RF Generation Message Board

Announcements and Feedback => Announcements and Feedback => Topic started by: HUYI on June 24, 2012, 02:20:29 PM

Title: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 24, 2012, 02:20:29 PM
does this website have a import feature? i have over 2000 games and i don't want to enter all of them again by hand, or is there any easier options to add multiple games to my collection?

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Duke.Togo on June 24, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Welcome HUYI! No there is no import function. If you have a large list you can search by console and region and tick off all the ones you have in one go since you already have a list. Then you can use the buttons to quickly fill in quantities. I hope that helps!

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 24, 2012, 03:14:09 PM
ok, well i guess that is a start :( it's gonna take a while :(

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: techwizard on June 24, 2012, 03:55:01 PM
i feel bad for people like you that found the site with such a huge number of games. i think i'm one of the lucky few that found it early in my collecting, i only had maybe 150 or 200 games when i joined rfg.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 25, 2012, 07:03:35 AM
i feel bad for people like you that found the site with such a huge number of games. i think i'm one of the lucky few that found it early in my collecting, i only had maybe 150 or 200 games when i joined rfg.

yeah, it seems you got lucky, i am not sure if i want to upload my collection here yet, see what happens, i need to find a new place soon as the website that i came from have gone bottle up and took my collection with it, wasn't happy with it either, i have been thinking about hosting my own website with my collection on there instead of somewhere else as i don't seem to trust anything anymore, everytime i put the effort with my collection the website goes and i have to start again, i had to do my collection 3 times so far and i really don't want to have to do it again for a 4th time, i hope people understand my frustration.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 25, 2012, 09:45:46 AM
The only time we've really had a problem was when we had a hacker retaliation after we rooted out their PayPal scam, and we've been around for 8 years - more if you want to count the previous iteration of the site, which didn't have the collection tool.

Importing a collection that size will take time. I should know - I had to enter ~3000 pieces of my collection into the database, and I'm currently re-auditing my collection. However, allowing an import via csv is a security risk for the site that we're not willing to accept right now. If you have any suggestions about entering collection data quicker though, I'm open to it.

Suggestion: If you're going to host your own website/files, I would highly suggest backing up your data daily to an external location. We've learned our lessons here.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 25, 2012, 02:25:43 PM

Suggestion: If you're going to host your own website/files, I would highly suggest backing up your data daily to an external location. We've learned our lessons here.

have you got any ideas on what websites to use that would have the templates for a game collection?

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 25, 2012, 02:30:04 PM
You could always try a barcode scanner-type template. They're fairly simple to setup, and with a smartphone, you can always just scan in the game and add it. There are also quite a few sites that will handle that to varying degrees of success. If you're trying to track minute details though, it can be a pain.

EDIT: HUYI, if you'd like, I could likely manually import a CSV file into the database for you. What format do you have it in right now?

Protip: You can use the ID# field to search for Part #, UPC, or RFG ID# to reduce your search times.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 27, 2012, 06:41:12 PM
i like the smartphone idea, unfortunately the software i use on my pc only exports to, .txt, xml, html not csv so i can't use that.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 27, 2012, 06:42:34 PM
*.txt is essentially all you need at that point.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 27, 2012, 06:45:42 PM
try with this file.


Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 27, 2012, 07:13:25 PM
Requires login :(

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 27, 2012, 07:21:31 PM
hmm, it shouldn't do, i will try to upload it somewhere else.


Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 27, 2012, 07:48:32 PM
Perfect. That file is technically comma-separated already (*.csv), so I'll see what I can do to make it work.

Fortunately/unfortunately, it's not going to add items if they're not in the database, and it's likely not going to do well on a lot of the European items due to missing region information.

For instance:
"Adventures of Lolo";"Gameboy";"Europe";"DMG-LO";"";"";"";"";"Cartridge"

The fact that it's European is great, but it was released in multiple regions - should it just pick the first European listing that's in our database?

"9mm HD";"Android";"";"";"";"2011";"Android";"";"Digital Download"

We don't support mobile platforms currently, so those will have to be tracked externally.

"36 In 1 Ganeboy Cartridge";"Gameboy";"Europe";"SH36F13";"";"";"";"";"Cartridge"

We don't support pirate cartridges either.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 27, 2012, 07:53:33 PM
Just put what you can into my collection, also i collect obsecure multicarts for gameboy, not a lot of websites support the multicarts but ah well :)

Also some gameboy carts were released in both regions and have the same game id code so it does get a bit confusing.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 27, 2012, 07:58:40 PM
Just put what you can into my collection, also i collect obsecure multicarts for gameboy, not a lot of websites support the multicarts but ah well :)

Also some gameboy carts were released in both regions and have the same game id code so it does get a bit confusing.

Well aware of the usage of -EUR for European media. In fact, you'll find I'm probably the most knowledgeable person on the site when it comes to regional releases. ;D

I'll see what I can do. Likely, this is going to take a lot of work/effort on my side to get the variants you have listed added to the database. Right now, I'm working on stripping out the games that aren't supported in our database right now, then I'll try to see if I can format it to import before seeing what has to be done by hand.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 27, 2012, 08:02:09 PM
Cool, good luck with your task, hope its not too much trouble and thanks for the help.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 27, 2012, 09:32:58 PM
Honestly, I'm likely going to have to add everything by hand - there's a lot of information here that's not in our database or doesn't match. Not a big deal, but it'll take a few days. At least it means I'll get to cleanup the database.

As a heads-up, it's also likely that hardware will have problems if it's not already in the database. Hard to verify information on hardware. :(
If you can provide personal scans for some of the hardware, I can just add some empty entries until images are added to them to clean up the entry.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 28, 2012, 05:22:16 AM
Honestly, I'm likely going to have to add everything by hand - there's a lot of information here that's not in our database or doesn't match. Not a big deal, but it'll take a few days. At least it means I'll get to cleanup the database.

As a heads-up, it's also likely that hardware will have problems if it's not already in the database. Hard to verify information on hardware. :(
If you can provide personal scans for some of the hardware, I can just add some empty entries until images are added to them to clean up the entry.

what kind of hardware scans do you need? i won't be able to provide all of them because i am busy most of the time.

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on June 28, 2012, 08:56:43 AM
First things I ran into:
Action Replay DS
Action Replay for GameCube vX.XX

Title: Re: hi, new member here just a few questions about the website
Post by: HUYI on June 28, 2012, 11:53:58 AM
First things I ran into:
Action Replay DS
Action Replay for GameCube vX.XX

they don't have game ids, as they are 3rd party software so you may just have to leave them blank or something.