Apparently there will be a new commercial Dreamcast game released in Japan this December. According to Consolevision, the title is Chaos Field, which is a port of an arcade game. They also mentioned that it will be released on Gamecube in 2005. Looks kinda cool, actually. There are some videos here: thing that was kinda confusing to me was the second video shows what looks like a tutorial. There is a joystick shown with an A, B, and C button. I'm guessing that this is for the arcade cabinet, and the Dreamcast port will be slightly different.... but I can't read the page to confirm that.
Oh, and here's the quote from Consolevision:
It simply won't die - at the Tokyo Game Show 2004 a new shoot 'em up will be annouced for the Dreamcast. This time it's a port of the arcade 2D shooter "Chaos Field" which uses a Sega NAOMI system. The Japanese developers behind this title are Able and Milestone.
Chaos Field for Dreamcast will be available in December 2004, in February 2005 a GameCube port will follow as well.
You can find the official website, screenshots and videos here: