Title: You know you always wanted to Post by: Izret101 on October 17, 2004, 08:01:41 AM You know you always wanted to play 3 games at once on you're SP. Well uou can all with this hardware and the press of a buttton.
http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/237711.asp Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: shadytool on October 17, 2004, 08:04:25 AM pretty sure that in GI or EGM they said the samething about that game changer about a month or two ago.
Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: Izret101 on October 17, 2004, 08:05:58 AM What did they say about it?
The reviews i read said greatly vary, but i might just pick one up because it is wierd and i like wierd stuff. Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: Lord Nepenthean on October 17, 2004, 09:19:56 AM Yeah I've seen these things for many months now at Radio Shack and other places. I read a review (don't know what magazine) that kind of implied it's great if you're really so lazy that you can't just switch cartridges. It also said that for people with small hands, it can be nice just as something that makes the system a little easier to grip.
Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 17, 2004, 06:20:35 PM I read the review in "The Crap" section of some magazine, it sounded pretty lame. The reviewer did a test and said it takes just as long to figure out how to put the games into the thing as it would to manually change them. Besides, who's only got three games?
Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: Izret101 on October 17, 2004, 06:38:23 PM The Crap section sounds like something out of Game Informer.
Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: danvx6 on October 17, 2004, 08:01:17 PM i only have 2 GBA games actually so i would have a spare slot
and izret is right it does sound like something out of Game Informer, but it is not unless they have created it after August 2004, because i havent renewed since then Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 19, 2004, 12:28:28 PM ironically i'm down to three or four games now because some little kid just bought my collection of crappy games. Maybe i'll have to go pick one up now.
P.S. I think is was EGM but i'm not sure. Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: Izret101 on October 19, 2004, 01:01:42 PM I only have one. My little borther so that means i will have 3 in the near future. Dan has 2 so that puts me up to 5 in the later future. I might start bying them from sale bins if i see them. Right now the only things i see under 20 bucks are the Hobbit and thats 10.
Title: Re: You know you always wanted to Post by: Antimind on October 21, 2004, 11:23:31 AM I own one and I love it. I got it mainly because I have issues getting a good grip on my SP cause it seems a bit small and with long fingernails... I figured it's a lot more functional than buying a traditional "grip adder" thingy. It's actually pretty nice for those occasions where you know you're gonna have a lil time to waste but can't decide what game you want to play (like doctor office waits). It does the trick and it's comfortable to hold, worth the investment if you find the SP a bit too small.