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Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 04, 2006, 05:26:36 PM

Title: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 04, 2006, 05:26:36 PM
Got this e-mail today.

A Message from John Cleese to the citizens of the United
States of America:

In light of your failure to elect a competent President
of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give
notice of the revocation of your independence, effective

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical
duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories
(excepting Kansas, which she does not fancy).

Your new prime minister, Tony Blair, will appoint a
governor for America without the need for further
elections.  Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.
A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine
whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency,
the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:

1.  You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford
English Dictionary.  Then look up aluminium, and check
the pronunciation guide.  You will be amazed at just how
wrongly you have been pronouncing it.

2.  The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such
as 'favour' and 'neighbour.'  Likewise, you will learn
to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters,
and the suffix 'ize' will be replaced by the suffix

3.  Generally, you will be expected to raise your
vocabulary to acceptable levels (look up 'vocabulary').

4.  Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed
with filler noises such as 'like' and 'you know' is
an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication.

5.  There is no such thing as US English.  We will
let Microsoft know on your behalf.  The Microsoft
spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of the
reinstated letter 'U' and the elimination of 'ize.'

6.  You will relearn your original national anthem,
'God Save the Queen.'  July 4th will no longer be
celebrated as a holiday.

7.  You will learn to resolve personal issues without
using guns, lawyers, or therapists.  The fact that you
need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're
not adult enough to be independent.

8.  Guns should only be handled by adults.  If you're
not adult enough to sort things out without suing
someone or speaking to a therapist, then you're not
grown up enough to handle a gun.

9.  Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own
or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler.
A permit will be required if you wish to carry a
vegetable peeler in public.

10.  All American cars are hereby banned.  They are
crap and this is for your own good.  When we show you
German cars, you will understand what we mean.

11.  All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts,
and you will start driving on the left with immediate

12.  At the same time, you will go metric with immediate
effect and without the benefit of conversion tables.
Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand
the British sense of humour.

13.  The former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which
you have been calling 'gasoline') -- roughly $6/US gallon.
Get used to it.

14.  You will learn to make real chips.  Those things you
call French fries are not real chips, and those things
you insist on calling potato chips are properly called
crisps.  Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat,
and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.

15.  The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer
is not actually beer at all.  Henceforth, only proper
British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European
brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred
to as Lager.  American brands will be referred to as
Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without
risk of further confusion.

16.  Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast
English actors as good guys.  Hollywood will also be
required to cast English actors to play English
characters.  Watching Andie MacDowell attempt English
dialogue in 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' was an
experience akin to having one's ears removed with
a cheese grater.

17.  You will cease playing American football.  There
is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer.
Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to
play rugby (which has some similarities to American
football, but does not involve stopping for a rest
every twenty seconds or wearing full Kevlar body armour
like a bunch of nancies).

18.  Further, you will stop playing baseball.  It is
not reasonable to host an event called the 'World Series'
for a game which is not played outside of America.
Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is world
beyond your borders, your error is understandable.

19.  You must tell us who killed JFK.  It's been driving
us mad.

20.  An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from
Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to
ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated
to 1776).

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: ganonbanned on November 04, 2006, 07:12:43 PM
im sending this to my dads email >_>

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Speedy_NES on November 04, 2006, 07:51:29 PM
It's a nice read with all of those things added together :)

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: TraderJake on November 04, 2006, 08:43:07 PM
That's great, and well worth a read.

I wish we'd adopt near European Prices for Petrol so that we could modernize our infrastructure. This dependence on cars  is going to kill us, and that is coming from a man who will most likely be a traffic engineer.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 04, 2006, 11:37:24 PM
10.  All American cars are hereby banned.  They are
crap and this is for your own good.  When we show you
German cars, you will understand what we mean.
...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................` \

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: TraderJake on November 05, 2006, 12:10:19 AM
"11.  All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts,
and you will start driving on the left with immediate

NO! Modern Roundabouts are evil. Proper Timing of Signals work so much better. High Volume = Bad for Roundabouts. Couple that with the average American's familiarity with signals and roundabouts would just screw with people. It'd be like an American Traffic Engineering firm telling the entire country of Saudi Arabia that they should drive like Americans (yes, my employer actually did that, and Saudis drive terribly, though not as bad as India).

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 05, 2006, 12:25:24 AM
17.  You will cease playing American football.  There
is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer.
Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to
play rugby (which has some similarities to American
football, but does not involve stopping for a rest
every twenty seconds or wearing full Kevlar body armour
like a bunch of nancies).

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 05, 2006, 12:27:11 AM
15.  The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer
is not actually beer at all.  Henceforth, only proper
British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European
brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred
to as Lager.  American brands will be referred to as
Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine, so that all can be sold without
risk of further confusion.
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Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 05, 2006, 12:28:34 AM
12.  At the same time, you will go metric with immediate
effect and without the benefit of conversion tables.
Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand
the British sense of humour.
actually, I wish we would go to the metric system.
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But that email is full of fail otherwise.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 05, 2006, 02:32:29 AM

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Tan on November 05, 2006, 11:13:16 AM
maybe your government can compromise and be like us Canadians. we use the letter "U", have real beer and use the metric system, but we manufacture most of our cars even the foreign branded ones here, drive on the right side, and can own as many guns as we like if we meet certain guidelines.  ;)

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 05, 2006, 12:24:06 PM
Umm, nevar?

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 05, 2006, 01:13:03 PM
The best beer comes from the US.  I guess people outside the US only know of Bud and Miller Light.

Toyata makes there cars here.  Infact, more US hours go into making a toyata for US drivers than any other car company.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: AndyC on November 06, 2006, 04:27:20 AM
The best beer comes from the US.  I guess people outside the US only know of Bud and Miller Light.

I beg to differ there. The best beer is from Burnley in Lancashire England. This is true as they have the accolade of best bitter in the world for Moorhouses brewery, this is for their Pendle Witch Ale. Don't know if it would be possible to get any of this over in the US but it is deffinatley worth a drink.

The best lager isn't from the US in my opinion. Bud and Miller are just a gassy mess. The best lager is from Belgium and Germany. Hoegarden being a personal favourite with Errdinger coming in second.

On another note, what English lagers do you guys get over there in the bars if any, just curious?

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 06, 2006, 06:43:51 AM
John Cleese didn't make that up though.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: SFS on November 06, 2006, 07:27:56 AM
Bud and Miller
Thank you for proving my point about people outside the US only knowing of Bud and Miller. :)

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: AndyC on November 06, 2006, 07:44:44 AM
What else is there, genuinely? In England we get quite a variety of different stuff impoted in from all over the place, but the only US lagers I can think of are Bud and Miller. When I went to Florida we got some called Busch which I think is probably the same as Bud.  Is Rolling Rock American? (If it is, that's crap as well). Do you have bitter over there or is it all lager?

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Hydrobond on November 06, 2006, 10:50:51 AM
What else is there, genuinely? In England we get quite a variety of different stuff impoted in from all over the place, but the only US lagers I can think of are Bud and Miller. When I went to Florida we got some called Busch which I think is probably the same as Bud.  Is Rolling Rock American? (If it is, that's crap as well). Do you have bitter over there or is it all lager?

Busch and Bud are the same company.  (They are both made by http://www.anheuser-busch.com/)

When most Americans think of foreign beer, the large brands pop into their minds.  Stuff like Heineken and Warsteiner is very common over here.  There are also a lot of beers that people expect to be European imports, but are actually made by one othe major Canadian breweries or one of the major American breweries.  I would bet that most people that drink Blue Moon think it is imported. 

There are some amazing beers made in the US.  Most of them are microbrews and I would be surprised if any of the small breweries exported.  Sam Adams makes some very good stuff.   (If you can, pick up the holiday pack.)  Other amazing microbrews: Great Lakes (http://www.greatlakesbrewing.com/), Christian Moerlein (http://www.christianmoerlein.com/)

Yes Rolling Rock is American and yes it is pretty much crap, but it's also pretty cheap. 

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: AndyC on November 06, 2006, 12:29:13 PM
I was curious, as I enjoy a good drink (who doesn't), and used to drink Bud all of the time when I first started going out when I was about 16-18, but into my 20's I realised I really didn't like it and you never really see any other lager or bitter from the US over here. We get all of the Bud variants obviously but even Miller is probably only in 1 in 20 pubs.

The usual draft lagers in England are Carling, Carlsberg, Fosters, Stella Artois (AKA wifebeater to its may fans) and Warsteiner. There are others but not in much frequency, such as Castlemaine XXXX, Bud, Miller, Heineken and the like.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Tan on November 06, 2006, 01:12:43 PM
In Canada Labatt's makes our version of Budweiser so it's never thought of as an American beer and it tastes different than the American stuff. Others like Guiness are also made here as well as opposed to imported though most people don't know how to drink it anyway. I'll stick with my Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale, local stuff that's as common here as milk.  :D

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Zimbacca on November 06, 2006, 03:24:12 PM
19.  You must tell us who killed JFK.  It's been driving
us mad.
A CIA trained Mongoose named Larry.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Tynstar on November 15, 2006, 06:19:30 PM
19.  You must tell us who killed JFK.  It's been driving
us mad.
A CIA trained Mongoose named Larry.

Thank you!

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Alabama-Shrimp on November 15, 2006, 07:11:56 PM
Well most of them 2new rules" are bollocks you dont want that bastard Tony Blair in charge shit even we dont! you do need some round abouts there and to drive on the proper side of the road all them sodding traffic lights drive me made stop start even 500 yards.

Saying that Metric sucks cock its gay French and gay Feet, inches and miles are the right measurements that we have and should always use saying that the metric money we have is gay too.

and the Beer thing i think is the same as the Sony thing the ones with all the money are the ones that mos6t people will have heard off.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Rejinx on November 16, 2006, 03:54:29 AM
If the British did revoke U.S. independence, the U.S. would laugh, pat Britain on there head, and ask Britain to "Get back in the backseat, Daddys trying to drive"

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Ghost Soldier on November 16, 2006, 02:46:30 PM
Is it wrong that reading this makes me want to watch Shaun of the Dead ?

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 16, 2006, 03:41:20 PM
Yes, I mean no, I mean let's go to the Winchester.

aww bloody hell now I've got to watch it.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: AndyC on November 16, 2006, 04:39:55 PM
Isn't Shaun of the Dead one of the best films ever. I saw a trailer for Hot Fuzz at the cinema the other night (whilst watching Borat) which too looks quality.

IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425112/

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Alabama-Shrimp on November 16, 2006, 05:23:47 PM
Well its a small fact that allot of Americans dont know is that Shaun of the Dead is just like real life here in sunny old England but we cope with multiple cups of Tea having a giant pair of bollocks and lots of swearing.

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: James on November 16, 2006, 05:49:33 PM
but we cope with multiple cups of Tea having a giant pair of bollocks and lots of swearing.
Just the one pair?

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: TraderJake on November 16, 2006, 08:10:56 PM
Mmmm.... Great Lakes Dortmunder....

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Hydrobond on November 16, 2006, 08:34:35 PM
Mmmm.... Great Lakes Dortmunder....

Damn you.
Not available in the Purdue area.
[img width=254 height=246]http://www.goharpos.com/images/menuitems/beer_draft_great_lakes_dortmunder_2.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: British Revoke U.S. Independence
Post by: Alabama-Shrimp on November 18, 2006, 06:36:56 AM
yeah we only got 1 set of knackers for the whole country thats why were all so gy, dont link asking to borrow em