Title: Add Part Number as searchable field Post by: Duke.Togo on March 13, 2012, 10:06:05 PM I'd like to be able to search the database using part numbers. In trying to clean up some of the Famicom stuff it would be much easier to search by part number than the romanized titles.
Title: Re: Add Part Number as searchable field Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on March 29, 2012, 10:26:02 AM The current RFG ID# field can be used to search for Part #, Barcode and RFG ID. Give it a shot. ;D
Title: Re: Add Part Number as searchable field Post by: Duke.Togo on March 29, 2012, 04:48:47 PM The current RFG ID# field can be used to search for Part #, Barcode and RFG ID. Give it a shot. ;D Woohoo! Works as advertised. |