RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Trophies From the Hunt => Topic started by: weloveretro on February 18, 2008, 01:02:33 PM

Title: My first sealed game...
Post by: weloveretro on February 18, 2008, 01:02:33 PM
This arrived today...


The seller had 4 or 5 other sealed Aladdin deck enhancer games, only bid on one because I thought there's no way I'd win it anyway! The others went for between £1 and £3 plus P&P...D'OH!

Well anyway, it's mint and sealed so I'm happy!

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: den68 on February 19, 2008, 04:54:36 PM

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: BadEnoughDude on February 20, 2008, 02:00:46 AM
Do you have the adapter to actually play the game?

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: Grim Fandango on February 20, 2008, 03:43:27 AM
How is Bignose Freaks out anyways? I have Bignose the Caveman and I really enjoy it.

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: BadEnoughDude on February 20, 2008, 03:48:45 AM
To den's dismay, my Aladdin and games are all still sealed so I have no idea how they are.

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: James on February 20, 2008, 04:32:24 AM
Wasn't there a warehouse find a while ago so ebay was flooded with these sealed Aladdin games and adaptors?

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: weloveretro on February 21, 2008, 02:18:19 PM
Yeah that's right there was, there's quite few for sale on Ebay in the US at the mo.  I hardly ever see them in the UK though so I had to snap it up.

Grim Fandango, my deck enhancer is on its way so I'll definitely be opening and playing it and I'll let you know if it's as good as the original. I wasn't planning on getting one but there are quite a few of the aladdin games that I want to play that cost much more in  cartridge form.

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: Moriya Hanzo on February 27, 2008, 11:32:19 AM

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: michaelbogardus on March 18, 2008, 10:02:08 AM
I saw a load of Aladdin's being sold on Ebay from the UK today...
Did an article ever get written about the warehouse incident?
I'm still waiting for a warehouse of Stadium Events...

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: Ghost Soldier on March 18, 2008, 10:56:45 AM
I'd love to snag a complete set of aladdin games and the deck enhancer.

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: BadEnoughDude on March 18, 2008, 11:54:23 AM
There was mention of it in the auction I won on eBay, which was probably 6 years ago. That must have been one massive warehouse :)

Title: Re: My first sealed game...
Post by: Tynstar on March 28, 2008, 04:10:42 PM
Wasn't there a warehouse find a while ago so ebay was flooded with these sealed Aladdin games and adaptors?

Yes there was. I actually picked up an extra Big Nose Freak Out just to open to get the manual. I needed the manual for the normal version and Freak Out is the one game of all the Aladdin games that the manual is teh same for both version.