RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Tondog on February 12, 2008, 02:40:00 AM

Title: Featured Game 2.11.08: Half-Life 1 Anthology
Post by: Tondog on February 12, 2008, 02:40:00 AM
[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-016/bf/U-016-S-08840-A.jpg&sizex=200[/img]Half-Life 1 Anthology
Console:IBM PC
RFG ID #:U-016-S-08840-A
Part #:ISBN 0-7845-3889-1
UPC: 0 14633 09841 9
Rating:M (ESRB)
Sub-genre:First-Person Shooter
Media Format:DVD-ROM x1

Game Page: http://www.rfgeneration.com/cgi-bin/getinfo.pl?ID=U-016-S-08840-A&

Take control of MIT graduate and Theorotical Physicist Gordon Freeman and help him defeat the alien invaders from Xen. Or take control of Colonel Adrian Shepard and help him silence Black Mesa and destroy aliens. When you're done with that, be security guard Barney Calhoun and just survive against all these nasty aliens roaming around the research center. When you're done with all that, hop online for one of the best online shooters ever, Team Fortress Classic.

Title: Re: Featured Game 2.11.08: Half-Life 1 Anthology
Post by: OatBob on May 28, 2008, 04:10:03 AM
ok, I finally caved in and picked up Half Life 2 for the Xbox.

Title: Re: Featured Game 2.11.08: Half-Life 1 Anthology
Post by: Ghost Soldier on May 28, 2008, 06:27:16 AM
ok, I finally caved in and picked up Half Life 2 for the Xbox.
Excellent game to pick and start playing.  Half Life 2 is one of the greatest games I've played.  I enjoyed it from beginning to end. 

Title: Re: Featured Game 2.11.08: Half-Life 1 Anthology
Post by: Tondog on May 28, 2008, 06:28:55 AM
Go play the first game (and the expansions) before 2.

Title: Re: Featured Game 2.11.08: Half-Life 1 Anthology
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on May 29, 2008, 11:32:47 AM
I enjoyed Half-Life 1 much more than 2. Where 2 slingshots you all over the damn place, 1 instills that feeling of, "oh shit I'm trapped in a giant research facility where there be monsters." In both games there is constant forward motion, but it works so much better in 1, as you climb out of Black Mesa and find, oh shit, that the army has arrived to fuck you up and, oh hell, you have to go BACK IN to Black Mesa. Genius gameplay, oh I love it, might have to reinstall.