Title: Small Resident evil Score Post by: Reps911 on February 27, 2008, 11:52:23 AM Couple days back at a yardsale I got :
Resident evil <Saturn> $5 Resident evil <Gamecube> $5 resident evil 0 <Gamecube> $5 resident evil code veronica <Dreamcast> $2 And: Virtua on Netlink edition <Saturn> $1 All games complete! only $18!! Title: Re: Small Resident evil Score Post by: Ghost Soldier on February 27, 2008, 12:01:42 PM Nice haul on th Resident Evil games. I passed up a copy of R.E. Survivor for the PS1 at a pawn for $4. Game had way too many scratches for my taste.
Title: Re: Small Resident evil Score Post by: Reps911 on February 27, 2008, 10:05:07 PM Nice haul on th Resident Evil games. I passed up a copy of R.E. Survivor for the PS1 at a pawn for $4. Game had way too many scratches for my taste. I hate to say it but the disc resurfacing service at game crazy works magic. I once picked up a copy of burning rangers all tore up, it wouldn't even play! i took it down to game crazy and bam! like new!Title: Re: Small Resident evil Score Post by: NES_Rules on February 27, 2008, 10:23:08 PM Nice score.
I don't really care for the older RE games, I just can't stand the controls. I really wish I could get to some good yard sales, it's been months since my last. Title: Re: Small Resident evil Score Post by: dom meatball on February 27, 2008, 11:01:55 PM traded an extra copy of wu tang shaolin style for resident evil directors cut w/ the RE2 demo.
resident evil survivor for $2. Title: Re: Small Resident evil Score Post by: Tynstar on March 28, 2008, 04:14:36 PM If the Saturn verion is CIB that is a 30-40 dollar game lat time I looked anyways. Nice pick up.