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Nice review Keith - very informative.  I have considered picking up one of these and will probably do so now after reading your review.  Thanks.
Wow I just realized that I signed up to reply to an article that's a year old! XD But I have to say that while I suppose I AM one of those purists you mock in the first paragraph/disclaimer to this piece, there are very good reasons why systems like this have so far been a poor substitute for the actual hardware. The biggest issue is that "small number" of games that don't work. I'm not totally sure about the FC Twin, but I believe most NOAC won't let you play one of the three NES Castlevanias (the second or third, I don't remember which), and on the SNES any game w/ a special FX chip won't work, which includes Super Mario RPG. OUCH. There are a LARGE NUMBER of games I wouldn't care too much about if they worked or didn't for either system, but when the "small number" contains real gems, it's kinda hard to accept. The second problem is that even the games that DO work have emulation issues, since what you really have here is a system that emulates games. In some games, the sound or sound effects might be off, or the colors might not look right. And finally I just wanted to say that comparing the price of an NES complete in box to one of these systems is totally apples and oranges. The casual gamer that can afford a FC Twin can afford an NES or SNES by itself and doesn't need nor truly even want the box it originally came in. And maybe I've just been lucky, but I've come across a LOT of NES and SNES consoles and have only had a couple that I couldn't get to work without doing anything more than the couple cartridge tricks everyone knows about (ie CLEANING THEM first, lining them up inside the machine, etc).

BTW, I own a Generation NEX and it's seriously disappointing. As soon as I can get my hands on a Famicom adapter, I'm selling it, as that's the only real reason I got it in the first place: to play Famicom games. Problem is, not only does it have small issues with NES games, it has large issues with Fami games, not playing many of them and scrabbling the graphics just as often.

Thanks for the response! It really all comes down to your gaming tastes and expectations of collectability I suppose. If you consider that a $20 famiclone can save wear and tear on your nice CIB NES and SNES which cost a lot more, it's a way to preserve your investment. Sure you can always hook up a genuine system and play some Super Mario RPG, but why not let the famiclone take the beating when you want to test out a dirty cartridge or SMB1?

The key here is know beforehand what your getting into. Sure it's cheap and it had a few bugs, but it's disposable. You'll never hear someone sigh with regret when their Famiclone dies on them. No cleaning no maintenance, just play it until it dies. Same can be said for those Atari Flashback systems.

I look at it this way: I have a lot of systems hooked up and can use a 2-in-1. I also know prices for CIB systems is going up and while systems are dieing and being thrown out every year meaning fewer to replace them. I'm 30 years old. If I want to play SMB3 in say 40-50 years from now, or sell my CIB systems for top dollar, they have to be in working order. If I get 5-10 years out of a famiclone, that's a huge step in keeping my originals in better shape, only playing them when I feel nostalgia kicking in, not everyday use. Smiley

I don't clean it, I don't treat it with care, I don't even worry about how rough I insert/remove cartridges. I throw it on the counter in the kitchen if I'm killing time waiting for something I'm baking, or take it outside and put my feet up on a patio chair, who cares if it gets sun cracked or rained on by random showers? A year later it's still working as good as ever and i've never had to treat any of my toasters or SNES's with anything but the utmost care. Not bad for $20 no?

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