RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 11:23:19 AM

Title: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 11:23:19 AM
I have the chance to pickup the following for $75. I'm not an Xbox collector, but it's a good chance to start one :D

Would it be worth my time? I may just end up using it as trade bait. I know Conkers is worth it, but apart from that? :

1.      Night Caster Defeat the Darkness
2.      The official Game World Series Poker Play the Pros
3.      Unreal Championship
4.      Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath
5.      Fable
6.      Enter the Matrix
7.      BloodRayne
8.      UFC Tapout
9.      Ninja Gaiden
10.   Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
11.   Forgotten Realms Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance
12.   Madden 2005
13.   VietCong Purple Haze
14.   Madden NFL 08
15.   Blitz 2002
16.   Flatout 2
17.   IHRA Motorsports Drag Racing 2004
18.   The Lord of the Rings The third Age
19.   Cold Fear
20.   Dark Watch
21.   Madden NFL 07
22.   The Godfather The Game
23.   Madden NFL 06
24.   The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring
25.   Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge
26.   NBA Ballers Phenom
27.   Trophy Bass 2007
28.   Jade Empire
29.   DOOM 3
30.   The Matrix Path of Neo
31.   Castlevania Curse of the Darkness
32.   The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
33.   X-Men Legends
34.   The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind
35.   Panzer Dragon ORTA
36.   The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction
37.   Splinter Cell
38.   Mortal Kombat Deception
39.   Battlefield 2 Modern Combat
40.   Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
41.   Spider Man
42.   Kingdom under Fire the Crusaders
43.   Blitz the League
44.   50 Cent Bullet Proof
45.   Conker Live & Reloaded
46.   Breakdown
47.   Red Dead Revolver
48.   Ghost Recon Island Thunder
49.   Full Spectrum Warrior
50.   Test Driver Off-Road Wide Open
51.   Spawn Armageddon
52.   NFL Head Coach
53.   ESPN NHL 2K5
54.   Pirates Of the Caribbean
55.   Big Mutha Truckers
56.   Burnout 3 Takedown

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: BadEnoughDude on July 04, 2012, 12:51:54 PM
Are they CIB? Any lot of 56 CIB games is probably worth $75.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 12:55:13 PM
That's what I'm inclined to think too, I'm just not all that into Xbox. He says "most" are in a case with manual. I'm thinking I'll go scope it out tonight.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: Duke.Togo on July 04, 2012, 01:10:37 PM
If they are complete I would buy, if not, no thanks.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: NES_Rules on July 04, 2012, 01:58:02 PM
Here's what I would do, not counting non-CIB and sports games, see how many there are and divide that by $75. If you're ok paying that much per game, go for it. If not, then pass. Non-CIB and sports Xbox games are generally pretty worthless and it'll be decades before they'll be worth anything if ever.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 02:14:13 PM
Why do you guys think Xbox isn't as collectible as the other big hitters. Is it purely because it doesn't have the heritage (read:emotion) of Nintendo, Sega and even Sony? Do we even consider them a gaming company? It feels like no matter what Microsoft tried to change their image they are still stuck with "MICROSOFT ARE PC GAMES" and are valued as such among us? If this was ANY other console I would have jumped at $1.33 per CIB game, but I'm hesitant with this deal. Speaks volumes.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: Razor Knuckles on July 04, 2012, 02:24:40 PM
I'd never collect for the X-Box. You have to really scrape the bottom of the barrel to buy any X-Box games. Actually I'm kidding. I have nothing against collecting for X-Box. It is my largest collection at 237 games. Yet its not my favorite system to collect for. Go figure.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 02:45:03 PM
Is that because the prices are usually so low that you figure "Yeah, why not?". What compels you to actually pick them up, is it simply Game Greed?

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: Razor Knuckles on July 04, 2012, 03:00:19 PM
Is that because the prices are usually so low that you figure "Yeah, why not?". What compels you to actually pick them up, is it simply Game Greed?

None of that. I got a X-Box as a Christmas gift in 2002. I simply have never sold any game that I have bought for it in the past decade. I did have some spurts years after the X-Box was discontinued. So I still pick up games for it now and then. I've focused on more retro consoles in the past two years.

A part of me wants to have a complete X-Box collection one day. I've gone this far so why not? I'm sure I'm one of the few people that collects for that system seriously. I've just lost some emotional attachment to it for the past few years.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
That's interesting to me. I feel like most game collectors are in their mid-twenties and upwards, since that's when people start to have a bit more disposable income. The original Xbox came out 11 years ago. If someone was 14 at that time, they are now getting to the point were they may yearn for a little retro action from their OWN youth.

The problem could be the lack of exclusives for the system. What does Xbox offer to a retro collection that a modern system emulating the same games doesn't? A lot of the gaming principles first introduced back in the early 00's are still being built on and used today. It's not such a huge departure to play a recently Halo game over the original, and with endless HD remakes, why WOULD I go back and play it on the original hardware?

I've never really thought about it before, the Xbox wasn't really ground breaking so I've little inclination to put on my rose tinted glasses with it.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: NES_Rules on July 04, 2012, 03:09:19 PM
Why do you guys think Xbox isn't as collectible as the other big hitters.
The Xbox is just at that point where its old enough that most gamers don't want to play the games but not old enough for people to want to reminisce about the system and buy games they had years ago. And the system didn't have much of a niche following. Most of the system's hits were also available on PS2/GameCube and since those systems were so unique, people are more inclined to have fonder memories of them. Its not a bad system, it just isn't that memorable. And memorable is what makes games/systems valuable.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 04, 2012, 03:10:32 PM
I think we both posted the same opinion at the same time there buddy.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: noiseredux on July 04, 2012, 03:20:06 PM
if CIB, there's  a handful of games there you can bait me to trade for.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: techwizard on July 04, 2012, 03:35:45 PM
i'm not a fan of it either just because i didn't grow up with it, but the age argument doesn't make much sense considering ps2 and gamecube came out around the same time. i'm sure there are good exclusives on it somewhere in it's library xD you just have to dig a bit, every system has a few at least.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 06, 2012, 04:12:43 PM
Checked it out, a few of the rarer titles were missing manuals so I gave it a miss.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on July 06, 2012, 04:14:26 PM
Checked it out, a few of the rarer titles were missing manuals so I gave it a miss.

Probably smart on your part. Didnt seem like there was much exciting in their either for a gamer or a collector.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 06, 2012, 04:18:53 PM
Gotta learn when to fold 'em. It's sometimes hard as a collector to let those games get thrown back into a basement. You can let that lust for games make you pay over the odds when the games are in front of you, same with anything really. It takes some conditioning to set a level of acceptable condition in your mind and force yourself to stick to it.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: Duke.Togo on July 06, 2012, 05:59:15 PM
When I get into those situations I just make a low standing offer and walk away. That way if they change their mind it is a win-win.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: bombatomba on July 06, 2012, 06:30:17 PM
Looking over the list you provided I can see some great titles (Breakdown and Conker being the notables).  The problem is that Xbox games are still pretty cheap, and while the Xbox ports in the list are generally superior to the PS2/GC console ports, there are at the end of the day ports.  Now if you wanted to start collecting Xbox this would be a good lot to start with, and the price isn't that bad (is pretty good, actually).  Conker alone is worth ~$30 if CIB.  If this lot passed my vision I would likely start the offer at $50 and see where it went.  It would seriously cut into my Mosin-Nagant and Steam End of Year Sale funds, but then again I'm a game collector - I sometimes have problems saying "no" to a deal involving physical games.

Title: Re: Xbox Lot - Worth it?
Post by: RobotCowhand on July 07, 2012, 08:22:27 PM
Conkers was missing the manual. As was Breakdown, Kingdom Under Fire and Hulk. That alone was enough to make me skip out on it. I'm glad I did, because I scored big time tomorrow with the money I didn't spend on these. I get home tomorrow so I'll be posting in the small scores tomorrow evening :D