RF Generation Message Board

Announcements and Feedback => Announcements and Feedback => Topic started by: Ando on November 16, 2008, 08:28:07 PM

Title: Super box set stuff and stuff
Post by: Ando on November 16, 2008, 08:28:07 PM
The MOTHER3 Deluxe Box. It's an outer red box that contains two other boxes: the actual MOTHER3 game box (which is different from the stand-alone MOTHER3 box), and the box containing the special Game Boy micro. So for the MOTHER3 Deluxe Box entry, would I submit an image of the main red box or an image of just the game's box? Ditto for the Game Boy micro [MOTHER3 edition] listing.

And I suppose that whichever wasn't submitted could be submitted as "extra media"?

Title: Re: Super box set stuff and stuff
Post by: Tan on November 17, 2008, 02:31:02 AM
The MOTHER3 Deluxe Box. It's an outer red box that contains two other boxes: the actual MOTHER3 game box (which is different from the stand-alone MOTHER3 box), and the box containing the special Game Boy micro. So for the MOTHER3 Deluxe Box entry, would I submit an image of the main red box or an image of just the game's box? Ditto for the Game Boy micro [MOTHER3 edition] listing.

And I suppose that whichever wasn't submitted could be submitted as "extra media"?

The absolute outside packaging are always the front/back scans/pics and that applies to both hardware and software. Inner boxes and cases front/backs are extra media. There may be a few listings that show otherwise, those will be changed over time. :)



Just out of curiosity, are the "MOTHER3 Deluxe Box" and the "Game Boy Micro [MOTHER3 edition]" two different packages?

Title: Re: Super box set stuff and stuff
Post by: Feechy on November 17, 2008, 10:04:41 PM
The deluxe box contains the Mother 3 game, instructions, PSI Chart, the special game boy advance micro, and a Franklin Badge. The Mother 3 edition Game Boy Micro is just the Gameboy Micro.

Title: Re: Super box set stuff and stuff
Post by: Tan on November 18, 2008, 12:20:50 AM
The deluxe box contains the Mother 3 game, instructions, PSI Chart, the special game boy advance micro, and a Franklin Badge. The Mother 3 edition Game Boy Micro is just the Gameboy Micro.

Thanks Feechy. :)

Title: Re: Super box set stuff and stuff
Post by: Feechy on November 18, 2008, 12:58:24 AM
Just doing my job as the resident mother fan. :)