RF Generation Message Board

Announcements and Feedback => The Thinktank => Topic started by: Samada on April 29, 2008, 07:18:30 PM

Title: Simple suggestion for sorting collection
Post by: Samada on April 29, 2008, 07:18:30 PM
To have a way to sort the games by when you added them to your collection, or possibly a search function to show the last X number of games you added to your list. Something like a recently added section, because sometimes I forget if I added a recently bought game to my collection.

I didn't see any way to do this, but maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.


Title: Re: Simple suggestion for sorting collection
Post by: NES_Rules on April 29, 2008, 07:30:04 PM
I too think something like that would be a good addition.
I have a separate Excel sheet tracking all my games on a separate computer I don't use often, I'd be able to see the last things added to my RFG database and make sure they're in my Excel database.
It would also be cool if you could sort by when things were added so you can see how the collection has grown.

Title: Re: Simple suggestion for sorting collection
Post by: St0rmTK421 on April 29, 2008, 07:35:59 PM
Unfortunately we don't keep timestamps when games are added, so being able to show when games were added wouldn't be possible.  Timestamps could be a new feature added in the future, but all games added before that point would not be able to be sorted.