RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: lackofselfcontrol on January 11, 2008, 07:52:39 PM

Title: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: lackofselfcontrol on January 11, 2008, 07:52:39 PM
Die Hard Trilogy > Die Hard Trilogy 2

When the first DHT stood for carnage and blood, and making it seem so fantastically humorous, DHT2 failed miserably to continue it's fine name. What we got was a stale effort. Long gone was the happy fun times, in came grey and more grey. It felt like the colour grey. And no one thought anymore that killing people was worth the bullets they'd bought with their terrorist allowance. They just acted on old instincts, though their time was up a long while ago.

DHT = 8/10 vs. DHT2 = 4/10

Perfect Dark > Perfect Dark Zero

Awesome single player and even more awesome multiplayer. I would say the BEST FPS multiplayer game on whatever the console. I will admit it, co-op had bad framerate problems, but did it ruin the fun? Hell no, it was still perfection. My god, it's called PERFECT Dark, what did you expect?!
Ironically, Perfect Dark Zero was what it was. Zero enjoyment. No, wait, that's called exaggerating oh noes monsters run!!!1. It is a standard FPS game with sickening voice actors, plus the meaningless storyline as a bonus. The developers also seemed eager to take away all the great options from Combat Simulator, might I add. In return were nice, shiny graphics of course. Not BAD, but "shrug your shoulders"-OK.

PD = 10/10 vs. PDZ = 5/10

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Tan on January 11, 2008, 08:41:37 PM
LttP > Everything on the consoles that came after

I'll throw the Legend of Zelda series out there. They raised the bar so high with LttP that the four 3D games that followed just didn't cut it for me. Ironically however I've enjoyed each and every handheld Zelda to date.

Need for Speed 1-6 > Need for Speed fast & furious ripoffs

This series used to rock, it had the cars, good music, weather, day/night, police chases, car damage and even local language police. Then they started churning out street racer sequels one after another with little or no features, never regaining that former glory. Even Most wanted and it's brethren never reached that same pinnacle, and with EA the way they are now, prob never will.

Westwood's C&C > EA's C&C

The war RTS that gave us the feeling of large scale resource management and strategy and unlimited replayability became another one of EA's mediocre titles and destroyed yet another fine studio. C&C Generals and  C&C 3 are the Julian Lennons of video games.

Contra Arcade,  8 bit and 16 bit > Contra PS1/Saturn + everything that followed.

I wouldn't even know where to begin. Parents always say if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. So I won't. I will add though that finally after 11 years they've redeemed the series with Contra IV, and as long as EA doesn't buy Konami too "Contra V" might be a good one as well. :P

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: TraderJake on January 11, 2008, 08:46:53 PM
Donkey Konga > Donkey Konga 2

Take a variety of good to decent songs and replace them with crap. That was Donkey Konga 2.

Super Mario 64 > Super Mario Sunshine

Sunshine was to themed, where was the variety of old? Where was the innovation? FLOOD was annoying. Thank god for Galaxy.

SimCity 2000 > SimCity 3000

No Floods? No Hurricanes? No Arcos? Bah.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: cverz2 on January 11, 2008, 11:28:06 PM
LttP > Everything on the consoles that came after

I'll throw the Legend of Zelda series out there. They raised the bar so high with LttP that the four 3D games that followed just didn't cut it for me. Ironically however I've enjoyed each and every handheld Zelda to date.


Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on January 12, 2008, 05:28:58 AM
Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 > Tomb Raider 4 > Tomb Raider 5 > Tomb Raider angel of Darkness

The first three Tomb Raiders were great. Of course they had their flaws, but there were improvements with every succesive game. Untill Tomb Raider 4. Mainly because it was all set in the same boring desert country. Tomb Raider 5 was a piece of shit that made no sense at all. I don't even want to talk about Angel of Darkness.

Luckily it got better with Legend and Anniversary.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Ando on January 12, 2008, 09:13:03 AM
Donkey Konga > Donkey Konga 2

Take a variety of good to decent songs and replace them with crap. That was Donkey Konga 2.
Donkey Konga 1 had good songs? Whew, thanks for telling me. I never would have noticed.

For me,
Any previous Mana game > Children of Mana
It was a freaking dungeon crawler... It was my first, and subsequently taught me how much I hate dungeon crawlers. I was really looking forward to another Sword of Mana but NOOOO. None of THAT apparently.
Worst game released on my birthday ever.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: phoenix1967 on January 12, 2008, 09:39:34 AM
Burnout 3: Takedown > Burnout: Revenge

The dumbed-down controls for Revenge made this one a disappointment, imo.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: jcalder8 on January 12, 2008, 11:21:24 AM
TMNT 2 the arcade game > TMNT 3

It's a classic that still has yet to be toppled by another TMNT game

Double Dragon 2 > DD3

Number 3 is just too damn hard :grrr:

GoldenEye > all over Bond games

There is a reason why Goldeneye is still talked about but no one remembers the others

NHL 94 > all other EA NHL games

Greatest NHL game VS all the others need I say more?

Street Fighter 2 CE > SF3

IMO it doesn't get any better than SF2 CE

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: hXd on January 12, 2008, 12:06:35 PM
Resident Evil 1, 2, 4, Umbrella Chronicles > All the rest

While I'm a big fan of RE, there were only a few that truly were awe-inspiring; the first for breaking ground in the industry, the second for improving dramaticaly upon the formula, the fourth for YET AGAIN breaking ground, and ONLY ONE of the spinoffs for the challenge and nostalgia.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: nester on January 22, 2008, 01:02:22 AM
Actraiser > Actraiser 2

For the second game in the series the developer decided to take out what made the first one so special. It became another generic 16 bit side scroller. I've still never gotten over it

Shining Force I,II,II > everything that came after!

I have a feeling that there's never going to be another real Shining Force game. They keep changing the gameplay and then giving it some silly subtitle. The gameplay was what we loved! Quit messing around and just give us another Shining Force already!!!

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: BadEnoughDude on January 22, 2008, 01:10:23 AM
Actraiser > Actraiser 2

For the second game in the series the developer decided to take out what made the first one so special. It became another generic 16 bit side scroller. I've still never gotten over it

That was mine, too. The second one was such a let down after the first.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Ghost Soldier on January 22, 2008, 09:38:18 AM
LttP > Everything on the consoles that came after

I'll throw the Legend of Zelda series out there. They raised the bar so high with LttP that the four 3D games that followed just didn't cut it for me. Ironically however I've enjoyed each and every handheld Zelda to date.

Same for me on Link to the Past.  Nothing has topped it yet in the series.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: nester on January 23, 2008, 12:46:37 AM
That was mine, too. The second one was such a let down after the first.

Well I'm glad it's not just me!

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Cobra on January 23, 2008, 02:45:18 AM
Shining Force I,II,II > everything that came after!

I have a feeling that there's never going to be another real Shining Force game. They keep changing the gameplay and then giving it some silly subtitle. The gameplay was what we loved! Quit messing around and just give us another Shining Force already!!!

Sadly Sonic Software Planning the team behind the original 3 Shining Force games (and also Shining Wisdom & Shining The Holy Ark) is no more. So all of these followups are just products of Sega of today.

I just remembered my most disliked sequel
Advance Guardian Heroes
Looks and plays like absolute crap. Anything and everything that made the original so special is gone and such a shite translation it wouldn't of been much better if it had been fan done. Way to kill a great game.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: shaggy on January 23, 2008, 08:18:49 AM
LttP > Everything on the consoles that came after

I'll throw the Legend of Zelda series out there. They raised the bar so high with LttP that the four 3D games that followed just didn't cut it for me. Ironically however I've enjoyed each and every handheld Zelda to date.

Same for me on Link to the Past.  Nothing has topped it yet in the series.

You guys beat me to the punch.  The Link to the Past was the BEST Zelda game ever!!

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Tan on January 23, 2008, 11:32:40 AM
Shining Force I,II,II > everything that came after!

I have a feeling that there's never going to be another real Shining Force game. They keep changing the gameplay and then giving it some silly subtitle. The gameplay was what we loved! Quit messing around and just give us another Shining Force already!!!

Shining Force Neo/EXA > All it's predecessors

I could never get into the Shining Force series, just not for me I guess. But when Neo came out, somehow I knew I'd love it. I went and bought it plus the strat guide without hardly any research, it just felt right. Same thing with Ys: Ark of Napishtim versus the earlier Ys games.
I guess this one is a case of "Prequels that make you go :no:"

One more for the road:

2D Marios > Everything that has come after.

I'm sorry folks, there's a list of games that did wonders for me in 3D and others who haven't. Mario platformers in 3D just seem really bland and forgettable. Sure innovative this blah blah, milestone achievement that blah blah, but the 2D Marios have a timeless appeal and a higher degree of challenge. Shake off the impact Mario 64 had because of it's transition to 3D, and your left with a solid game that few people go back to and play anymore. Need another example? The appeal of NSMB on the DS versus the redone Super mario 64. 2D side scrolling platformer has a special charm not even Mario galaxy can't touch. Contra and Castlevania have much the same appeal, regardless of the year and where we are in gaming trends.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: NESman93 on January 23, 2008, 06:52:05 PM
Super Mario Bros.>Super Mario Bros.

The game was nothing like the first and nintendo just ruined Mario...until SMB3 cam out...thank God for that!

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on January 24, 2008, 10:32:08 AM
Tenchu, after the first one the series just plummets with each new release.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Cobra on January 25, 2008, 06:38:30 PM
Tenchu, after the first one the series just plummets with each new release.
I have to agree to that, I completely forgot about that one.
(Mainly because I refuse to play any of the new ones now)

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: logical123 on January 25, 2008, 11:37:08 PM
All Sonic Games Except Sonic 3D > Sonic 3D Blast

I'm sorry, but 3D Blast was crap. A steaming load of crap. And (!) it wasn't made by Sonic Team.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: BadEnoughDude on January 26, 2008, 01:00:53 AM
Super Mario Bros.>Super Mario Bros.

The game was nothing like the first and nintendo just ruined Mario...until SMB3 cam out...thank God for that!

Um... Excuse me?

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Cobra on January 26, 2008, 05:44:41 PM
3D Blast (or Flickies Island) is pretty crap, however the level of how crappy it is really depends on the version you've played. The MD version was just laughable, with it's 3D bonus stages so easy it was a joke. If you haven't played it yet try the Saturn version, as it dose have a nice soundtrack and really good bonus levels... still not very good, but a lot better.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Cobra on January 29, 2008, 07:37:58 AM
Shining Force Neo/EXA > All it's predecessors


Seriously though it's good that one of the newer games has got some support though through non-shining fans as it really missed the mark for those who loved the series prior to Sega taking complete contol over the series.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Rajaat the Warbringer on January 29, 2008, 09:51:35 AM
Actraiser > Actraiser 2

For the second game in the series the developer decided to take out what made the first one so special. It became another generic 16 bit side scroller. I've still never gotten over it

I agree 100%


Breath of Fire 2 > Breath of Fire 3
Chrono Trigger > Chrono Cross
Devil May Cry 1 > Devil May Cry 2 & 3
Final Fantasy 1 > Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 4 > Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6 > Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9 > Final Fantasy 10
Suikoden 2 > Suikoden 3

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Tynstar on January 29, 2008, 02:59:20 PM
Westwood's C&C > EA's C&C

The war RTS that gave us the feeling of large scale resource management and strategy and unlimited replayability became another one of EA's mediocre titles and destroyed yet another fine studio. C&C Generals and  C&C 3 are the Julian Lennons of video games.

So true  :'(

Warcraft II > Everything after that

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: PDorr3 on February 06, 2008, 02:04:47 AM
Jak and Daxter >> Jak2

Jak2 is not a bad game in any way, however I really loved the original world of JaD and though the turn tothe "GTA" style of Jak2 was way too harsh.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: GnawRadar on February 13, 2008, 11:51:25 AM
Everything Command and Conquer Series > Generals and Renegade

Generals I think just missed the mark and Renegade was fun and stupid at the same time.

Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 > Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

GBA game that just consisted of you hitting A until the game was over.


Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Fuyukaze on February 13, 2008, 01:17:30 PM
Wow, most of what I see that's considered bad is stuff I actualy liked.

My pick would be Chrono Trigger>Crono Cross

The first game played so great.  The second had a great story but the biggest problem was the way one gained levels.  Sure, in theory it's great to make players have to overly think about what abilities to use and what ones not to, but realy, it's nice to be able to get a little bit of an advantage sometimes.

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Magewout on February 16, 2008, 05:09:29 AM
Tetris DX> all other versions including Tetris DS

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: Tan on February 16, 2008, 11:12:57 AM
Tetris DX> all other versions including Tetris DS

I agree 100%  :)

Title: Re: Sequels that make you go >:(
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on February 17, 2008, 09:01:56 PM