SEGA SATURN Vs. 3DO Multiplayer
Winner: Draw!!!
We all know about the battle between the Sony Playstation and the SEGA Saturn. But what about the other "NEXT GEN SYSTEM"? Let's take a look at just how many games were released on both the SEGA Saturn and the 3DO. Below is what I believe to be a complete list of games that saw a release on both consoles. If I have missed any please let me know.
List of games released on both consoles:
1. World Cup Golf: In Hyatt Dorado Beach
2. BattleSport 3. Brain Dead 13 4. Casper
5. Creature Shock
6. D
7. Defcon 5
8. Doom
9. Gex
10.Horde, The
11.Johnny Bazookatone
13.Need for Speed,The
14.Off-World Interceptor
15.Olympic Soccer
16.Pebble Beach Golf Links
17.Primal Rage
18.Road Rash
19.Shanghai: Triple Threat
20.Space Hulk Vengeance of the Blood Angels
21.Star Fighter
Okay... Wow... a whopping 21!
Below are some small reviews for each game in an attempt to find the "Best" version. Each review is compiled from searching the net, reviews, word of mouth, personal experience and any info found on game forums. Just like any other review, these are just personal opinions and are intended for fun. I will try my best to review each game in an unbiased manner.
Note: Not all 3DO players are equal. One game might run smoother on a Panasonic model than it does on a goldstar model. I've tried my best to take this into consideration when making my review.
Battlesport is exactly the same on both consoles. I've heard of a slight graphical difference, but nothing really stood out to me. I'm calling this one a draw. Best version: Draw
-Brain Dead 13-
Same game on both systems. Frame rate can get bad on 3DO, causing choppy playback. Not good when your playing a FMV game. Best version: Saturn
Same Game on both consoles. I noticed the Saturn version had some brighter colors but nothing to brag about. Game play is exactly the same. Best version: Draw
-Creature Shock-
Creature shock on the Saturn seamed a little bit more grainy than it's 3DO counterpart. 3DO can have the usual slow down but all in all runs fairly smooth. Reader ratings on IGN: Saturn: 5.0 3DO: 6.8
It seams that the readers prefer the 3do version. Best Version: 3DO
In 1994 development began on "D" with only the 3DO in mind and was released in 1995.It was then ported over to the Saturn and PSX in 1996. These Ports were just that...Ports! Nothing Special was added and neither port took advantage of the more superior hardware. For some reason the Saturn port looks "grainy" at times. Best version: 3DO
-Defcon 5-
With the 3DO version being PAL only, I have had a hard time finding one to play. I have heard some rave reviews on Forums about the 3DO version being better than the Saturn. Ive seen video for both and did not notice the usual frame rate issues that the 3DO usually has, and the 3DO graphics are outstanding. Users have actually commented that the 3DO version runs smoother! so based on forum comments... Best Version: 3DO
This one was kind of Hard. Both versions are kind of crummy (Both are real slow) The 3do version does have the best soundtrack. But thats about it. 3DO lacks full screen from the start, has noticeably worse frame rate, and has far less levels than the Saturn version. Best version: Saturn
Gex is another game created with the 3DO in mind. In fact it kind of became 3DO's Mascot. Honestly, when you think 3DO what's the first thing that comes to mind?... GEX! Just like "D" GEX was made for the 3DO, then ported over to the Saturn and PSX. Everything is exactly the same on all 3 consoles... except one thing. Gex on 3DO allowed saving to the internal Memory. Saturn used passwords... I don't know about all of you but...I hate passwords. Best version(Barely): 3DO
-Horde, The-
All in all The Horde is the same on both consoles. The FMV scenes were turned into slideshows with full sound on the Saturn. This may be the reason for the lower user scores. Although FMV's can sometimes make the game worse, I have to agree with gamespot users... Having the FMV's is definitely a plus for this game.
Based on gamespot user scores: 3DO: 8.0 Saturn: 6.3 Best version: 3DO
-Johnny Bazookatone-
Same Game on both consoles and equally horrible. Best version: Draw
Myst on the 3DO is amazing. Honestly any version of Myst thats not on Saturn or PSX is going to be good. Saturn and PSX got the worst Ports. Best Version: 3DO
-Need for Speed, The-
Ever hear the term 3D-Slow? Well here is a prime example. Need For Speed on the 3DO has so much lag that I wanted to throw my Controller! visuals are nice though... Best version: Saturn
-Off-World Interceptor-
The 3DO version The textures and polygons have higher resolution, and are brighter. Sprites are brighter too. The texture mapping seems to have smoothing to it, while the Saturn is blocky. But the Saturn has some transparency the 3DO doesnt have, be it somewhat blocky transparency. Saturn has almost twice the frame rate and much better controls. Also on the Saturn the cars seam to drive faster making battles more intense. Most importantly Theres also a cockpit/chase view toggle button in the Saturn. 3DO is fixed to chase-mode. However, the camera always points down the Z-axis, even in cockpit mode, which makes cockpit mode mostly useless, since the camera doesnt actually point where youre driving when you turn. Best version: Saturn
-Olympic Soccer-
an okay soccer game on both consoles. It's only let-down is the ridiculous distance players slide tackle. The Saturn version does have a graphical advantage with noticeably better colors and smoother game play. Best version: Saturn
-Pebble Beach Golf Links-
While it was never a great game, Pebble Beach Golf Links was an all around "good" golf game... for it's time. The graphics were okay, the ball view was a nice touch and who didn't love the help from the fat guy? The Saturn version got a little bit better treatment in the graphics dept. The Saturn version also runs a bit smoother. Best version: Saturn
-Primal Rage-
While all versions hold a tribute to it's arcade counterpart, The most accurate Arcade port is on the Sega Saturn. Best version: Saturn
-Road Rash-
Same game on both systems. The 3Do does have the cool 90's licensed bands like sound garden etc... that won best game soundtrack of the year in 94'. But all of those songs are only played in the options menu and in the FMV cuts. the game still uses the boring midi garbage from it's 16 bit predecessors. While the Saturn version did get real bands music, it was mostly garage bands that people sent in. all in all the music makes no difference. I'm calling this one a draw. Best version: Draw
-Shanghai: Triple Threat-
Same Game on both consoles. Nothing really noticeable was changed. Best version: Draw
-Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels-
In my opinion Space Hulk is one of the best games for the 3DO. Made By EA (one of the bigger supporters of the 3DO) Space hulk is a pre rendered first person shooter/ strategic Game. The game itself is nicely done an very easy on the eyes. This one was close, Both games are on par with one another and not many differences are noticeable. One difference is the grainy look that most Saturn Ports seam to have. I'm going to give this one to the 3DO mostly because I was surprised to see it look/play so well on my Goldstar. But overall Both versions are well matched Best version: 3DO
Starfighter (3DO) - Shooter and Sim fans alike will really dig Starfighter, a Studio 3DO product that just suddenly appeared on store shelves, with practically no advertisement. It looks pretty mediocre on the box, but on the 3DO its amazing. "60 stages of furious action". The Saturn port Seams a little washed out. Controls are crummy, draw distance is horrible and the graphics are less than par to the 3DO version. Best version: 3DO
-World Cup Golf: Hyatt Dorado Beach-
Also known as World cup golf: professional edition on the Sega Saturn. Same game on both systems. The Saturn version does have a slight graphical advantage and a faster frame rate. But got a lower user score on IGN. After reviewing both games on both systems, I have determined the Saturn version, having much better controls and a slight graphical advantage to be the better one.
IGN Scores: 3DO: 5.8 Saturn: 4.6 Best version: Saturn
FINAL SCORES: 3DO : 10.5/21 SEGA SATURN : 10.5/21
(each draw counted as 1/2 point)
WOW! Looks like the 3DO and Saturn were equally matched in their respected categories... or the Saturn just got the short end of the stick with crummy ports... Any way you look at it though the 3Do held it's own against the SEGA Saturn. Who knows...maybe if the 3DO wasn't so overpriced they may have gotten some more big developers on board and maybe just maybe could have been a big contender in the 32bit battle...
I hope everyone enjoyed this... Look forward to More SATURN Vs.__________ in the future. If anyone has any input please feel free to contact me.
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