Title: Xmen legends Post by: Toilet > my N-gage on October 15, 2004, 05:43:22 PM Anyone invest in this game, ive been looking in to it for 2 years, but it slipped down over time on my priority list....
I want this game, ohhh(drool), classic nightcrawler red and blue spandex Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Izret101 on October 15, 2004, 05:44:34 PM It does look wicked good. I don't know anything about it really though.
Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Toilet > my N-gage on October 15, 2004, 05:48:31 PM I believe its a 4-person rpg like game, you can upgrade abilities, and do special finishers, combining two different xmen
like the fastball special, for colossus and wolverine Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Odonadon on October 17, 2004, 09:51:56 PM I got the game this morning for XBox - haven't played it yet though. Should be pretty cool.
OD Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Sauza12 on October 18, 2004, 06:35:25 AM I've been playing a bit of this with my friends for the past couple of days. The early going is pretty easy, but once you get to some stronger enemies, you actually have to use some strategy to beat them. I like the fighting system, and the leveling system is standard fare for this type of game. I haven't played it in single player yet, but I gotta imagine that it is much better with four players.
Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Izret101 on October 18, 2004, 02:44:08 PM http://www.getintothegame.com/bonus_level/special_offers.aspx
Just got this a few hours ago. Anyone who wants ithis game it's $34.88 at Target. Unless you can find it cheaper or there is no Target near you then get it somewhere else. It does look good. If there was a target near me i would go get it. I will just wait for it to drop in price some and get it then though. Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: danvx6 on October 18, 2004, 06:44:48 PM there is a target near you izret
Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Izret101 on October 18, 2004, 06:57:31 PM Ya like a 30 minute drive away jackass.
Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: danvx6 on October 18, 2004, 07:38:00 PM well come to my house, its 10 minutes away from me and then you have an excuse to drive that far and i need to go there anyway
EDIT: and i don't care if you live 40 minutes away from me lol Title: Re: Xmen legends Post by: Toilet > my N-gage on October 26, 2004, 02:12:32 PM i live an hour away from the holyoke mall and i even have a raincheck for the game...and my parent sdont seem to intent on driving me there