Title: Christmas Ideas Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 23, 2004, 07:27:40 PM Okay, so all of my family and my girlfriend have been nagging me constantly about what I want for Christmas. There's really not anything I want. The only things I wanted all that badly (a new tripod and a panoramic tripod head) I got for my birthday. I keep telling them to just not get me anything, but that's not working anymore. It's getting to the point where they're threatening to chop my face off if I don't give them some ideas (not really, but you get the idea).
So, what should I tell them to get me? I need ideas of cool stuff. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: shadytool on November 23, 2004, 07:45:37 PM how about a DS?
or a steelers jeresy Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 23, 2004, 08:27:28 PM Eh, don't really want a DS from the looks of it, and that's too much $$$ anyway. Same with the jersey, since those things cost hundreds of dollars. Honestly, I'm not looking for anything video game related. And yes, I do know who I'm saying that in the presence of.
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: shadytool on November 24, 2004, 02:22:04 AM a jersey is $65.
no joking on this one either, but you need to pick up johny cash - american IV: the man comes around. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Antimind on November 24, 2004, 04:29:53 AM How about some gift certificates for food or electronics? Cash is always nice but I doubt you'll get that..
Hmm... Any movies you'd like? Is there anything clothes wise you need? Anything you need for school or a book you'd just like to have? Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: den68 on November 24, 2004, 05:47:09 AM socks and underwear. or perhaps a nice tie. a fruitcake is always nice too.
I second the gift certificates. sure it's about as personal as giving cash but it does still make the person feel they took some effort to get you a gift. how about a Chia pet? Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Odonadon on November 24, 2004, 06:12:34 AM Pretty sure you DO want a DS. If it's too much, pick one up yourself and ask for some games.
OD Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Sureshot on November 24, 2004, 06:37:27 AM A few crates of beer :D
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Sauza12 on November 24, 2004, 07:25:53 AM The new Michael Jackson boxed set. It's only $40! Shumon and sing it with me..."I'm melting, just like candle wax"! :banana:
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Arrrhalomynn on November 24, 2004, 09:27:55 AM There's nothing you want more than being 19. Go ask that.
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: den68 on November 24, 2004, 12:07:14 PM years or inches?
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Izret101 on November 24, 2004, 12:25:19 PM That one was a bit of a stretch Den. It seems like your forcing it now. It should just flow not be forced.
Anyways if you really can't think of anything you want just ask for practical stuff you need. There has to be stuff you need but hate buying. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Tynstar on November 24, 2004, 12:27:01 PM Quote years or inches? :laugh: :laugh: BOTH!!! Devo's Greatest Hits! I have heeard it is the best single around! :P Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 24, 2004, 02:01:27 PM Oh come on now. I've got Devo's Greatest Hits and it rawks hard. You should probably go get it today.
As for the other stuff.... don't need any movies (I have unlimited rentals at Hollywood Video), don't need clothes (thrift store and custom stuff), no time to read for pleasure (school reading takes up too much time), don't need socks (just bought 18 pairs two months ago or so), don't need music (I subscribe to eMusic already), and don't need beer (I don't drink). The gift certificates might be one of the best things, but my sister just got me those for my birthday and my girlfriend and parents aren't going to settle for something like that. No matter how cool the DS is, I can't afford it either right now. I'll probably end up getting a video capture card or some more RAM for my PC. How exciting. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on November 24, 2004, 02:42:20 PM How'd you get unlimited free rentals at Hollywood?
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Izret101 on November 24, 2004, 02:48:00 PM I didn't know what i wanted either so i went on EBGames.com and put about 250 bucks worth of stuff i wanted into a list and emailed it to my dad. If he gets me all of them cool. If he gets me some cool. If i get none then he has alot of thinking for gift ideas i guess.
And i too want to know about these rental scheme you got going on. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 24, 2004, 02:53:58 PM Well, they're not free, just unlimited. I pay $10 a month and I can take three movies out at a time as many times each month as I want. Thus, unlimited rentals for a total of $10 each month.
Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Tynstar on November 24, 2004, 10:44:42 PM I was joking about Devo. I think I have thier greatest hits CD.
What about one of the Visa gift cards? You can spend those anywhere that takes VISA. I just got one of those for my birthday. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: den68 on November 25, 2004, 06:12:19 AM Quote That one was a bit of a stretch Den. to reach 19 inches it would have to be. Title: Re: Christmas Ideas Post by: Lord Nepenthean on November 25, 2004, 11:27:56 AM Well, I found some rolls of film I don't have developed, so it looks like that's what it's gonna be. Hooray.