Title: Recent Japanese game aditions Post by: Fuyukaze on March 03, 2008, 02:04:46 AM Over the next couple weeks I'll be adding new games to the database as I either have the time or get them. Who ever aproves them should be warned a few of the titles are a real b$#%h to find.
Akagawa Jiro Ghost Train http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180207349446&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=008 I've spent about 2 hours looking for any hard information on this game but beyond the seller I got it from on ebay, no one had it in their database that I could find. Not DP, not FAQs, not google, not even the wiki listing that lists the nearly 1300 famicom games. I searched the parts number, the UPC, the company that released it (fyi, king was aparently small) and can literaly find nothing more then the listing as proof it even exists. If I didnt have the game sitting in front of me or believe the seller to be reputable, even I would doubt it's existance or at the very least it being a legit release. None the less, I can verify it's existance with scans if need be. Also, I'd like one thing clarified before I delve too far into listing games. Are we to go by the titles of the games as they are on the package or are we to list them by what ever nick name we perfer? I ask as I listed a number of saturn games by the very english titles that were on them only to find they'd all been changed to the japanese. I realize the desire to remain as true as posible to the original but if the game's got an english title printed on the very game itself, why not use it? They translated it, they printed it in english. Title: Re: Recent Japanese game aditions Post by: Funk_Buddy on March 03, 2008, 09:19:32 AM I thought it was decided to use the real translated name and put the English version in the alternate title slot.
Edit- Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha Released 2/8/1991 This is a great site: http://homepage2.nifty.com/gamedatabase/index.html |