RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: NES_Rules on February 15, 2008, 05:56:22 PM

Title: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on February 15, 2008, 05:56:22 PM
Kind of like the Gaming Diary, but for people like myself who do more collecting than actual gaming. Post about anything new you've done to your collection/game room.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on February 15, 2008, 05:56:34 PM
Today, I did a little re-organizing, I bought a set of plastic drawers at Wal-mart to hold my loose N64 carts. They didn't have exactly what I needed, so I had to get something a little bigger. It's got 4 drawers that hold around 30 each, plus 3 larger drawers that I may people controllers in. I bought this because I was tired of trying to deal with the games' lack of labels on the ends, so this works out perfect.
I also moved around my GC, SNES, and boxed SNES, N64 games. Nothing major though.
A few weeks ago, I noticed a small gap between the cabinet that holds controller and the shelf that holds games, so I ended measuring it and realized it was about the width of 2 VCS carts, so I stacked all my VCS games in two stacks, and it makes it look like a lot more games this way;D
So, now I've got 3 completely empty shelves for games I buy this summer and one more that's 98% empty for NES games.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: den68 on February 15, 2008, 09:56:27 PM
I'm in the process of checking what's actually in my collection and what I have logged here. I finished NES and Genesis and found over 30 games between them that I had not added to my collection. I'm currently going through my Playstation games.

While I've been doing this I've been sorting out any doubles I've come across,

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on February 15, 2008, 10:11:29 PM
That's gotta be a tough task with such a huge collection. I've tried doing it a couple times and I'll get 50 games in maybe, and I'll get bored and quit. I was lucky in that I found RFG when my collection was still small and I've kept it up as I bought new stuff, but I'll still occasionally come across games that aren't in my collection.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: BadEnoughDude on February 16, 2008, 03:56:34 AM
I've been working on moving everything I have into my new game room. I am short of shelf space, and short of money to buy more shelves, so I have been fairly limited with what I've been able to do so far. I did pick up a larger set of plastic drawers for hookups and controllers. I think I can get by with one more decent size bookshelf. Maybe I'll be able to take care of that this weekend.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on February 18, 2008, 11:31:17 AM
I just worked out the cost for supplies on the new addition to the house.  It will consist of two rooms and be roughly 12x38.  One of the two rooms will be the new gameroom added onto the master bedroom accessible by a pair of french doors and the other room will double the size of the living room.  I'm at 1200 dollars to rough it in without siding, j-mold and such.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on February 29, 2008, 04:02:21 PM
Bought a sliding cassette tape holder at Goodwill that holds 40 loose Genesis games perfect. This enabled me to completely change my Genesis games around. Loose games are now in alphabetical order, most fit in the tape holder, but I'm going to look for another one. I also alphabetized the boxed Genesis games and found several duplicates which I added to my "sell eventually" pile.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: den68 on February 29, 2008, 04:35:39 PM
That's gotta be a tough task with such a huge collection. I've tried doing it a couple times and I'll get 50 games in maybe, and I'll get bored and quit. I was lucky in that I found RFG when my collection was still small and I've kept it up as I bought new stuff, but I'll still occasionally come across games that aren't in my collection.

The main problem is i don't have a game room. All my stuff is in storage tubs or stacked 3 deep on the few shelves I do have. It's a pain to even get at certain games.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on March 10, 2008, 01:06:23 PM
Put up a pair of glass shelves my aunt gave me. They're about a foot long, on one I put my Pac-Man Christmas album and Pac-Man drinking glasses. On the other I put my VHS tapes; DKC: Legend of the Crystal Coconut, DKC: Exposed, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Wempster on March 10, 2008, 02:03:51 PM
Well I have my game cabinet and shelving system designed out.  I used the database here to see how many NES, SNES, and N64 games there are.  Those are such common systems Im hoping they are complete listings.  They will be drawers stacked up in a cabinet, holding loose games.  Nes has a capacity of 800 games, Snes has 740 game capacity, and N64 has a 300 game capacity.  I only plan to keep one copy of each game in there, so no duplicates or Players Choice.  Can you guys tell me if these numbers are right? Would rather have to much space than not enough.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on March 10, 2008, 02:20:31 PM
Well I have my game cabinet and shelving system designed out.  I used the database here to see how many NES, SNES, and N64 games there are.  Those are such common systems Im hoping they are complete listings.  They will be drawers stacked up in a cabinet, holding loose games.  Nes has a capacity of 800 games, Snes has 740 game capacity, and N64 has a 300 game capacity.  I only plan to keep one copy of each game in there, so no duplicates or Players Choice.  Can you guys tell me if these numbers are right? Would rather have to much space than not enough.
If your just looking at regular releases, those databases should be complete, if anything is missing, it would be something so rare and unheard of you'll likely never find it anyway. Probably every system database that isn't having new games made is complete too.

I would rather have too much space than not enough. You never know you might find some pirated games that aren't in the database, that you will want to keep. I think your 800 for the NES is good, but you might want to allow more room for the SNES and N64 if possible. The database has 309 N64 games and 760 games counting Player's Choice and things like that, so I would allow for at least that many to give yourself a little extra room.

And if your planning to keep your NES games in the dust sleeves, allow more room, they take up a lot more room than one would think.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on March 20, 2008, 01:31:18 AM
I threw a ton of my stuff into the closet in Rowans room.

I'll up some pics.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: michaelbogardus on March 20, 2008, 12:42:24 PM
And if your planning to keep your NES games in the dust sleeves, allow more room, they take up a lot more room than one would think.
Very true. I can't fit them all on my shelves with dust sleeves, so I just have a box of dust sleeves kicking around.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: shadowforte on March 24, 2008, 09:12:52 PM
I am still trying to set up a good shelfing unit. I think it is harder when you have less games because it tends to look like crap.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: michaelbogardus on March 24, 2008, 09:31:42 PM
Didn't pick up anything today, but I think I'm going to own a few Color Dreams cartridges soon.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on March 25, 2008, 01:40:13 AM
The idea of this thread seemed to get lost quickly.

We already have threads for games the you have purchased...

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on April 11, 2008, 01:51:51 AM
Things are not looking promising thus far.
Cross checking some of my txts vs. RFG i seem to be missing at least 50ish games...
I have only gone thru my PS2 and Xbox games so far.

I'll  have to check my DC and PS lists next.

I can't think were those games could be hiding in the apartment so i am hoping my brother biffed the games before i took them south.
If they were "borrowed"(aka stolen and probably traded for one thing or another) by Aubs brother after i got south then i know they are gone for good

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on April 13, 2008, 06:14:38 PM
With that last group of Genesis games, I ran out of room on the shelves they were on so I had to move my PS2 games. The only place I have left was on the bookcase that was devoted to Nintendo games, so it felt weird putting them there. I'll probably have to build some new shelves once this semester is over.
I've also been throwing a very bad idea around in my head. Switching my bedroom and gameroom. Since my bedroom is about 50% larger, I could put all my games and records in there. It would be pretty sweet but so much damn work. The more I think about it, the more I want to do it, but I know I shouldn't.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sauza12 on April 13, 2008, 09:42:31 PM
With the two games I bought yesterday I have 7 arcade games now.  The problem I'm running into (other than running out of space) is that I'm not sure how I want them set up.

Having them look nice next to each other is pretty important to me and I can't figure out a good way to do it.  Right now I have 2 rows:  One row against the wall has 5 games on it (POW, Dig Dug, Sky Shark in a Gorf cab, Street Fighter 2 CE, and Galaga) and two in the other row (TMNT 4 player and Ms. Pacman) with the rows facing each other.  The TMNT game has an extended control panel so putting another game next to it doesn't look right because even though the other game is touching the control panel of the TMNT game, the games still have about 6 inches of space between them.

I don't want to move all of the games around multiple times to see what looks best, but that's the only solution I have.  I'm thinking of moving Ms. Pac-man over to the other row and leaving TMNT by itself, but I don't know.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on April 14, 2008, 06:17:55 PM
Put TMNT against a wall as an endcap to the 2 rows?

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Fuyukaze on April 18, 2008, 11:11:01 PM
For the past couple months I've been in the process of trying to organize my collection.  About a year ago, I decided for various reasons to box everything up and just not mess with it.  It either took up too much space, killed the thrill of actualy playing games, or I just didnt have the means to display it safely.  Finaly, I've got almost enough storage for everything and even a display case for my systems.  Hoping to figure out a few ways to optimize it though as I could always use extra space for the ever growing collection.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on April 21, 2008, 12:49:45 PM
I picked up a cassette tape holding drawer set, that I'm using for loose Genesis games. It holds about 120 standard size games, so even after putting all I could in there, it's only half full, so I've got plenty of room to grow :D
However, I had to move a section of boxed Genesis games, so I'm out of room for those. Luckily, I think I've got enough wood to build a small set of shelves, that will be custom built to hold games ;D It'll be about 2 feet wide and 5 feet tall, the bottom will have to open because it's going where the heating duct is, so I'll have about 2'x4' of space to work with. I'll most likely devote it to Sega games, but that's always subject to change ;)  I've got 3 weeks of school left, so I should be able to get started on it before I buy too many games and really really need it.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Atarian75 on April 22, 2008, 06:47:53 AM
Most of my collection has been boxed up over the years, but I finally have a room that I can dedicate strictly to my collection. Slowly, I have been unpacking things and building new shelves to handle all the games. As I look at the space I have left to use, I still don't think I am going to have enough room to unpack everything. :grrr: I was hoping to be able to take some pictures of my collection in all its glory, but we will have to wait and see.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: jamespmt on April 30, 2008, 11:00:17 AM
i posted all 50 nes doubles on craigslist.

i bought a nes rf adapter for 1$ yesterday.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Speedy_NES on May 02, 2008, 06:43:22 PM
Cool topic!!

I decided to dedicate at least a couple days of my half-week vacation on getting my collection organized in more ways than one.  It's currently spread across three rooms, the garage, and in the basement, in various piles of goodies or boxes and storage cases.  On top of that, I've been buying stuff that I can't log on RFGen (homebrews, lots of bootlegs etc), so I'm starting to lose track of what I have, too.  As I needed a reason to go through everything (especially my NES stuff), I decided to finally put all my NES stuff together...box, manual, and carts.  I currently have it all stored separately, so I'm in the process of unflattening all of the flattened boxes, and then I'm going to put all the carts, boxes, manuals, styrofoam pieces, and dust sleeves together to save space and make the organizing easier.  In the meantime, I'm gonna record the condition of all the items so that I know exactly which items need to be replaced at a later date, and how many styrofoam pieces or dust covers I need to get (especially for the unlicensed games). 

The cool bonus to all this work is that I will finally be motivated to properly display my collection.  Right now, I only really display about half the NES carts, everything else is stored away (or piled up with new arrivals).  My reasoning was that storage was good as it would protect the items from sunfading, dust, etc, etc...but realistically I'm getting a bit tired of having a collection that can't be seen in its full glory.  Hopefully this will be the first step towards finally setting up a game room (although I honestly doubt I'll be able to dedicate enough space to display all of the accessories together).  At least I get to spend some time on improving my collection without any buying or selling :)

There, nice little diary entry...actually felt a bit like writing a diary..not that I've ever written in one before ;)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: slackur on May 10, 2008, 01:09:05 AM
Realized today that at the current rate at which I collect more games/gaming related stuff, any room I use as my Ultimate Media Dungeon *tm ;) will be outgrown. 

Thankfully, I have a wonderfully understanding yet practical gaming wife (gamer holy grail, I get +2 to Happiness and a free Green Envy Spell) that is going to help me when we buy a house sometime soon.  I once wanted an entire furnished basement to devote to the project, but anymore I remember DanceDanceRevolution needs headspace and how much space my (future) arcade units will start eating up, and I'm at a loss.

*sigh* its a silly thing to fret over, to be sure, but as we collectors know, half the fun is setup and displaying our trophies, and I think most of us, like me, want a cross between a walk-thru museum and a beer-and-pretzels bar with couches and beanbags.

Anymore, when I look at my schedule, I wonder when I'll actually get around to, you know, playing this stuff. 
Thinking like this kinda gets me down.  Time to stay up all night and play some games.

Now, Halo 3 or Vectrex Mine Storm?  Maybe I'll just lie here on the couch while I decidZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz............

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on May 29, 2008, 04:48:53 PM
I'll probably have to build some new shelves once this semester is over.
I think I've got enough wood to build a small set of shelves, that will be custom built to hold games ;D It'll be about 2 feet wide and 5 feet tall, the bottom will have to open because it's going where the heating duct is, so I'll have about 2'x4' of space to work with. I'll most likely devote it to Sega games, but that's always subject to change ;)  I've got 3 weeks of school left, so I should be able to get started on it before I buy too many games and really really need it.

I've been working on that shelf since Memorial Day and it is now finished and holding games ;D
Overall, it's about 70"x28" and will hold approximately 325 PS2, Wii, GC, Xbox, etc. games or 175 boxed Genesis games.
Right now, the first shelf is full of PS2 games and the second shelf has a few more. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th shelves are full of boxed Genesis games and the 6th shelf is almost full, the bottom shelf is empty.
Now, my one shelf is back to Nintendo games only and I have a shelf to build my Wii collection on.
Now, some pics.
[img width=599 height=800]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9395.jpg[/img]

Empty shelf:
[img width=599 height=800]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9396.jpg[/img]

Shelf with games:
[img width=599 height=800]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9397.jpg[/img]

I think the next shelf I build will be for my NES and SNES games since they're currently stacked one on top of another and it's a pain in the ass the add games. But that won't be for a while, since it will have to replace something I already have.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on June 01, 2008, 08:14:25 PM
Awesome shelving NES_Rules, I applaud you.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on June 02, 2008, 09:32:12 PM
Awesome shelving NES_Rules, I applaud you.
I'm really loving having a shelf designed especially for games. It didn't come out quite as nice as I wanted, but definitely acceptable. I'm thinking about building some more, but that won't be for a while if I do.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NESman93 on June 20, 2008, 08:28:11 PM
Well, today i went to Game Play, the local used game store, and picked up a couple of things. I got a Honyu Explorer-1 NES Joystick controller, and a 1987 How to win at Super Mario Bros. strategy guide. We left, went to goodwill where i got an old 80's Arby's Promo Pac-Man glass.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on June 29, 2008, 12:22:36 PM
I filled up the last shelf I had designated for loose SNES games, so I bought a boxed copy of a loose game that I already had so I could fit one more loose one in. But, I'm still out of room for 3 loose games, and I've got room for about 25 NES until I run out of room for them so I think it's time for another set of shelves. Which means I'll have to get rid of some shelves I have already to make room.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on June 29, 2008, 12:35:02 PM
Last night I removed a bunch of price stickers off my NES carts.  They look pretty good now.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on June 29, 2008, 12:53:07 PM
Last night I removed a bunch of price stickers off my NES carts.  They look pretty good now.
I love doing that. There's something so fun about taking games that look like hell and cleaning them until they look mint, that is just so relaxing and fun.
Rental store stickers are another story though, nothing fun about those bastards.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on June 29, 2008, 03:51:33 PM
Totally agree with you there.  I had to remove rental stickers from 3 Genesis games as well yesterday, and they were SUPER annoying.  They were those stupid silvery ones that leave tons of residue.

But that at least wasn't the store's fault.  They try their best to put the easy-to-remove price stickers where they won't hurt the cartridge.  But wherever the owner bought up the games from... well, let's just say I'm lucky they didn't put those silver stickers directly on the paper labels.  I wouldn't have much left of the label.

My copy of Phantasy Star II is stuck like that, though.  There's a sticker in the upper corner of the label reading "G-02" and I'm pretty sure I'll ruin the label if I try to remove it. >_>

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sauza12 on July 01, 2008, 06:22:16 PM
Last night I removed a bunch of price stickers off my NES carts.  They look pretty good now.
I love doing that. There's something so fun about taking games that look like hell and cleaning them until they look mint, that is just so relaxing and fun.
Rental store stickers are another story though, nothing fun about those bastards.

I'll give you 20 bucks to come over to my house and clean my games.  I have like 200 games with Gamestop stickers all over them from when some kids broke into my house and I haven't had any desire to clean them yet.  Sooooo much work

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on July 04, 2008, 07:36:42 PM
I started designing my newest set of shelves, this thing will be huge, at 77" x 72" x 6" it will take up nearly an entire wall of my game room. It's going to replace 2 sets of shelves and a cabinet so it will make the room look a little less pieced together and it won't be as wide so I'll have a little more room in there. The design has a set of 6 compartments on one side that holds 154 loose Atari 2600 games and the rest of the unit will be all adjustable shelves. My calculations show that it will hold 720 loose SNES games which are the biggest games it'll hold, so it'll be even more NES games.
I hope to get started on it sometime this week and finish it by the end of the month.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 04, 2008, 10:10:37 PM
I started designing my newest set of shelves, this thing will be huge, at 77" x 72" x 6" it will take up nearly an entire wall of my game room. It's going to replace 2 sets of shelves and a cabinet so it will make the room look a little less pieced together and it won't be as wide so I'll have a little more room in there. The design has a set of 6 compartments on one side that holds 154 loose Atari 2600 games and the rest of the unit will be all adjustable shelves. My calculations show that it will hold 720 loose SNES games which are the biggest games it'll hold, so it'll be even more NES games.
I hope to get started on it sometime this week and finish it by the end of the month.

I'm gonna be designing a new set of shelves myself as well. Thanks for reminding me to get going!

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on July 12, 2008, 10:05:33 PM
I bought a really nice solid wood display case last week, I planned on only putting stuff that's worth over $50 in it. So I put in my FF7, Chrono Trigger, GreenHouse Game and Watch, and DKC soundtrack and realized those are really the only valuable things I have. So I put some other stuff in there as well, I ended up putting my new TG16 collection in there as well.

Also, I realized today that I've now spent over $500 on games & systems so far this year. I wish I would have kept track of how many games & systems I had at the beginning of the year so I would know how many I bought, but my best estimates are in the 150-200 games range.

Also, I've thought about buying one of those small barns (something like 12' x 16' ). I'd wire it all up, drywall the inside and generally seal it up from the outside elements and move my game room in there. My mom isn't really supportive of the idea however, and the fact that it'd cost me around $5,000 for everything, I doubt I'll do it. But it would be cool.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 13, 2008, 10:20:08 AM
I just calculated out the sizes of the wood I will need for my shelves. There will be 3 shelves, and Each will hold 11 nes games high, by 4 nes games wide. A Pretty small shelf, but thats all I need. 11*4*3=132 nes games. It will hold nearly all of my collection.  ;D

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: modest9797 on July 13, 2008, 01:21:49 PM
I just calculated out the sizes of the wood I will need for my shelves. There will be 3 shelves, and Each will hold 11 nes games high, by 4 nes games wide. A Pretty small shelf, but thats all I need. 11*4*3=132 nes games. It will hold nearly all of my collection.  ;D

What happens when you get 133 NES games?

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 13, 2008, 04:27:11 PM
I just calculated out the sizes of the wood I will need for my shelves. There will be 3 shelves, and Each will hold 11 nes games high, by 4 nes games wide. A Pretty small shelf, but thats all I need. 11*4*3=132 nes games. It will hold nearly all of my collection.  ;D

What happens when you get 133 NES games?

I'll make more shelves.  :P

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on July 13, 2008, 06:30:24 PM
Kind of ironic that you're building your first set of shelves because I just found my blueprints for a set I was going to build when I first got into collecting. I planned it to hold "more games than I could hope to ever find"; 98 N64 games, 72 SNES games, 80 Genesis games and 98 NES games. Yeah, I'm glad I didn't build that after all. I'd have room for a few more N64 games, but everything else would have been full long ago. And it was the kind of design where the games are stacked on top of each other in vertical columns which means nothing but the games it was designed for would fit.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 13, 2008, 06:40:24 PM
This will actually be the 2nd set of shelves I'll have designed. The shelves that my consoles are on I built myself. Pretty good, huh.

My uncle is a carpenter, so he gets me wood real cheap.  :D

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 16, 2008, 07:14:40 PM
Last night I removed a bunch of price stickers off my NES carts.  They look pretty good now.

I finished cleaning my nes games except for 1 or 2, and I also finished off my 32X games. They look really minty condition. :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: imfromwisconsin on July 17, 2008, 04:15:04 PM
Dear Diary,

Well.  I'm new to 'collecting' in the actual definition of the term.  I've been a gamer my whole life and just this year had started collecting 'next-gen' and working backwards.  I have a 'measly' collection compared to most people here, but am working my way up.  The problem is that I don't have any shelving or anyplace to put my current consoles/games.  So, I've resorted to the kitchen table (against a wall) and a mini-shelf/cupboard.  Inside houses my atari, genesis, snes, nes, n64 & miscellaneous controllers/cords -- not to mention the blank cd's, computer accessories, etc.  On top holds my games -- all stacked nice and neat but a gigantic pain in the ass.  Previously, I didn't have the mini-shelf and they were just scattered, so I guess progress is being made.  I've picked out a desk I want from IKEA that latches onto the matching bookshelves.  The area I have to put my stuff is very rectangular and not so much square so it's been difficult finding the right furniture for the job.  Plans for the next few weeks:  Take measurements of the 'gaming' area, convince girlfriend that the room should be mine, determine the number of bookshelves needed and re-arrange 'the office'.  Then, head to IKEA with a friend (with a truck) and spend a few hundred dollars and a few days putting together said desk/bookshelves.  Then, clean my games/consoles before organizing to my hearts content.  Finally, enjoy the glory of a well organized area and being able to play any console/game I have without having to find it, plug in the console or sit in an uncomfortable chair.

Until next time.

Your friend,

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on July 18, 2008, 06:55:11 PM
Last night I removed a bunch of price stickers off my NES carts.  They look pretty good now.
I love doing that. There's something so fun about taking games that look like hell and cleaning them until they look mint, that is just so relaxing and fun.
Rental store stickers are another story though, nothing fun about those bastards.
The worst kind are those sneaky ones who at first glance look like they'll come off in one go, but then break off somewhere in the middle! Once that happens you're basically f***ed, I usually get the white spirit from the basement to remove them completely. But then, the game stinks for a while because of the white spirit  :( . Can't have it all I guess.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on July 19, 2008, 04:19:58 PM
May I ask what white spirit is? Is that a synonym for 90% rubbing alcohol?

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on July 29, 2008, 12:03:07 PM
I'm not sure, we don't use the term "90% rubbing alcohol" here (atleast not that I know of)

White spirit and info on the subject:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineral_spirits   (Key sentence: "In Europe, it is referred to as white spirit." )


We also call it "terpentijn" (Turpentine in english: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turpentine), however I'm not sure if White Spirit is a Turpentine substitute or the actual thing.

Anyway, probably enough information about it now ;) (Gotta love wikipedia though :P)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Mr. Ksoft on July 31, 2008, 04:14:17 PM
I did some really big rearranging work today.  Yesterday I spent cleaning out my nightmare of a closet (with nearly 8 or 9 years of crap piled up) and succeeded in freeing up about 99% of the floor space.  So today I was able to take the old shelves I had in there before and use them for storing all the games I keep upstairs in my room: NES, Genesis, TG16, Gamecube and Wii, with my Game Gear and Playstation games mixed in along with my DS boxes.  I also moved my DVD stack onto the shelf as well.

Another thing I did today was make a nice little binder for my loose TG16 games (aka, all of them).  I took an empty binder I found during closet cleaning and then took a few pages out of an old Pokemon card book I had in the basement and put the pages in the binder-- they fit HuCards almost perfectly.  Then I went on Google and picked up some TG16 logos and taped them to the binder.  You can see below in the pictures.

Then I took on another task... getting all my consoles up here arranged better.  The biggest problem was wire tangling-- I only have one free plug here so I'm always switching plugs for the console I want to play... plus the video cables.  Everything was wrapped around everything so it was a little bit of a nightmare.
So I decided i wasn't putting up with it any more and went out and stopped being lazy and got a power strip.  Finally.  Now everything doesn't need unplugged.  Then I took all the video cables I'm using and tied them all together so they're all right up by the TV instead of laying in the wire tangle getting tangled more.
Then I moved around all the consoles so they aren't out on the floor any more-- my room has very little space so I need all the floor room I can get.  I used a newly cleaned out part of my fish tank cabinet for my NES, and put the TG-16 right under that shelf on the floor.  I managed to fit the Wii in between the bunch of drawers I use as a TV stand and the fish tank cabinet.  But then the Genesis caused a problem as there was nowhere to put it where the cables could reach the TV.  So I caved in and put it on top of the TG-16 even though I didn't really want to... but it was the only out of the way place where I could still have room to put in/take out cartridges.  At least the TG-16 uses cards, so I can use both without moving either.
And, because I moved the NES drawer into the closet, I can use all the drawers on my "TV stand"!  I've managed to put all my peripherals and extra controllers in them.  The top drawer is just for Wii stuff plus Gamecube controllers (because there's so much of it), the second for older consoles, and the third for memory cards and other assorted things (although it's pretty much empty right now because I only have a GC memory card :P)

Now I can extend my legs while I play games!  I have room!


[img width=700 height=525]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m34/MrKsoft/100_3121.jpg[/img]
All the games on the shelves in the closet, along with that drawer to the left (holds NES games)

[img width=700 height=525]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m34/MrKsoft/100_3123.jpg[/img]
Closer look at the shelved stuff.

[img width=600 height=800]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m34/MrKsoft/100_3122.jpg[/img]
The new and better-arranged system setup.

My gaming stuff has never been this organized before... even half of it, which is how it stands.  I still have 3 consoles downstairs (SNES, N64, Gamecube) that I just can't fit up here, and since my brother uses them more than me the place is a complete mess. I have no plans to clean it, though, because it'll get ruined within a day.  So I'm just pretending they don't exist and instead feeling VERY good about how I've managed to arrange everything up here.  It feels very fresh and way nicer than before.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on July 31, 2008, 05:03:02 PM
Fun read! ^ :) And congrats on cleaning up the mess :P I myself am a tidy person and can't really stand clutter all around (atleast not in my house)

I didn't do much to my collection today except rearange my games so that Sega games stand together, etc...

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: modest9797 on July 31, 2008, 09:15:08 PM
Mr. Ksoft:  I love the feeling I get right after I organize my games and other things.  If it is more organized you are more likely to want to play too.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on August 01, 2008, 11:35:23 AM
Excellent read Mr. Ksoft.  I wish I could get a handle on my collection and have a way to display and store it properly.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on August 08, 2008, 09:47:30 PM
I started designing my newest set of shelves, this thing will be huge, at 77" x 72" x 6" it will take up nearly an entire wall of my game room. It's going to replace 2 sets of shelves and a cabinet so it will make the room look a little less pieced together and it won't be as wide so I'll have a little more room in there. The design has a set of 6 compartments on one side that holds 154 loose Atari 2600 games and the rest of the unit will be all adjustable shelves. My calculations show that it will hold 720 loose SNES games which are the biggest games it'll hold, so it'll be even more NES games.
I hope to get started on it sometime this week and finish it by the end of the month.
I finally got around to starting this project. I've got the wood all cut up except for most of the adjustable shelves, I still need wood for the rest. I just need to sand off the old finish on the wood, screw it together and stain it. What I don't forward to tough, is taking apart half my game room to put it in.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on August 19, 2008, 09:51:18 AM
I finally finished my shelving unit. I planned on sanding off the old finish and re-staining it, but the finish that was on the boards was nearly impossible to sand off, so instead of wasting dozens of sanding belts, I used some liquid finish remover which got most of it off, but not nearly enough. So I scuffed it up with the sander and painted it instead. I think it turned out pretty well, although it's not perfect.

The old shelves:
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9856.jpg[/img]

The new shelves:
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9866.jpg[/img]

I'm amazed out how well the boxed games at the top fit on the shelves, but when I get more, it's really going to mess it up.

The shelves that hold the games are actually the left overs from the plywood I used for the backing. They're a little flimsy, so I'll replace them as I come across more suitable wood, but for now they work just fine.

One thing I found amazing was that I bought two 4' x 8' sheets of plywood for the backing and only ended up with two 3" x 4" pieces of scrap from them. It worked out amazingly perfect.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on August 19, 2008, 10:36:58 AM
@ NES Rules

Wow, those shelves look great!  They hold all the games very well it seems.  They look very organized.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on August 19, 2008, 11:05:31 AM
Nice shelves

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: BadEnoughDude on August 19, 2008, 11:07:58 AM
Looks good, dude.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on August 19, 2008, 11:09:28 AM
Very nice shelves indeed, NES_Rules! Looks very classy :) and a giant step up from what used to be there, too!

Before I read the text underneath the pictures I was going to ask you if it was intentional that the shelves were so thin (and kind of look like they bend through just a bit), but you already answered my question ;) :P

Is it a huge win in storage compared to your old shelves? (I mean: how many more games can you store now?)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on August 19, 2008, 11:23:35 AM
Thanks for the compliments guys!

Is it a huge win in storage compared to your old shelves? (I mean: how many more games can you store now?)
Actually, it's not a huge improvement in the number of games I can store. I've got room for maybe 100 more games than before. It just makes things neater and easier to add new games when I don't have a row of games stacked on top of another row.

Regarding the thinness of the shelves, most of them sag about 1/2 inch (about 1 cm) but I had a few spares so I was able to double up a few of them so they don't sag so much. The 5 shelves at the top are the thickness I prefer, I just didn't have enough of that wood to do all the shelves.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on September 23, 2008, 11:43:16 AM
Well, it's finally happened, I'm completely out of room for games. I've got this stack of Sega CD and Saturn games that I just don't know what to do with. And if I get just a few more PS2, NES, SNES, Xbox, Genesis or PS1 games or any more boxed NES, SNES, N64, Atari games I'll be really screwed. As each shelf that those games are on are at or 1 away from capacity. I thought about rearranging stuff, but I think I've pretty much maxed out the storage space in this room.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on September 23, 2008, 12:03:22 PM
The time has come to make a second shelving unit like that for another room ;)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: modest9797 on September 23, 2008, 03:36:48 PM
Perhaps a shelf on your celing.  All you need to do is figure out how to keep the games up there.  And how to prevent your roof from caving in if you get too many games on it.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on September 23, 2008, 03:39:00 PM
Well, it's finally happened, I'm completely out of room for games. I've got this stack of Sega CD and Saturn games that I just don't know what to do with. And if I get just a few more PS2, NES, SNES, Xbox, Genesis or PS1 games or any more boxed NES, SNES, N64, Atari games I'll be really screwed. As each shelf that those games are on are at or 1 away from capacity. I thought about rearranging stuff, but I think I've pretty much maxed out the storage space in this room.

I've got the best solution.  Give them to me :).  You'll have room, and your shelves will be empty and ready to be filled again, right?  Works for the both of us :P

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on September 23, 2008, 04:46:55 PM
Perhaps a shelf on your celing.  All you need to do is figure out how to keep the games up there.  And how to prevent your roof from caving in if you get too many games on it.
Although that does seem like an option, I find rooms that are literally filled to the ceiling with games pretty claustrophobic and not so pleasant to game in. For me, keeping the ceiling blank is important to keep the "peace" in a room.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on September 23, 2008, 08:59:19 PM
I just realized there was a huge error in my Excel sheet of my collection list. Basically for my totals, it was counting the totals for a few systems twice. I was wondering why I added around 30 games and the total was 60 more.

The time has come to make a second shelving unit like that for another room ;)
I don't think spreading to another room would be a good idea. Besides, my bedroom (the only room I'd be able to expand to) is already full of junk.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Speedy_NES on October 02, 2008, 07:59:31 PM
Cool topic!!

I decided to dedicate at least a couple days of my half-week vacation on getting my collection organized in more ways than one.  It's currently spread across three rooms, the garage, and in the basement, in various piles of goodies or boxes and storage cases.  On top of that, I've been buying stuff that I can't log on RFGen (homebrews, lots of bootlegs etc), so I'm starting to lose track of what I have, too.  As I needed a reason to go through everything (especially my NES stuff), I decided to finally put all my NES stuff together...box, manual, and carts.  I currently have it all stored separately, so I'm in the process of unflattening all of the flattened boxes, and then I'm going to put all the carts, boxes, manuals, styrofoam pieces, and dust sleeves together to save space and make the organizing easier.  In the meantime, I'm gonna record the condition of all the items so that I know exactly which items need to be replaced at a later date, and how many styrofoam pieces or dust covers I need to get (especially for the unlicensed games). 

The cool bonus to all this work is that I will finally be motivated to properly display my collection.  Right now, I only really display about half the NES carts, everything else is stored away (or piled up with new arrivals).  My reasoning was that storage was good as it would protect the items from sunfading, dust, etc, etc...but realistically I'm getting a bit tired of having a collection that can't be seen in its full glory.  Hopefully this will be the first step towards finally setting up a game room (although I honestly doubt I'll be able to dedicate enough space to display all of the accessories together).  At least I get to spend some time on improving my collection without any buying or selling :)

There, nice little diary entry...actually felt a bit like writing a diary..not that I've ever written in one before ;)
It's funny that when I wrote this, I thought it would only take me a couple of days or so...took me quite a bit longer. ;)  I'm glad to say that over the summer, I merged all the parts together, cleaned the games, made an excel sheet with all info & condition, and started buying more games vs accessories for a while to fill holes and get some missing manuals and boxes.  I also bought 6 glass display cases and a few bookshelves to finally display most of the games and some accessories.  I'm not 100% done yet due to recent arrivals, but I will definitely post some pics when it's all finished!

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on October 03, 2008, 06:28:16 PM
It's funny that when I wrote this, I thought it would only take me a couple of days or so...took me quite a bit longer. ;)  I'm glad to say that over the summer, I merged all the parts together, cleaned the games, made an excel sheet with all info & condition, and started buying more games vs accessories for a while to fill holes and get some missing manuals and boxes.  I also bought 6 glass display cases and a few bookshelves to finally display most of the games and some accessories.  I'm not 100% done yet due to recent arrivals, but I will definitely post some pics when it's all finished!
Sounds great, I'm looking forward to the pictures. :)

And welcome back, too!

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 05, 2008, 11:33:14 AM
Well, I'm out of room for boxed Genesis games and PS1 games (PS1 are actually overflowing into GCN territory). I think I'm going to box up the sports games and put them in the closet or something. That should buy me space for a couple dozen more games. I'm most likely going to put away the Intellivision games too.
And, I've still got a stack of Sega CD, Saturn and SMS games that I need to put somewhere.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 15, 2008, 05:32:41 PM
I rearranged things a little bit and found room for the Saturn games on a shelf and I've got a little more room boxed SNES or N64 games.
And I have no place to put my last boxed Genesis game, so I can either box up and put away the sports games, or one of the variations. Taking away sports will give me 26 spaces, removing variations would give me 6 spaces. What do you guys think?

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: logical123 on October 15, 2008, 05:33:45 PM
I rearranged things a little bit and found room for the Saturn games on a shelf and I've got a little more room boxed SNES or N64 games.
And I have no place to put my last boxed Genesis game, so I can either box up and put away the sports games, or one of the variations. Taking away sports will give me 26 spaces, removing variations would give me 6 spaces. What do you guys think?

Hmmm... Box all sports games up. No one cares about them. :D ;)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on October 16, 2008, 10:37:04 AM
Hmmm... Box all sports games up. No one cares about them. :D ;)
I agree.

But if I were you and I'd come into a position where I have room to display all again, I would of course display the sports games too. :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 16, 2008, 02:17:14 PM
Box up the sports games you don't play.  Leave a few out for when the mood hits.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on October 16, 2008, 04:07:27 PM
Pulling out the sports games is only going to be a temp fix anyways.
What you really need to do is start trying to find a way to reorganize.
Or finding ways to make new space.
Put the games 2 deep if possible.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 21, 2008, 03:56:41 PM
I managed to move things around, I took out the Genesis variations so I'm good there, for now. I also moved around almost everything on my big shelf, so I have a whole shelf for NES games and one for PS1 games. But Saturn, GC, and boxed Atari games are out of room now.
Put the games 2 deep if possible.
It used to be that way when I had my collection in my bedroom and I absolutely hated it that way. So when I built my new shelves, I only made them deep enough to hold 1 row of games.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: James on October 23, 2008, 09:20:05 AM
A fairly prominent member on another forum put up a wanted advert for a cheap Xbox 360 the other day. I then found out Tesco are selling the 60GB Pro for only £145 (Next cheapest I can find is £160 on Amazon) So I sent him a PM telling him about it with some advice on which one to get, why the Pro is the best value and why he should try to buy new if possible to get the full warranty.

It turned out it was going to be a Christmas present for his foster son. Social services give them £100 to spend on presents at Christmas and he can't really afford anything more, which is why he was going to buy an Arcade from Sainsbury's for £130, less a 15% staff discount from his aunt. That's a real shame because Sainsbury's were selling the Arcade for only £100 very recently. :-\

It sounded like a good cause so I decided to help him out by sending him PGR3 and Forza 2. :D They aren't worth a huge amount now but I thought he would be able to make some use of them with something to get him started.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Moriya Hanzo on October 23, 2008, 09:41:48 AM
That was really nice of you to do that.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 23, 2008, 12:07:48 PM
Very nice thing you did James.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 23, 2008, 01:57:56 PM
I've managed to get all my SMS and Sega CD games on shelves. The SMS games are double stacked and vertical (both of which I hate, but at least they're off the floor) and I had to re-arrange everything in my "valuable" display case and put the SCD games in there, and they just barely fit. And my PS2 shelves are full, so that's going to be a problem soon.
I think I'm going to make a "sacrifice" for the aesthetics of the room and lay the system boxes down instead of displaying the fronts of them, and then using that space for a couple more game shelves. And I think things like the Aura Interactor and extra N64 and SNES boxes are going to go away for a while. But that takes a lot of time, something I don't have right now, so it'll have to wait.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 23, 2008, 02:28:05 PM
^At least you have a grasp on your collection.  All my stuff is tucked into containers, boxes and such. 

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on October 23, 2008, 02:46:36 PM
It sounded like a good cause so I decided to help him out by sending him PGR3 and Forza 2. :D They aren't worth a huge amount now but I thought he would be able to make some use of them with something to get him started.
That's a very nice thing you did there James. :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on October 23, 2008, 03:45:56 PM
That was very generous of you James.  Just goes to show that there are still some nice people left in this world.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: ApolloBoy on October 24, 2008, 06:45:09 PM
I might be getting an Atari 800 computer soon. Now I already have a number of Atari 8-bit computer games and an XEGS to play them on, but I was attracted by the 800's styling and so I decided to pick one up. Plus if I come across a game that's incompatible with my XEGS, then I'll just turn to the 800.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 26, 2008, 08:16:53 PM
^At least you have a grasp on your collection.   
Yeah I guess that's true. But for someone who doesn't really play games a whole lot, if I can't display the games and enjoy them aesthetically, there's no point in having them at all. So when I first started collected I told myself that if I ever had to box stuff up just to have it, then there's no point in having it at all. That's the same reason I completely quit buying records and have contemplated selling my collection completely. I just ran out of room and I can't even get to them let alone listen to them.

And I think I managed to fix a majority of my space issues. I ended laying the system boxes down and stacking them on top of each for the most part, and now I'm going to add a row or two of shelves above the main TV (which was devoted to system boxes). I'm putting the PS2 games and maybe Sega CD and Saturn games there.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on October 27, 2008, 03:24:18 PM
Finally got around to organizing my room/collection.  There were about 2-3 months (probably at least 150-200 games and quite a few consoles) worth of stuff just lying on my floor.  Now it is easier to find a game that I want, and it looks soooo much better.  I'll try to take pics soon.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 28, 2008, 12:03:13 PM
^Looking forward to the pics.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on October 28, 2008, 04:19:58 PM
I spent about 2 hours a few days ago with a big bottle of Goof Off and cleaned off  1 360, 4 playstation, 4 xbox, and about 20 gamecube games of stickers, sticker residue or other gross things. Now they look incredible. I almost wish I took before and after pictures of a few of them, it really made a big difference.

When I get the drive to clean some stuff again i've got quite a few carts that need some polish now.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: two_scoop_steve on October 28, 2008, 04:23:00 PM
I spent about 2 hours a few days ago with a big bottle of Goof Off and cleaned off  1 360, 4 playstation, 4 xbox, and about 20 gamecube games of stickers, sticker residue or other gross things. Now they look incredible. I almost wish I took before and after pictures of a few of them, it really made a big difference.

When I get the drive to clean some stuff again i've got quite a few carts that need some polish now.

i need to do this but never have time, hopefully i can spare a few hours and get it done.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on October 28, 2008, 04:54:34 PM
I think I've got my game storage problems under control (for now anyway) by building two new shelves and re-arranging the system boxes. Basically I had a wall of system boxes above the main TV, I took them all down, some I laid flat on one shelf, others I displayed upright and others I put in the closet. Then I put up two new shelves on top of what was holding the system boxes for my PS2, Saturn, and Sega CD games. Then put some random stuff on top of that. I think it turned out pretty good.
The "before" was essentially what is shown in my collection folder, just a different TV and a few more boxes.
The "after":[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN0661-1.jpg[/img]
I didn't stain the shelves, but I plan to once the weather gets warm again, it's just too cold to do it now.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on October 28, 2008, 05:34:00 PM
Looks great, NES_Rules! :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: two_scoop_steve on October 28, 2008, 05:50:19 PM
very nice set up, nes rules!!! 

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on November 03, 2008, 04:44:34 PM
Finally got around to organizing my room/collection.  There were about 2-3 months (probably at least 150-200 games and quite a few consoles) worth of stuff just lying on my floor.  Now it is easier to find a game that I want, and it looks soooo much better.  I'll try to take pics soon.

Finally got some pics of my room.  Check them out on my profile :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on November 03, 2008, 05:15:14 PM
Finally got some pics of my room.  Check them out on my profile :)
Nice pictures! :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: two_scoop_steve on November 04, 2008, 12:48:31 AM
I spent about 2 hours a few days ago with a big bottle of Goof Off and cleaned off  1 360, 4 playstation, 4 xbox, and about 20 gamecube games of stickers, sticker residue or other gross things. Now they look incredible. I almost wish I took before and after pictures of a few of them, it really made a big difference.

When I get the drive to clean some stuff again i've got quite a few carts that need some polish now.

finally got around and cleaned most of my n64 games, my nes games are up next for a cleaning.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on November 11, 2008, 04:01:33 PM
Started "putting away" my games that i added back into my collection on the site.
I was surprised to learn that i can stack DVDs/CDs 4 deep and at least 3 high in my closet.

Top Shelf
PS2 is 3 high on the back of the shelf
Xbox is 2 high in front of PS2
360 and GCN are sharing the space in front of the Xbox right now and there is still space in front of those.

Middle shelf
PSX stacked 2 high
DC in front of those
DS in front of the DC games.

Unfortunately not i am getting to the more difficult to store games... cartridge based with. Both loose and with cardboard boxes.

I think i might skip over those and start working on getting books and magazines up onto shelves and figuring out what i have for left over space.

I still have no clue what i am going to do with all my Mortal Kombat stuff. I always keep that separate since it is a collection within a collection.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: ApolloBoy on November 15, 2008, 03:04:45 AM
Now that I'm in the midst of getting an Atari 800, I'm also trying to get ahold of an Atari 400 as well.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: blcklblskt on November 16, 2008, 07:20:20 PM
I cleaned out a closet today.  Tommorrow I will put some of my boxes of boxes(:)) in there to clear up some room.

Seeing as how I haven't been to the flea market in 2 weeks due to rain and the ever-dropping temperatures, I probably won't be getting any more big lots of games like I have in the past six months (I pretty much started collecting in June, and now I have over 400 things in my collection database..  However, I did start Virtual Boy collecting last November).  So my room should be pretty set until next spring :)

@ Sirgin:

Thanks! :) (sorry about the lateness of my response, I sorta forgot about this thread :))

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: ApolloBoy on November 17, 2008, 01:20:51 PM
Finally got myself an Atari 400 in nice shape for $36; it included the original box (with packing materials) and a BASIC cart. Now I need to find myself an 800 and I'll be set. :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on November 17, 2008, 02:08:55 PM
Finally got myself an Atari 400 in nice shape for $36; it included the original box (with packing materials) and a BASIC cart. Now I need to find myself an 800 and I'll be set. :)
Nice, that must be pretty hard to find. (Or am I mistaken?)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: ApolloBoy on November 17, 2008, 03:07:37 PM
Finally got myself an Atari 400 in nice shape for $36; it included the original box (with packing materials) and a BASIC cart. Now I need to find myself an 800 and I'll be set. :)
Nice, that must be pretty hard to find. (Or am I mistaken?)

They're semi-common I guess, but it's not often you come across ones with the box.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on November 17, 2008, 05:23:23 PM
Finally got myself an Atari 400 in nice shape for $36; it included the original box (with packing materials) and a BASIC cart. Now I need to find myself an 800 and I'll be set. :)
Nice, that must be pretty hard to find. (Or am I mistaken?)
They're semi-common I guess, but it's not often you come across ones with the box.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of.

Nice find, either way! :)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on November 18, 2008, 01:30:03 AM
Moved stuff a bit...

Top Shelf
PS2 is 4 high on the back of the shelf
Xbox is 3 high in front of PS2
360 and GCN are sharing the space in front of the Xbox
Wii in front of those

Middle shelf
Genesis CIB games
PSX stacked 2 high in front of those
DC in front of those
DS in front of the DC games.
Pico next to the DS and DC games(takes up 2 rows deep :-/)

Bottom shelf
Right now just a box filled with the SNES/Genesis/NES cart only games i have added and a box of Atari games i haven't gone through.

Still haven't started on the mags/books or my Mortal Kombat stuff. I do want to have mortal kombat on its own shelf but i just have so many books now i don't think it will be possible. I also think i am going to separate the gaming mags from the walkthru guides. I already separated the dozen or so gaming books i have.

And i still have about another 3-4 boxes of games/hardware to get though :-/(I never thought i would be disappointing to say such a thing.)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on November 18, 2008, 06:04:24 PM
It sounds like you could use some more shelf space, seeing how you have to put everything 2 deep/3 high, etc... :o

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on November 18, 2008, 07:00:46 PM
Cleaned up my Genesis games that needed it, some DS games and some SNES and N64 games too. I've only got 3 more DS games, 5 SNES games and 4 gameboy games. Only a dozen more and then im all caught up with my cleaning. wooo!!!!

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on November 19, 2008, 07:03:28 PM
It sounds like you could use some more shelf space, seeing how you have to put everything 2 deep/3 high, etc... :o

I don't really plan on playing much of it right now so i'm not worried about it all being stacked and inaccessible.
Actually all of it is in my closet right now or boxed up waiting to be put in my closet.

Since available space is at a minimum right now with me Aubrey and the baby sharing my old bedroom. (We might be moving my moms crafting stuff so the baby can have a room till we find a place and move out)

I think the only stuff that is going to be "on display" is books, magazines and if i can finagle it my Mortal Kombat stuff.

Also as it stands now:

VERY Top shelf
Most of my CIB systems
Empty system boxes
a bunch of controllers/accessories
a couple loose systems
Guitar Hero games
some other stuff

Top Shelf (Left side)
PS2 is 4 high on the back of the shelf
Xbox is 3 high in front of PS2
360 and GCN are sharing the space in front of the Xbox
Wii in front of those

Middle shelf (Left side)
Genesis CIB games
PSX stacked 2 high in front of those
DC in front of those
DS in front of the DC games.
Pico next to the DS and DC games(takes up 2 rows deep :-/)

Bottom shelf(aka floor) (Left side)
box of Atari games i haven't gone through.
box filled with the loose SNES/Genesis/NES/SMS games and CIB controllers and accessories.

Right side
dozen+ of displays(maybe half are mortal kombat)
3 boxes of various junk i have to go thru
large container full of letters, cards, comics, posters, and free take one stuff, and more. All gaming related.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: cverz2 on November 19, 2008, 10:20:19 PM
I just realized I have "64"  Nintendo 64 games.  :)   :laugh:    ::)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on November 20, 2008, 07:36:18 AM
I just realized I have "64"  Nintendo 64 games.  :)   :laugh:    ::)
Staring at the "My Collection" screen for too long makes one think in the strangest of ways, isn't it?

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on December 11, 2008, 08:01:05 PM
Just added (i believe) all my 2600 games into my collection.
Pushed me up to 775(776 once i get Planet Patrol figured out) in my collection plus my 127 demos puts me at 900+ games.

Hopefully i still have another 100 games/demos sitting around somewhere to be added. I know i have that much in hardware but i wanted to maintain over 1k games this year :-/

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Izret101 on December 28, 2008, 01:21:28 PM
Minus Mortal Kombat variants and hardware i am 99% certain my whole collection is entered into the website now.
I also ended up adding a seperate folder for my WiiWare games and other DL games when i get 360 and/or PS3.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on December 28, 2008, 01:34:22 PM

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: NES_Rules on March 24, 2009, 03:19:38 PM
With a large addition to my Intellivision games, I condensed my ColecoVision hardware to one shelf to make more room for the Intellivision games. This freed up the shelf where the Intellivision games were so I was able to put more SNES games on that shelf, which was good because with my last package from Izret, I was going to have to double stack them.

Also, I'm debating whether or not I should sell off nearly all my pre-NES stuff. The only thing I'd probably keep is a boxed 2600 and a handful of games. It would free up a lot of space and since I never played the stuff, I know I wouldn't really miss anything, but the market is so bad for selling stuff right now, I'd probably get something like 1/2 what I would have a year or two ago.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Sirgin on March 24, 2009, 05:58:44 PM
Also, I'm debating whether or not I should sell off nearly all my pre-NES stuff. The only thing I'd probably keep is a boxed 2600 and a handful of games. It would free up a lot of space and since I never played the stuff, I know I wouldn't really miss anything, but the market is so bad for selling stuff right now, I'd probably get something like 1/2 what I would have a year or two ago.
I'd say keep it. If you still want to sell it by the time the crisis is over (and prices have returned back to normal), then sell it. But if you sell it in a hurry now, I can guarantee you'll be kicking yourself later. ;)

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on March 06, 2012, 08:17:53 AM
I've been putting off adding some stuff for a while and was in need of doing an inventory. Just spent the last 3.5 hours going over all my games and making sure I'm up to date. Still need to go through hardware and accessories, but that should take nearly as long. Once that is done I can add the last batch of stuff and my collection will be current again for the first time after the hack.

Title: Re: The Collection Diary
Post by: KidA on March 31, 2012, 02:09:04 AM
Started collecting anew sometime last month after being out of the game for  about five years.  I've inadvertently started collecting for obscure handhelds again as well as picking up anything CIB under three bucks.  I don't foresee myself ever relinquishing my passion again.