Title: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on January 24, 2008, 11:15:57 AM What a Pain in the ass.
I won an auction @ $21.49 for the MUA/Forza 2 combo NIB. I got a money order and sent it to their address. Apparantly it was "lost" in the mail. Now I need to stop pay the original order, get another order cut, and for my own peace of mind I'm going to mail it with a signature required. So this is going to end up costing me close to $40 or more when I'm all done. And who knows if I'll get the game. The seller has been communicating well throughout, but I'll NEVER buy into an Ebay auction without Paypal being a payment option again! Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Ghost Soldier on January 24, 2008, 11:37:40 AM It's a pain without paypal. BTW you can track most money order's if you kept the slip. It's even better if you got it at a bank because most photo copy the money order when there cashed. I used that to my advantage when some a**hole pulled this trick. I had a photo copy signed by him and his bank account number written on the money order when he deposited it. Nice little bit of evidence for my case. Best of luck on this situation.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on January 24, 2008, 02:06:07 PM When I contacted my bank's customer service number with the money order serial #, it was verified that it hadn't been cashed. So I issued the stop pay and got a new one.
I know it could be worse, but what a hassle just because they're not set up on Paypal... :P Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Ghost Soldier on January 24, 2008, 02:41:18 PM Glad you got a stop pay on that. Keep us informed how it all works out.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Tan on January 24, 2008, 03:14:17 PM When I contacted my bank's customer service number with the money order serial #, it was verified that it hadn't been cashed. So I issued the stop pay and got a new one. I know it could be worse, but what a hassle just because they're not set up on Paypal... :P It could be worse, you could have been dealing with PayPal and trying to get everything sorted out before the auction payment due date passed, sometimes that takes 1 or 2 weeks. :P Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: shaggy on January 24, 2008, 04:30:49 PM Man, I don't like Paypal. It's usually a pain in the ass trying to get your money for some slacker who doesn't want to deliver the goods. Paypal is easy but I don't like them. I also heard of cases where Paypal was taken money out of people's account for no reason at all and than denying it. Assholes.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Izret101 on January 24, 2008, 06:05:57 PM Something similair happened to me with a guy who didn't accept paypal.
I sent a check and it got lost and i got negged. (my first one after 100 transactions) The guy never bothered to let me know he never got it and i know it never got cashed. At least not yet... But i definately agree paypal is the only way to go. Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on January 25, 2008, 02:05:46 PM So far, here are my costs for this auction...
$15.49 Auction win. + 6.00 Shipping + 5.00 Money Order + 12.00 Stop Payment + 5.00 2nd Money order + 3.85 for Certified Mail of the 2nd Money order. = $47.34. We'll see if I get the game... :P. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :-\ Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Tan on January 25, 2008, 02:46:20 PM $22? Damn, your bank is really gouging you on service fees. :P
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on January 25, 2008, 03:55:57 PM ^Yeah. Seems like U.S. banks have got to resort to gouging on fees wherever they can given the Banking crisis we're currently experiencing. :P
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: logical123 on January 25, 2008, 11:46:46 PM Down With American Banks Association (DWABA) has officially come to order. ::)
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: BadEnoughDude on January 26, 2008, 12:16:48 AM Why would you ever pay $5 for a money order? They are a dollar or less at any post office, and even less if you live near a Coborn's (they were $0.25 when I used to get them there while I was in college).
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Barracuda on January 26, 2008, 08:41:57 AM Sorry to hear about your misfortion. I've been screwed over a few times also but luckily I got my money back. If I had known you were looking for this game I would have sold you my sealed copy that I have no intentions on playing.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on January 27, 2008, 04:29:26 PM Why would you ever pay $5 for a money order? They are a dollar or less at any post office, and even less if you live near a Coborn's (they were $0.25 when I used to get them there while I was in college). I wasn't aware that the Post Office had them. Now I know to look into that if I ever need one in the future. Thanks. ...If I had known you were looking for this game I would have sold you my sealed copy that I have no intentions on playing. Dang! :P Well, if I don't get the game, I may still take you up on that... Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Tynstar on February 01, 2008, 12:37:19 PM Grocery stores sell MO's for 99 cents as well. At least you are getting two really good games.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: Tan on February 01, 2008, 12:41:24 PM Here, depending on your bank, MO's don't cost anything at all. I tend to use a lot of them for many different things, I can well imagine how even at a buck a piece, it'd chip away at my wallet over time.
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on February 07, 2008, 09:45:24 AM Well, they received the Money Order the other day and stated they'd be shipping it out (it's now 1 month after the auction close). Now I'm just waiting to see if I finally get the game. :P
Title: Re: Ebay...Never EVER deal with someone without Paypal! Post by: phoenix1967 on February 12, 2008, 11:27:44 AM The game finally arrived on Saturday...over a month after the auction win. Phew! :-\