RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Chainclaw on October 19, 2008, 07:32:29 PM

Title: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on October 19, 2008, 07:32:29 PM
The random game button for collections is always fun. Sometimes I'll use it to select a game to play, but I figured we could also play this game

To get to the random game button, go here (replace your username with mine) :
To get there, click "Tools" at the top, and then hit "Tools" in the line of collection things.

So here's the game we can play. Generate a random game from your game folder, and then answer these questions about it:

What game did you get (and what system)?
When did you buy that game?
Why did you buy that game?
When was the last time you played it?
Any thoughts on that game?

I figure this can be fun.

Here's a couple from mine:
Atari 2600 : Battlezone
I bought an Atari 2600 + bunch of games off of Craiglist a few years back, this is one of those games.
I bought it because it came with the above collection.
I last played it shortly after that purchase, when I tested the games to make sure they worked.
Battlezone for the 2600 is a decent port, I happen to like Robot Tank more. The cool part about Battlezone is it is the origin of the current most popular trick to rendering sprites for Atari 2600 homebrew games.

Sega Genesis : Shadowrun
I bought this a few years back when Gamecrazy was clearing out all their old games at 3 for $15.
I bought it because it was a great price, and it is an interesting game.
I last played it a few months after purchasing it. I was going through a bunch of Sega games with some friends.
I think it's OK, but combat is too frustrating. I like that the game is kind of non-linear, but I prefer the SNES Shadowrun. I don't like the weird top down perspective in this, either.

Lets hear about your random games!

Also, we should probably limit this to something like 3 games, in a single post, a day, per person.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Malygris on October 19, 2008, 07:52:34 PM

Okay, first one selected: Ultima Underworld. Purchased over eBay for ~100 bucks a few years ago, in fantastic shape but sadly missing the runes and runebag that were included with the original. (Anyone who's got a complete set of bag and runes, msg me.) But I originally played it not long after it was released - in fact, I had the opportunity to play the demo prior its launch, and the only thing that kept me from getting to it sooner was the fact that I was hip-deep in Eye of the Beholder 2. Anyone who had the opportunity to play the game when it was new will understand why I bought it again all these years later; it's a simple thing to say it's possibly the finest RPG dungeon crawl ever created, but another matter entirely to have been fortunate enough to experience it.

Second pick: Neverwinter Nights CE. I was hoping for something more interesting but this is what I got. Anyway, phenomenal CE, absolutely monstrous box and packed full of sweetness. Caught a break getting this one, it was something like ten bucks more than the standard release but so much awesomer (yes, awesomer) but I didn't go for NWN right away, and by the time I got around to it they were virtually sold out. Luckily, I got talking with a woman at EB - not your typical EB employee either, kind of a matronly woman in her late 40s, early 50s - and she made some calls and was able to pull one in from another store. Very solid. Too bad the game itself can't compare with the included extras or the above-and-beyond of the EB lady, but on the upside if I ever need to pummel someone to death with a videogame, I know which one I'll be reaching for.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Tan on October 19, 2008, 08:52:23 PM
Hey great idea!

Sudeki - Xbox - Bought this last spring/summer, first copy of it I've seen in a long, long time, probably since it's release. It's a first party exclusive and a half decent RPG which really flopped at retail. Being a sucker for RPGs I figured this would make a good addition to my collection. This game had a lot of potential and hype when it was released but ultimately turned out to be an average game at best. Either way it still makes for a good rainy day backlog title when I want something fresh I haven't beaten yet.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Feechy on October 19, 2008, 09:28:10 PM
I got a good one!

Bought it about a year ago, it was one of my first NES games. I bought this pretty much just because I've always loved this game but never really got to own it. I last played it... 20 minutes ago. And oddly I like this one more than Mega Man 2.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 19, 2008, 09:38:47 PM
Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp, The: I'm not 100% on this, but I believe I got this from a deal on Craigslist, a boxed SNES and a few boxed games. I got it on 5/2/07 and paid $35 for lot.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on October 19, 2008, 09:54:33 PM
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64)

I didn't buy this game at all.  I actually borrowed it from my friend down the street during the summer of 2001 or 2002 when I was looking for some new N64 games to play.  He never asked for the game back and I never bothered to walk down and return it, so I've kept it ever since.  I last played it a few months ago when I started putting stuff into the database here, because I realized I still had it and I couldn't remember anything about it.  I don't find it to be that bad of a game, but it's nothing amazing either.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on October 20, 2008, 06:21:40 AM
Super Mario Bros. 2 - NES - I bought this game on eBay because I had the first and third Bros. game from my NES lot. It's my least favorite though.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on October 20, 2008, 06:45:42 PM
Super Mario Bros 2 might be my favorite Mario game.

Also, I played the hell out of Shadows of the Empire when it came out. So many crazy cheat codes that involved pressing nearly every button on the controller.

Anyways, here are two I got today:

Nintendo DS : Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
I bought it a few days after the Christmas the DS came out. I had gotten the DS for Christmas (it was right before starting a new job), and the library was slim pickings at that point. I got the DS with Mario 64, Spiderman, and 2 or 3 other games, I believe. I had heard good things about Mr. Driller, and wanted another game for it, so I picked it up. At first I didn't like it (I had never played Mr. Driller before, for some reason), but it clicked after a while, and I enjoy it. The last time I remember playing it was about 3 years ago when I went with a friend to help him pick up a car, I was playing the game to pass the time at some point.

Microsoft Xbox 360 : Chromehounds
I bought this when it first came out. I was starving for new Xbox 360 games, and this one seemed to have some cool online content. I played about halfway through the "single player" stuff (which was just a tutorial for online), and tried out the online stuff shortly. I enjoyed the game, but big and better things came out for the 360, so this game got forgotten. I last played it about 3 or 4 months after it came out.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Tondog on October 20, 2008, 07:11:18 PM
Here's one I got:

Title: Stubbs the Zombie: in Rebel Without a Pulse for PC
When did you buy that game?: A few weeks ago.
Why did you buy that game?: Steam had it for $5 and I've always wanted to give it a shot.
When was the last time you played it?: Probably a week ago.
Any thoughts on that game?: Pretty damn original and hilarious.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on October 20, 2008, 07:21:27 PM
A couple randoms:

Lemmings & Oh No More Lemmings (GB Color)
Bought in... I think summer of 2000 or 2001.  Bought it because I thought "oh my god! Lemmings ON THE GAME BOY!!!"
Haven't played it in years... it's a really, really bad port.  I was quite disappointed (though not for a few months after I got it, thankfully...)

(HAHAHAHAHAH, I clicked Random again and it picked Lemmings for the PC right after the above.  So I clicked random again...)

Lego Racers (PC)
Bought in 1999?  I'm not really sure, because my parents bought it for me since I liked Legos and I didn't have much to play on the computer.  I think I played it a few months ago.  It's one of my all-time favorite racing games-- I played the hell out of it and I still play it from time to time because it's quite fun.  I know every single shortcut in each stage.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 20, 2008, 07:28:28 PM
Random game today was Operation Wolf for the NES. I bought this for $2 at the Flea Market on 4/22/07. I don't think I've played it yet, but if I did it wasn't for very long as I don't remember anything about it.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Cobra on October 21, 2008, 03:55:03 AM
C64 Classix (http://www.rfgeneration.com/cgi-bin/getinfo.pl?ID=E-022-S-00080-A) for the Mac.
Purchase Date: 17/06/07
eBay... pretty cheap but can't remember an actual price.

I got it along with a lot of other titles early on to become a Mac gamer, anything I had ever loved I wanted to get for the Mac. With the C64 being my all time favourite computer and having loved so many games on it I though this would be great. Reality is, it is nothing more than some emulators and a lot of very crappy fan made roms for the most part.

When was the last time I played it? Back when I got it.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: hXd on October 21, 2008, 10:11:08 PM
PS2- Zone Of The Enders,

I got this when it first came out just to play the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo (who didn't lol). Then I played it and loved it and was ecstatic when they announced the sequel. Last time I played was too long ago, I don't even remember. I do remember that it was WAY too short and they didn't improve on that in the sequel, here's hoping that a number 3 will be longer.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: cant-grow-up on October 22, 2008, 01:15:50 AM
ok first one
Got Lotus 2: RECS for the genesis
Bought it 4 years ago of of half.com for $2
When I saw it i had to get it my cousin had it for his genesis when we were kids and I loved the game.
About a month ago (but thanks to this it might be in about 10min)
Yea its like pretty much every other racing game that was out during that time-but it had one of the best soundtracks of the 16-bit age.

Number 2
Impact Racing for the Saturn
About 3 years ago for $0.75 with case and books off of half.com (yea so i get a lot games from there).
$0.75 complete....how could I say no?
Couple of weeks ago.
Think megarace except not good (still fun to play though)

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Haoie on October 22, 2008, 01:23:01 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Driver 2
When did you buy that game? Last week
Why did you buy that game? I thought it might be like GTA
When was the last time you played it? I haven't played it yet
Any thoughts on that game? I'm getting Driver 1 next

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 22, 2008, 09:17:53 AM
I got Doom for the SNES today. I got this in a lot at a garage sale for $20 on 6/3/07. I played it a little when I got it, but haven't played it since, but I really should.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: blcklblskt on October 22, 2008, 02:53:19 PM
Here's mine:

What game did you get (and what system)? Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (GC)
When did you buy that game? Last year during the Christmas season
Why did you buy that game? It was on clearance
When was the last time you played it? Never, its still sealed  :P
Any thoughts on that game? Nope, haven't played it

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on October 22, 2008, 05:15:44 PM
Age of Empires II

I don't remember anymore when I got this game, but I'm sure it was before 2000; I remember getting the game soon after its release. Back when I was little I wasn't allowed to have a console so I had to play PC games, I used to be very fond of RTS games back then (and still am, in a way)

Last time I've played this game must be atleast 6-7 years ago.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on October 22, 2008, 06:22:36 PM
Xbox 360 : Perfect Dark Zero : Collectors Edition
Picked this up when I bought my 360, about 4 or 5 months after the 360's launch. The 360 library was pretty barren at that point, and I had played this before and knew it was pretty bad, but it beat out Call of Duty 2 because it had same system cooperative play through the campaign mode, and it had AI for the competitive multiplayer, which supported 4 player splitscreen. I last played it probably a year ago, I boot it up periodically because I want to like it, but it's so crappy.

Atari Lynx : California Games. I have 4 copies of this game, and I think they are all different variations. I got 3 of them in a craigslist purchase earlier this year, when I bought something like 26 Lynx games at once (before I had a Lynx). I got the 4th when I bought a Lynx off of Craigslist a few months after that. It's OK, but the Lynx was mainly bought for collection purposes, not gameplay. The hardware is giant, crappy, and the PSP and DS are the definitive handhelds right now.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: hXd on October 22, 2008, 10:37:25 PM

What game did you get (and what system)? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
When did you buy that game? Last summer?
Why did you buy that game? I hoard Final Fantasy games like it's my job.
When was the last time you played it? Several months, I'm stuck on a boss battle.
Any thoughts on that game? Very good battle system, interesting take on RTS.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on October 24, 2008, 09:17:53 PM
today it's The Eye of Judgement for PS3. I picked this up as soon as a store in the area got it last year. Even at $70 it was a great price for all the crap you got, a starter deck of a CCG, a camera, a PS3 game. The game itself is decent, but the cards are too expensive, and it's a pain in the ass to setup. I use the camera all the time, though. All the crazy little $2 pieces of software Sony keeps putting up on the PS3 are just lots of fun.

I also go Midway Arcade Treasures for Xbox. I picked this up a few years ago, right around when Arcade Treasures 2 was going to come out. It's a pretty nifty collection, although the frontend is pretty crappy. Also, this game convinced me there is a conspiracy with backwards compatibility. This was released at $20, with something like 15 games. The 360 then came out... and this game has never been made backwards compatible, but a lot of the games in this collection are for sale on Live Arcade, at $5 each, which is a total ripoff.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 24, 2008, 09:41:12 PM
I got Mind Challengers for the TI-99/4A. I must have gotten it when I bought the system a couple years ago, as I don't recall ever buying any times being a single game for the system. I've never played it though, probably never will either, I just have virtually zero interest in playing games this old.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 26, 2008, 04:30:56 PM
First time I did it today I got the switchbox for an Atari but that's no fun, so I did it again.
I got Space Ace for the SNES the second time. I got the game in a lot on 6/30/07 for $20. I've never played the game. The scan for the game doesn't even look familiar to me, I must have got this one and put it on the shelf without a thought.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: hXd on October 26, 2008, 09:29:14 PM

Silent Hill 3

I think I got this a few months after it came out because I'm a fan of the series. The last time I played it was several years ago. I thought the story was cool, although not as good as 2. As far as I'm concerned, nothing will ever beat 2.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on October 27, 2008, 10:33:08 AM
Got Doom for the Saturn.

I don't have this game but I do have the manual which I found inside the box of another game (of which I obviously don't have the manual)

Kind of stupid though. :(

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on October 27, 2008, 06:51:48 PM
Some of you guys might want to think about creating subfolders for things like hardware and stuff.

today's games:
Virtual Boy : Golf. Got this when they were clearing out games for the VB a few months after the VB's launch. I last played it a few years ago, it was a generic, OK Golf game on a bad system.

Nintendo NES : Commando. Got this when I bought the NES from a coworker a few years back. Have never played this copy of the game before, but I did play it a few years back when we were going through random NES games.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 27, 2008, 06:52:59 PM
Today's game was Freeway for the VCS. I don't remember where or when I got this one, but it was likely from a lot of other games and a system sometime in 2007. I've never played it, so I have no comments on it.
Some of you guys might want to think about creating subfolders for things like hardware and stuff.
I tried that for a while, but it just got too messy to keep it all updated.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on October 27, 2008, 07:53:26 PM
Super Mario Bros. the Lost Levels on Virtual Console was picked today.

I do believe this was the first thing I bought on the Wii Shop, as I wanted to see how Virtual Console was.  I enjoyed the upped difficulty to an extent, though in later levels I just started getting annoyed.  Haven't played this specific version in a while, but that's actually because I discovered I could run it on a NES/FDS emulator on my GP2X handheld (which has been my primary gaming console recently due to my nomadic schedule)

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on October 28, 2008, 02:00:10 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
When did you buy that game? about 3-4 weeks ago
Why did you buy that game? I've had good experiences with past Castlevania games. only a few I didnt care for
When was the last time you played it? Its on my backlog right now, so I havnt had a chance to play it. Ill probably try to wrap Castlevania III first.
Any thoughts on that game? I just hope its got that kick ass Castlevania music i've grown to love

What game did you get (and what system)? Contra (NES)
When did you buy that game? also about 3-4 weeks ago, same day as SCIV but different store
Why did you buy that game? Childhood favorite
When was the last time you played it? 3-4 weeks ago, right after I bought it
Any thoughts on that game? Got killed within the first half of the level, played for about 45 minutes and got to near the end of the second level. Forgot how crazy hard and unforgiving this game is. Ill give it a more solid shot once i get my backlog down a bit.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: lackofselfcontrol on October 29, 2008, 11:21:47 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Mega Games 1, Mega Drive
When did you buy that game? Got it when I bought my Mega Drive earlier this year.
Why did you buy that game? ^
When was the last time you played it? When I got it.
Any thoughts on that game? Nah, nothing interesting about those games.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on October 30, 2008, 03:31:52 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Duck Tales for the NES
When did you buy that game? I think in May of this year.
Why did you buy that game? I was at a flea market and at this stand were 2 NES games, this was one of them.
When was the last time you played it? Around the time I bought it.
Any thoughts on that game? It's good!

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 30, 2008, 03:33:56 PM
Joe Montana's NFL Football for the Sega CD. I believe I got this game in a large lot of SCD and Saturn games from the flea market of this year. I haven't played it and probably never will for the obvious fact that it's a Sports game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: blcklblskt on October 31, 2008, 04:36:32 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing
When did you buy that game? During the summer
Why did you buy that game? Because I LOVE Rush :)
When was the last time you played it? Probably when I got it :P
Any thoughts on that game? Solid N64 racing title, definately a good game to pick up.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on October 31, 2008, 07:51:19 PM
Today's game was Battleship for the GBC. Finally, a game I've played and enjoyed thoroughly. I have no idea where or when I got this game. But I did enjoy it quite a bit even though I've never played the board game its based upon. The last time I played it was a couple months ago when the power was out.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on November 01, 2008, 07:51:40 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Low G Man on the NES
When did you buy that game? June '08.
Why did you buy that game? There was only one guy at the flea market with NES games, so I bought them all. This was one of them.
When was the last time you played it? Never, actually. :-\
Any thoughts on that game? The cover looks kind of cool. :P

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 01, 2008, 09:22:42 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Who Framed Roger Rabbit (NES)
When did you buy that game? approximately 2 years ago
Why did you buy that game? Came in a large lot of NES games off Ebay
When was the last time you played it? approximately 2 years ago
Any thoughts on that game? Not enough direction. I felt completely lost 90% of the time.

What game did you get (and what system)? Final Fantasy Chronicles (PS)
When did you buy that game? Probably close to 7 years ago
Why did you buy that game? Got it as either an X-mas or Birthday gift. Thanks Mom!!!
When was the last time you played it? Last year
Any thoughts on that game? Chrono Trigger, mmmmmmmmmm........

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on November 01, 2008, 10:18:07 PM
Snowboard Kids 2 (N64)
Bought it sometime in the last year.
Bought it because back in the day of the N64, we played both Snowboard Kids all the time, they are so good.
Last played it shortly after buying it. The opportunity for 4-player N64 games doesn't come up as much anymore as it used to.
A really cool twist on the kart-racing formula.

Mega Man Zero (GBA)
bought it shortly before the Mega Man DS sequel came out, I was thinking about playing through the Zero series because I'm a big Mega Man fan.
Last played it a week or so after buying it.
I'm not a big fan of it. The zero series is missing the magic that the early Mega Man NES games had, and the first Mega Man X game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on November 01, 2008, 10:53:19 PM
Super Star Wars (SNES) is my random pick of the day...

I bought my copy at a used video store about a year and ten months ago, among the first purchases I made for my SNES I'd obtained at Christmas time.  However, I'd emulated it years before, when my dreams of having a SNES, high-speed internet, or a hard drive larger than 8 gigabytes were distant fantasies.  I really like the game, but it gets very difficult a few levels in.  I should probably play it again, maybe try and beat it, as I haven't in about a year.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Wolfman Walt on November 02, 2008, 02:36:44 AM
Game I got: Suikoden IV
When did I buy it: Shortly after it came out.
Why'd I buy it: Because Suikoden 3 easily ranks as one of my top RPGs for the PS2, if not the top.
When was the last time I played it: Shortly after it came out.
My reaction: I believe it gave me AIDs.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on November 02, 2008, 07:10:24 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Ratchet & Clank 2
When did you buy that game? 2 years ago.
Why did you buy that game? I already had 1 and 3 and picked it up when I saw it in a store to complete the series.
When was the last time you played it? Probably 2 months after I bought it.
Any thoughts on that game? Great game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 08, 2008, 10:11:17 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Tales of Symphonia (NGC)
When did you buy that game? 3 or 4 months ago
Why did you buy that game? Heard great things from many different people
When was the last time you played it? About 3 weeks ago
Any thoughts on that game? It looks interesting, but im never going to get anywhere in it because I really hate the Tales battle system. Just cant stand it at all. Its to bad for me, because I really want to like this game.

What game did you get (and what system)? Sims 2: The castaway (NDS)
When did you buy that game? Last x-mas
Why did you buy that game? Stocking stuffer for my wife
When was the last time you played it? January 08
Any thoughts on that game? I dont actually play the sims games. My wife just need help getting a good score on a minigame type thing so I helped her out with one. played it for maybe 5 minutes.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on November 09, 2008, 01:24:00 AM
What don't you like about the Tales battle system?

Today's games for me are :
Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess (Wii)
I didn't actually buy it, it was an X-Mas gift in 2006. My brother is living with me while he's going to college, and when the Wii came out, my parents got him a Wii for X-Mas, and I got 5 games. Twilight Princess was one of them.
I didn't like it at all. I am a huge Zelda fan, but this was the least Zelda game in the series. I stopped playing after a couple dungeons. I hate the art style, the graphics looked terrible, the story was bleh. The dungeon designs were nifty, but that was about it. On the bright side, Phantom Hourglass was really really good.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PS1) : Got it used from Gamecrazy when they were having the 3 for $15 sale on old games a few years back. Unfortunately it is in extreme rental condition. It's got those stickers on it that leave a mark when you remove it, and it's disc only. Last played it shortly after buying it. It's a good game, but every time I go to play an RPG, there is always something better available.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on November 09, 2008, 07:50:52 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Olympic Gold: Barcelona '92 on the Mega Drive
When did you buy that game? 6 months ago.
Why did you buy that game? Came with the Mega Drive I got on eBay.
When was the last time you played it? Around the time I bought it.
Any thoughts on that game? I didn't like it that much.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: cant-grow-up on November 12, 2008, 04:42:26 PM
First one-
(game) Marvel vs. Capcom for the DC
(bought) at least 7 years ago
(why) It was marvel fighting capcom who'd say no?
(last played) Couple of months ago
(thoughts) IMO one of the best 2d fighters made

Star Wars episode 1:battle for naboo---N64
Bought it (system and 7 games) from my little bro's friday/brought it to my house sunday (they've got a wii so they wont miss it :slick:)
It was one of the games they had
Sunday night
Harder than I thought it'd be, overall not a bad way to kill some time.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NESman93 on November 12, 2008, 10:16:11 PM
Frogger - Atari 2600    I got this game at a local game store, called Game Play, during summer of this year, about June or July, not exactly sure. That day, I went up there to sell of some of my Xbox games, and put the money in my account up there. Well, at about the same time, a guy came in with a crap load of 2600 stuff. Games, controls, and a system. Well, i then preceded to use the 15 bucks from the xbox games to buy this game as well as 14 others. I'm really glad I brought those games up there, cuz now i got Frogger. I guess its an example of being at the right place at the right time.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on November 12, 2008, 10:22:15 PM
I got Donkey Kong for the Atari 2600. I've got 9 copies of this game, so I probably got a copy of it each time I bought an Atari and/or games. I believe the only time I played it was when I first got it to check out the classic. Definitely a fun game, but DKC is still my favorite Donkey Kong game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Tan on November 13, 2008, 07:56:26 AM
Personal Finance for the VIC-20
Bought 6-8 months ago
Never played

Not a game per se but it's still a neat app and my only CIB VIC cartridge I have at the moment.


Metal Gear Solid - PS1
Bought a year or two ago, not really sure.
Never played

I played this game 10 years or so when it was first released it, didn't care much for it. Always thought more highly of Syphon Filter at that time. Bought it mainly as a collector indulgence which at $5 was no big deal.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 13, 2008, 10:32:07 AM
What don't you like about the Tales battle system?

First off im not much of a fan of real time battles in my RPGs, so I came in biased. Next thing I didnt like was that even though the game had real time battles they made you enter the battle on the overworld. If its real time just have enemies in the overworld you can fight without loading a battle. Makes it seems slow and weird to me.

What game did you get (and what system)? Vertical Force (VB)
When did you buy that game? approx. 2 years ago
Why did you buy that game? Came with a Virtual Boy lot
When was the last time you played it? Approx. a year and a half ago
Any thoughts on that game? Tons of fun. Even though I suck at most shooters like that I love to play them. Was very interesting having the two layers to worry about during each level. I should put this one in again soon!!

What game did you get (and what system)? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (NDS)
When did you buy that game? about a year ago
Why did you buy that game? needed something to play during graveyard shifts
When was the last time you played it? about a year ago
Any thoughts on that game? To easy. Fun but repetative.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on November 13, 2008, 11:49:46 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Age of Mythology: The Titans Expansion
When did you buy that game? Shortly after release.
Why did you buy that game? Because AoM is awesome.
When was the last time you played it? A year and a half ago, I think.
Any thoughts on that game? The perfect expansion. :D

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on November 13, 2008, 10:00:31 PM
That's too bad you feel that way about that subsection of action RPGs. Personally it's one of my favorite genres. I've always been a big fan of the Tales series. I never like the story, but the gameplay usually keeps me going.

Here's my games for the day.
Shadow Man - Dreamcast. I picked this up in 2002, when I worked at ShopKo, and there was a lot of new Dreamcast games at $10 one step away from being on clearance. I last played it a few weeks after picking it up. It's an OK game, pretty unique setting and world, but the gameplay was kind of lacking.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game : NES. I just picked this up today, that's kind of nifty. Have not played this copy yet, but I've played this game many times. The NES port of the arcade game is pretty strong, it's unfortunately only two players, but still fun. Last played it a few months ago on the NES for some reason.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 14, 2008, 10:47:16 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Beyond Good & Evil (NGC)
When did you buy that game? about 3 years ago
Why did you buy that game? Heard great things
When was the last time you played it? about 2 and a half years ago
Any thoughts on that game? Loved it. Wish the sequel was coming out for a system that I actually plan on owning.

What game did you get (and what system)? Castle of Dragon
When did you buy that game? about a year and a half ago
Why did you buy that game? came in a large NES lot purchased online
When was the last time you played it? about a year ago
Any thoughts on that game? I didnt have high hopes going in cause i'd never heard of it but it was actually pretty fun.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on November 14, 2008, 10:51:09 AM
I got Mortal Kombat II for the SNES. I've got two copies of the game, one of which I got May 2nd, 2007 in a lot for $35. I've never played the game and probably never will as I'm just not into fighting games.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 19, 2008, 07:41:25 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Sega Rally Championship: International Rally (Saturn)
When did you buy that game? About 2 and a half years ago
Why did you buy that game? Came with a Saturn I bought off ebay
When was the last time you played it? Never
Any thoughts on that game? Not a racing fan unless its completely unrealistic

What game did you get (and what system)? Resident Evil 2 (N64)
When did you buy that game? About 3 weeks ago
Why did you buy that game? To have all the RE (except 4 cause its lame)
When was the last time you played it? Havnt played RE2 for about 7 years or so
Any thoughts on that game? From what I remember this one was my favorite, and the scariest. Right now i've finished RE:Zero and am very close to finishing RE so once im done with RE ill start on RE2, then 3, then Code: VX

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Tan on November 19, 2008, 08:55:40 PM
Triple Action for the Intellivision

Bought 5 years ago when I had picked up a lot off eBay of 20 or so games + system.

It's one of the first games I remember ever playing and I was pleasantly surprised when I started it up after so many years because I had forgotten the title so I didn't know what it was until the massive wave of nostalgia hit me.  :)

Technically the last time I played it was last year. But I have the Intellivision Lives! compilation on the Xbox/X360 where the three games are broken up into individual entries and I play that regularly.

Fun simple games that were obviously copied from Atari titles, but better looking and better sounding. I wouldn't say this is a particularly good INTV compared to others but it holds a special place for me and for some of these older games that's what gets them into the cartridge slots a lot of the time.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 21, 2008, 09:10:57 PM
I'm feel like im doing this too much, but I dont care cause its fun.

What game did you get (and what system)? Crystalis (NES)
When did you buy that game? a few months ago
Why did you buy that game? Heard great things plus I got a good deal for this, FF and Golgo 13 all with boxes in excellent condition
When was the last time you played it? a few months ago
Any thoughts on that game? Tons of fun. Like a more full feeling Zelda. My only complaint is that you dont get a whole lot of direction as to where to go, so I often wandered around aimlessly when it was something very simple I was missing.

What game did you get (and what system)? Touch Detective 2 1/2 (DS)
When did you buy that game? Last X-mas
Why did you buy that game? Stocking stuffer for my wife
When was the last time you played it? 8-9 months ago
Any thoughts on that game? First mission was great, second was repetative, third was repetative, etc. etc. etc.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: NES_Rules on November 21, 2008, 09:31:44 PM
I got a piece of hardware this time, the Titan Controller for PS2. I got this when I bought my used PS2 from Gamestop a while back. I used this as my main controller for quite some time until I found a DualShock to replace it.

The second game was Zany Golf for the Genesis. I have no idea where or when I got this one. I don't think I've ever played and if I did it was only for a few minutes. So I've got no opinions on this one.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 22, 2008, 08:30:22 PM

What game did you get (and what system)? Mr.Driller Drill Spirits (DS)
When did you buy that game? 3 years agoish
Why did you buy that game? Not much choice when I first got my DS.
When was the last time you played it? A year ago
Any thoughts on that game? Loved it. Wasnt sure when I got it but it looked like it had potential. I spent many hours on this one drilling to the moon.

What game did you get (and what system)? Dark Savior (Saturn)
When did you buy that game? 2-3 months ago
Why did you buy that game? Got a bunch of Saturn titles at the same time
When was the last time you played it? Not yet
Any thoughts on that game? I need a new battery or ram pack for my saturn before I can enjoy this one.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on November 22, 2008, 08:40:54 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
When did you buy that game? Only a year ago.
Why did you buy that game? Because it's a good game and I found it cheap.
When was the last time you played it? I think 2 months ago, maybe less?
Any thoughts on that game? It's a great game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on November 24, 2008, 10:42:34 PM
Nintendo DS : Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Picked it up shortly after it came out, due to all of the hype. I really was enjoying it, but my interest sort of fizzled out, the pacing is a little too slow. Last played it probably 6 months ago or so.

PS2 : Gitaroo Man
Picked it up in 2003, used for like $10. I had been eying it for a while, but the box art was too busy and the game looked too anime for me. I eventually caved in, and it is one of the greatest games in the PS2's library, I ended up playing it countless hours since then. I most recently played it probably a year ago.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 06, 2008, 08:49:17 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? P.T.O. II (Sega Saturn)
When did you buy that game? A couple months ago
Why did you buy that game? Came with a stack of Saturn games such as, Dragon Force, Shining Wisdom, Dark Savior and others
When was the last time you played it? Have not got around to replacing my Saturns battery yet so I havnt tried this one out.
Any thoughts on that game? I'll Let you know when I know

What game did you get (and what system)? Radiata Stories (PS2)
When did you buy that game? A few months ago
Why did you buy that game? Saw a cheap RPG so I figured, why not?
When was the last time you played it? Havnt got around to it yet. I've got many other games on my backlog that are waaaaay higher on my priority list that this one.
Any thoughts on that game? See Above.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on December 07, 2008, 06:30:07 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Rez -- PS2
When did you buy that game? About a year ago.
Why did you buy that game? Because it's a great game that you don't see too often.
When was the last time you played it? A month or 3 ago.
Any thoughts on that game? It's fun.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: UNFORGIVINGPAIN on December 07, 2008, 08:11:01 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Rock 'N Roll Racing (SNES)
When did you buy that game? Some time in 2006
Why did you buy that game? Nostalgic value
When was the last time you played it? Played it when i bought it and maybe once after that.
Any thoughts on that game? It is in my collection for its nostalgic value. I have the best memories playing the SNES with my friends and Rock 'N Roll Racing is one of the top ten games we played the most. As for me playing it now, it's just not the same.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Silent Scythe on December 07, 2008, 08:59:29 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Castlevania Bloodlines - GEN
When did you buy that game? Last Spring I think.
Why did you buy that game? I needed it for my castlevania collection.
When was the last time you played it? 3 or 4 weeks ago, just got to the last level.
Any thoughts on that game? Good to see some blood in an early castlevania game.

What game did you get (and what system)? The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past SNES
When did you buy that game? When I was 10-13 maybe.
Why did you buy that game? It's Zelda!
When was the last time you played it? When I beat it probably.
Any thoughts on that game? Its one of my favorite in the series.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: raptor94k on December 08, 2008, 06:42:35 PM
Super Castlevania IV
-I'm pretty sure my mom found in this in a flea market somewhere up North about a year or two ago. (She feeds my addiction, its not good.) I'm sure it was for a 2-5 dollars.
-I needed it to help complete my SNES collection and also because I never really got to play much of the Castlevania games growing up
-I last played it about 6 months ago when I found it in my untested pile. I only played through the first level, but I've been meaning to play through it.
-I haven't played it enough to have any real thoughts on it.

Kung Fu
-Bought this for a couple of bucks at a flea market about 6 years ago when I first started collecting NES games for real.
-I bought it because at the time I only collected NES and nothing else so I bought up everything in sight that I didn't already own.
-I last played it 2 months ago, give or take a few weeks because I wanted to beat it again. It didn't happen. But in my own defense I gave up in about 20 minutes.
-I love this game. I was pretty sure they almost had a Kung Fu 2, maybe it was only released in Japan something like that, I dunno...it would be awesome to play that.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: shoes23 on December 08, 2008, 07:15:35 PM
What game did you get (and what system)? Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
When did you buy that game? Shortly after its release.
Why did you buy that game? Was on an RPG fix for quite some time.
When was the last time you played it? Never, haven't even popped the CD out of the case.  It's still in it's outer cardboard box as well.
Any thoughts on that game? I half-assed enjoyed #2, until the game destroyed me near the end.  Thought I would give #2 a try again and then this one.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 09, 2008, 10:55:12 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Rock 'N Roll Racing (SNES)
When did you buy that game? Some time in 2006
Why did you buy that game? Nostalgic value
When was the last time you played it? Played it when i bought it and maybe once after that.
Any thoughts on that game? It is in my collection for its nostalgic value. I have the best memories playing the SNES with my friends and Rock 'N Roll Racing is one of the top ten games we played the most. As for me playing it now, it's just not the same.

Its still a great game!!!

What game did you get (and what system)? Troy Aikman Football (Genesis)
When did you buy that game? Don't Remember. Possibly over this last summer with a bunch of stuff at a garage sale.
Why did you buy that game? Must have come in a lot of games.
When was the last time you played it? Never
Any thoughts on that game? Nope

What game did you get (and what system)? Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis  (DS)
When did you buy that game? Last December
Why did you buy that game? Needed something to play during my graveyard shifts
When was the last time you played it? Last december through February
Any thoughts on that game? Loved it. I usually like puzzle games, but rarely play them to completion and even more rarely unlock everything. Great game and the boss fights were a blast. I never touched the level editor or got it online though. Oh well.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 12, 2008, 10:26:17 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (NES)
When did you buy that game? This one I probably got 4 years ago or so
Why did you buy that game? Who owns a NES without Super Mario Bros???
When was the last time you played it? About a month ago when I found a U-Force Controller. Wanted to test out the controller with this game.
Any thoughts on that game? Platforming Greatness

What game did you get (and what system)? Legend of Zelda, The [Gold] (NES)
When did you buy that game? 4 or 5 months ago at a pawn shop
Why did you buy that game? See above reason but replace Super Mario Bros. With LoZ
When was the last time you played it? two months ago.
Any thoughts on that game? Tons of fun and very addictive. Accidently erased my save file though because I didnt hold reset in when I was on the 7th dungeon, so now i've got to start over (sad face)

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Tan on December 12, 2008, 11:42:00 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation for the Xbox 360

When did you buy that game? Two days ago actually. It dropped in price by half, about damn time too!

Why did you buy that game? I've been a fan of the Ace Combat series for a long time now and the price was just right.

When was the last time you played it? Haven't had the pleasure yet.

Any thoughts on that game? I played the demo a long while ago and I know it's very true to the series. A great looking/sounding flight combat title that sits somewhere between arcade and sim. Lots of action and realism with just enough arcade appeal to make it approachable by anyone.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Chainclaw on December 16, 2008, 08:29:10 PM
I got Nanostray for the DS today. I believe I picked this one up shortly after it came out. Last played it a few weeks after it came out. It's an OK game. Not a lot good or bad to say about it.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Sirgin on December 18, 2008, 08:59:59 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
When did you buy that game? About a year and a half ago.
Why did you buy that game? I've always wanted to play it but somehow never got to buying the game. I saw it a reasonable price so I picked it up.
When was the last time you played it? 2-3 months ago.
Any thoughts on that game? It's a great game.

Title: Re: The random game game
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on December 19, 2008, 11:03:29 AM
What game did you get (and what system)? Bases Loaded (NES)
When did you buy that game? Probably a year and a half ago
Why did you buy that game? Came with a large lot of games
When was the last time you played it? Never
Any thoughts on that game? Not a sportsfan

What game did you get (and what system)? Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode (NES)
When did you buy that game? 5 or so months ago
Why did you buy that game? Heard it was good. also came with FF, and Crystalis. All 3 had boxes in excellent condition too.
When was the last time you played it? Havnt gotten around to it. My NES stopped working on me a month ago, so I need to stop procrastinating and get a new pin connector.
Any thoughts on that game? Ill let you know later.