RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: thx1138 on February 26, 2005, 05:45:24 AM

Title: Auction House: Commodore Amiga and games.
Post by: thx1138 on February 26, 2005, 05:45:24 AM
Outbid on a box of railway magazines, which I think might have sold well on eBay, but didn't want to  risk money on it, I consoled myself by winning an auction for a "box of computer sundries".

Amiga 500plus and a load of games.

£6.88 including sales tax etc etc

and non Amiga items; Net gear ehternet hub with power adaptor
various leads, incldudin the lead I needed to attach to my acorn monitor. :)
A computer mouse, some 3.5" floppies, and a few other bits of junk.

Actually I have a lot of Amigas kicking about now. Think I'll sell some on eBay soon, and make myself up a decent set out of all of it, and hook it up to that Acorn montior upstairs. (yes,m retro stuff is  now creeping into a 2nd room again). :)

Title: Re: Auction House: Commodore Amiga and games.
Post by: Sauza12 on February 28, 2005, 06:21:58 AM
Hey, not bad!  how many games would you say came with that?