RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Sirgin on October 15, 2008, 10:42:01 AM

Title: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on October 15, 2008, 10:42:01 AM
It's so crazy I just had to make a topic about this.

Check it out: WoW in 36 boxes (http://www.dual-boxing.com/forums/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=14611&s=2d6e4ca12c9ca5a2532d2cf037534136d8f4b62a).

And a Wiki on how to make such a multi-boxed set-up: Multiboxing Wiki (http://www.dual-boxing.com/forums/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=410).

I wonder how people can still effectively play like that...that's like multitasking². :o
Not cheap either, according to the Wiki it costs about $4280 for that particular set-up!

PS: I'm not making this topic to make fun of people who do this nor WoW in general. I just think it's so cool/interesting it's worth posting. :)

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 15, 2008, 11:58:10 AM
I knew a guy who ran 5 shammies...but 36 is insane o.0

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on October 15, 2008, 12:15:36 PM
Yeah, it costs him quite a fortune aswell:

Quote from: Prepared
It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft.


Quote from: Prepared
When Wrath of the Lich King is released, I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them. Then the shaman are on their way to level 80 along with the priest, druid and mage.

Blizzard's most loyal customer.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 15, 2008, 12:30:07 PM
Must have some cushy job.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: NES_Rules on October 15, 2008, 02:28:21 PM
Besides the costs of actually buying all the stuff needed to do that, I wonder what his electricity bill must be.

Must have some cushy job.
Or a nice fat inheritance. Which could also explain how he has the time to do it.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Rajaat the Warbringer on October 15, 2008, 02:55:43 PM
That's really depressing...

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on October 15, 2008, 03:01:38 PM
Well, everyone has a right to do what he/she wants.

Only thing I find hard to understand how you can limit yourself to the same game for so long and not get bored. Or not get bored from leveling up 36 different characters.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 15, 2008, 03:34:07 PM
It would be a hassle, although he can probably just pull an entire zone and chain lightening everything dead in moments...Still, does not seem fun, just a sort of I BOX MORE THAN ANYONE type deal.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Barracuda on October 15, 2008, 04:49:18 PM
That's crazy! He must really enjoy playing WOW. I've never tried it myself.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: logical123 on October 15, 2008, 05:30:21 PM
Yeah... No....

:laugh:....sort of.... :P

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on October 16, 2008, 12:13:47 PM
This is pretty nifty. It would be nice to have these type of controls for all MMO's.

[img width=700 height=516]http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x45/Xzin-WoW/ZinsWarlockLayoutv1.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: blcklblskt on October 16, 2008, 02:58:42 PM
Thats just plain ridiculous.  C'mon, do you really need to play as 36 people?

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on October 16, 2008, 03:45:25 PM
Thats just plain ridiculous.  C'mon, do you really need to play as 36 people?
I guess instead of going through the effort of finding a good guild he decided it would be easier to be a guild by himself.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Izret101 on October 16, 2008, 08:44:59 PM
Sell all 36 of them and recoup 1/10 of the loss.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: blcklblskt on October 17, 2008, 02:52:39 PM
I guess instead of going through the effort of finding a good guild he decided it would be easier to be a guild by himself.

ha ha lol :)

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: NayusDante on November 15, 2008, 12:08:44 AM
I've been considering the prospect of multi-boxing, but WoW isn't my thing. Does anyone know a good free MMO that's multi-box friendly? Something I could run either 5 copies of on one machine, or on old hardware (like, 1ghz-1.8ghz, 256mb ram)?

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on November 15, 2008, 05:56:47 AM
You could run Guild Wars on that. (with specs on low, though)

The advantage of GW is, that, after the initial purchase you don't have to pay subscripsions. Maybe not a big deal for some but when you're going to multi-box those subscriptions really add up. ;)

If you're into MMO's then don't hesitate to try out GW. It's a good game with a good community. For some more info on the game, don't hesitate to check out my review, HERE (http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/sirgin/Little-Review-6-Guild-Wars-712.php).


Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sega2099 on November 15, 2008, 02:45:10 PM
Just plain dumb it seems like

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Tynstar on November 15, 2008, 04:26:54 PM
I have being playing Perfect World (http://www.perfectworld.com) and it is free, There is some stuff you can spend money on but you dont have to. NOt sure about an old box but it does scale down a lot. I run PW on my PC at home and my PC at work. THe install is a 2GB download.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: cant-grow-up on November 19, 2008, 03:12:59 PM
I have being playing Perfect World (http://www.perfectworld.com) and it is free, There is some stuff you can spend money on but you dont have to. NOt sure about an old box but it does scale down a lot. I run PW on my PC at home and my PC at work. THe install is a 2GB download.
2GB?! Im on a dell from '04 it wouldnt know what to do...lol
Never played WoW myself but I guess to each there own....I can tell you one thing the NSA's probably jealous of that set-up

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Tan on November 19, 2008, 06:16:16 PM
I have being playing Perfect World (http://www.perfectworld.com) and it is free, There is some stuff you can spend money on but you dont have to. NOt sure about an old box but it does scale down a lot. I run PW on my PC at home and my PC at work. THe install is a 2GB download.
2GB?! Im on a dell from '04 it wouldnt know what to do...lol
Never played WoW myself but I guess to each there own....I can tell you one thing the NSA's probably jealous of that set-up

Many games these days hit 6-8 gig installs, even 3-4 disc games hitting 8-10 years old are over 2GB. 2GB is what, half hour-forty-five minute download for the average broadband user? Not too bad I'd say.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 19, 2008, 06:45:39 PM
Methinks he's thinking RAM?

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Tan on November 19, 2008, 07:17:34 PM
Methinks he's thinking RAM?

Yeah probably. A 2004 Dell would prob have 256 or 512 of PC2100 or PC1600. Nowadays most systems average 2GB of DDR2 as a minimum and most games recommend at least a gig for low settings.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: cant-grow-up on November 21, 2008, 10:11:31 PM
Methinks he's thinking RAM?

Yeah probably. A 2004 Dell would prob have 256 or 512 of PC2100 or PC1600. Nowadays most systems average 2GB of DDR2 as a minimum and most games recommend at least a gig for low settings.

Ok its been since windows 98 since i was really into PC gaming so all that PC# and DDR2 stuff you just said is drawing a blank stare at the screen. 
And no I was thinking Gigs not ram.. But the last PC game I bought new was Age of Empires 2: Age of kings (with the expainsion pack) so..lol

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on November 22, 2008, 06:41:15 AM
And no I was thinking Gigs not ram.. But the last PC game I bought new was Age of Empires 2: Age of kings (with the expainsion pack) so..lol
That's about 9 years ago but a PC from back then should atleast have a 10-20Gb hard drive. My dad bought a PC in...1999 I think and it had a 20Gb HD so you should be fine. :)

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Tan on November 22, 2008, 10:05:12 AM
And no I was thinking Gigs not ram.. But the last PC game I bought new was Age of Empires 2: Age of kings (with the expainsion pack) so..lol
That's about 9 years ago but a PC from back then should atleast have a 10-20Gb hard drive. My dad bought a PC in...1999 I think and it had a 20Gb HD so you should be fine. :)

The last time I had seen a 10 gig HDD standard was around the launch of the K6's and that was before Win98 even came out.

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: NayusDante on November 22, 2008, 11:50:19 AM
I still deal with those kind of systems at work. Pentium 3 766s, with 10-15gb drives and like 128mb ram. They're FINALLY upgrading this month, so I'm going to see about bringing them home and possibly booting them off a network to run Ragnarok Online or something. There's four of them and they're the wide and flat form factor, so I could stack them. Or they might just stick them in the back for spare parts...

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: cant-grow-up on November 26, 2008, 01:54:13 AM
well slap my butt and call me sally, the dell (main computer) is a 20gig hd, the old 98 HP in my room that I use for the old pc games is an 80gig (added a slave drive), hell guess i need to look for some pc games now..lol

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: Sirgin on November 26, 2008, 06:33:25 PM
See, nothing to worry about. :)

Title: Re: Playing WoW in 36 boxes
Post by: captain_nintendo on November 26, 2008, 06:50:10 PM
I have being playing Perfect World (http://www.perfectworld.com) and it is free, There is some stuff you can spend money on but you dont have to. NOt sure about an old box but it does scale down a lot. I run PW on my PC at home and my PC at work. THe install is a 2GB download.

I agree, Perfect World is a great option for those4 of you who don't want a monthly subscription.