RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: phoenix1967 on October 21, 2008, 12:07:08 PM

Title: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 21, 2008, 12:07:08 PM
How many games are in your gaming "backlog" to be played?

What usually happens to me is that I get the idea that I have to "get around to" playing 2 or 3 games, and then newer games come out that take priority. Sooner or later these 2 or 3 games fade from memory and are replaced with 2 or 3 newer games.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 21, 2008, 12:11:37 PM
I said 6+

Namely, all the games I haven't beat.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: NES_Rules on October 21, 2008, 12:17:07 PM
I said 6+ but it's actually more like 600+ :laugh:
Every time I get new games there's always one or two I say "this looks good, I have to play it" but I run out of time and forget about it and then next week comes with more games, and the process repeats itself. And then when I do find time to play, I'm too overwhelmed with what I want to try out and end up not playing anything at all.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: James on October 21, 2008, 12:32:00 PM
Resident Evil 4, PC and PS2. I haven't even put either of them in the machines. I quite enjoyed RE4 on the Gamecube when I had it until I got stuck and gave up.

I really wanted to finish God of War 2 but I got stuck on one bit and gave up. I didn't want to lower the difficulty.

Destroy All Humans! I don't know why I stopped playing this. I just lost interest even though it was a fairly good game and an unusual new genre.

Just about all my retro games. I bought them for the sake of buying them, so I could have a bigger collection.

A bunch of PC games I haven't installed. I find if I'm sat at the computer there are a lot of things that distract me. Although, I play console games through a TV tuner on the PC anyway.

Most of my unfinished games are because I got stuck.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: logical123 on October 21, 2008, 12:36:41 PM
Same with me, James. I get stuck, and give up. Or, I buy a game, and just never play it. :P

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 21, 2008, 12:44:29 PM
... And then when I do find time to play, I'm too overwhelmed with what I want to try out and end up not playing anything at all.

That happened to me recently. So I just decided to put in Dead Rising since it had been in the back of my mind the longest. And I'm liking it! 8)

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Izret101 on October 21, 2008, 12:55:59 PM
I said 6+ but it's actually more like 600+ :laugh:

I don't think i would ever be able to catch up on my back log honestly...

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 21, 2008, 02:11:58 PM
I have a ton of unopened games never played.  Let alone all the games I've never gotten around to playing that are opened.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: ga5ket on October 21, 2008, 02:26:27 PM
I used to think I had a small backlog, until I started to track which games I'd actually completed. Turns out it's less than 25% :(

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Sirgin on October 21, 2008, 03:55:31 PM
Most of my unfinished games are because I got stuck.
Same here.

Or because I start playing other games while still in the midst of a game.

Current example:

I started playing Dark Chronicle, it was fun (and still is) but somehow I ended up doing the campaign of Warcraft III. Meanwhile I also played a few hours of Psychonauts and because of the review I wrote I got back into Colin Mcrae Rally 04 for a while.
And I started to play the Harry Potter game 2 days ago.

Luckily I've completed the championship I wanted to do in Colin Mcrae so I can put that away now...but that still leaves 4 games I'm playing simultaneously. Not to mention the dozens of games I played for half an hour just after buying them, thinking "I'll get to that in a month" and still not being able to find the time to play them.

I'm could seriously not buy games for 2 years and have something to play all the time...obviously I won't do that though. ;)

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Tan on October 21, 2008, 06:42:21 PM
I use backlogs to fill in the gaps between game releases. There are times in the year like January to March and June to August that most publishers seem to avoid like the plague. So while I'm waiting for a new game to catch my eye, I go back to my backlog and take advantage of the lull in new releases.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: UNFORGIVINGPAIN on October 21, 2008, 06:46:37 PM

I don't have much game time(six hours on a good week). On the positive side I'm still playing some games for last gen systems, so when I finish all the games I enjoy from the older systems I will buy an xbox 360 cheap. For me this works out just fine, by staying behind the times I save $$$.

This week my son and I have been playing through I-Ninja(PS2) for the first time.  :ninja:

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Sirgin on October 22, 2008, 05:27:03 PM
by staying behind the times I save $$$.
Exactly what I do, too. :)

I really don't have the money to buy new consoles/games, I'd rather wait a couple of years for things to become seriously cheap and then start buying all the good games for a system.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: otaku on October 25, 2008, 07:30:49 PM
I need more time and money. Thankfully most of my games are games you can pickup and play easily and in short bursts so its no biggie. Its the games that take time and effort that are neglected and yes I keep buying!

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Haoie on October 26, 2008, 04:20:40 AM
Pretty much all 215 or so of them.

Or at least the games I haven't finished, which is about at least 180.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Rajaat the Warbringer on October 26, 2008, 06:20:47 AM
My backlog is about 50%, I'd guess. It's been awhile since I've done the math...

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: Rajaat the Warbringer on October 29, 2008, 08:28:53 AM
I did the math... it's currently at 52% unbeaten.

Title: Re: Gaming backlogs?
Post by: hXd on October 29, 2008, 11:35:58 AM
Yeah...definitely 6+.