web site, web site forums, and from Video Game Bible's various projects made him a less-than-adequate leader for the type of projects we hope to work on now and in the future.  We hope that this new web site will give us the freedom to lead ourselves as we need to be led.
The current staff of RF Generation consider ourselves to be friends.  A few of us (Eddie and Mike) have known each other for thirteen or fourteen years, while others of us have met more recently.  In any friendship, and in any relationship (business or otherwise), complete honesty and respect are key to the friendship's success.  Over the years, feelings of trust between some of the staff and Andy have degraded to the point of interfering with productivity at the web site. We don't need to go into the details of what led to this, but it can be understood how distrust holds everyone back, no matter how big or small the friendship, project, or business relationship.  We are sure that in the end, this will result in a more productive web site from our staff, as well as be better in the long run for Andy and his projects.
We hope that we can now leave all of these surface changes behind us.  We're the same people you've come to know over the last few years, and we will bring even more devotion to this site than we did to our last.  This is a site about video games.  We left Video Game Bible so that we could more easily focus our attention on bringing you the best coverage of video games possible, and that's what we plan to do. ÂÂÂÂ
Expect an improved (but still familiar) web site from the staff of RF Generation soon.  For now, we hope you will call this message board "home" for all of your video gaming needs.
The Staff of RF Generation