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Announcements and Feedback => The Thinktank => Topic started by: Shimra on November 19, 2007, 04:02:45 PM

Title: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on November 19, 2007, 04:02:45 PM
As most people know I stepped down from the position of features writer a few months ago due to frustrations that consistently occurred (coding mainly, and falling behind which I felt terrible for). Anyway, I have always wanted to keep helping the site, however the role of a features writer was just not for me. Considering I highly enjoy writing reviews I have decided that I will try writing extremely in depth reviews for a wide variety of games hopefully once a week (don't hold me to that). Furthermore I'll try to complete the page for the reviewed game as well as provide a few pictures. It may not be much but this is pretty much a throwback to Laharl's reviewing style which I highly enjoyed and in all honesty base most my reviews off. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this, and by all means the features writers can always use these at their disposal, you know I won't complain  ;)

So... I suppose I will keep track of the pages I have done here and take suggestions for reviews you guys want (assuming I have played the game).

November 18/November 25
Bleach: The Blade of Fate - Nintendo DS

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on November 23, 2007, 11:03:30 AM
Revamped the Baten Kaitos page. Included a more in depth review and game trivia (2nd collaboration of the team that brought us Chrono Trigger). Waiting for this to get approved.

Also not sure if this is the right place to put this topic.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on November 23, 2007, 09:11:53 PM
Oops, sorry about that, I thought the previous review was the one in which Trader Jake took down mine and replaced it with something that pretty much said ´this game suck´. Sorry about that, should have read the review. Real sorry about that.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Mezmoron on November 25, 2007, 07:15:22 PM
Please continue to do this Shimra.  We'll get some of these games featured.


Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on November 26, 2007, 02:24:27 PM
Thanks for the input.


Geeze, besides the load times I didn´t think the game was that bad at all other than the lackluster story mode.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on December 11, 2007, 12:04:08 AM
Sorry for the lack of updates, my sleeping pattern has been really screwed up; going to bed at like 9 in the morning and waking up anywhere between 6 and 11. Uhh, my next review will hopefully be Contra 4 as soon as I beat it. Quick input about it, I have nothing bad to say about the game. From what I understand people have been docking points due to cheap deaths and the high difficulty. IMO that is bullcrap, the reviewer just needs an excuse for why he/she keeps dying. In actuality it is a real easy game to not die if you manage have a quick eye and quick finger.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on December 18, 2007, 04:15:17 AM
Contra 4 review is up.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Tynstar on December 20, 2007, 03:21:21 PM
Nice work. I always like your reviews. If you do a game in and need scans check my collection and I will be glad to scan it for you.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on January 04, 2008, 01:56:38 AM
Dark Cloud 2 review is submitted.

This was a game I have wanted to review for such a long time. It's a really really awesome game but the dungeon crawling is so tedious and often boring; yet I completely acknowledge that so many people will love the dungeon crawling. I think the review is pretty good, I'll definitely go back and edit it (not the final score but the wording and explanations etc) but yeah I think the review is pretty good. I'll finish the page later, it's late.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Tan on January 04, 2008, 02:38:05 AM
Another good review, keep it up. :)

Have you played Rogue Galaxy yet? Same team who developed DC2, a lot of similar concepts in gameplay as well. Fantastic presentation, cutscenes and voicework.


Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on January 04, 2008, 12:14:50 PM
No I haven't played Rogue Galaxy yet. I will definitely buy it at some point, there's little doubt in my mind. I just need to finish a few games before then though.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on January 30, 2008, 10:10:19 AM
Sorry for the lack of reviews, college has been a killer. Luckily I just took my last exam so tonight I'll probably end up reviewing Shadow Hearts 3. Hopefully.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on January 30, 2008, 06:18:48 PM
I'd like to see reviews of:
- any game of the Baldur's Gate series (but only for pc)
- Tenchu Stealth Assassins (psx)
- Shenmue 2 (dc)
- any of the Tomb Raider games (preferably psx)

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on July 28, 2008, 10:34:50 PM
Sorry about the unbelievably long absence. I pretty much stopped playing videogames for a few months. Anyway, I just wrote a fantastic review of Metal Gear Solid 2. Very lengthy, very in depth, and definitely highlights a lot of interesting stuff.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Sirgin on July 29, 2008, 08:18:18 AM
Have you played Rogue Galaxy yet?
I LOVE Level5 RPG's! I've been wanting to play Rogue Galaxy every since it came out. But for some stupid, stupid reason it's still €50 in stores where I look and it's been out for like a year :'( Maybe I'll have to check eBay for it, because the waiting is getting irritating.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Tan on July 29, 2008, 12:03:22 PM
Have you played Rogue Galaxy yet?
I LOVE Level5 RPG's! I've been wanting to play Rogue Galaxy every since it came out. But for some stupid, stupid reason it's still €50 in stores where I look and it's been out for like a year :'( Maybe I'll have to check eBay for it, because the waiting is getting irritating.

I've seen it go from $40-60 here as well....when you can find it of course. I lucked in and got it used for half that a couple weeks after it came out but I've hardly ever seen copies of it since. One of the PS2's best games IMO.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: TraderJake on July 29, 2008, 12:45:53 PM
If you publish in a blog and set the tag, it'd be appreciated!

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Sirgin on July 29, 2008, 12:54:24 PM
One of the PS2's best games IMO.
Ooo, now I'm even more eager to get it! Searched for a demo of it today and played it. Also watched a trailer...looks really good.

I'm surprised that the game only gets 79% of the Dutch Playstation magazine that I read. In their review (from september 07) they say that it's not that bad, but it doesn't add anything new to the genre. They also state that the game is only enjoyable for people who have not come into contact with the PS3. *sigh*

I'm surprised how most of the gaming world has their heads completely turned to the future; while never looking back at the past. It's sad how even magazines dare to depict a system as "old", "dated" or "retired" from the moment it's successor has been released. Also, the whole world seems to be so graphics-focused. Only the newest graphics are good enough...

Recently I bought an S-video cable for my PS2 (until then I still used the composite cable bundled with the console) and am amazed at the difference in clarity and vividness of the colors. I'm planning  to buy a new (Full HD if possible, for movies) TV next year, then I'll be able to test out how the PS2 looks hooked up with a component cable :)

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Tan on July 29, 2008, 01:01:55 PM
The game suffers from "last-genitis". A gorgeous game released during the last days of an outdated system and reviewed in comparison to new games from newer technology. Even so I still think it stands out, as I've played few RPGs that have the quality of story, voice acting or cutscenes this one does. In my opinion far superior to the Dark Cloud series this game has taken gameplay elements from.

I'll even go so far as to say I'd compare it favorably to my precious "western RPGs". Coming from me that's a big statement.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: logical123 on July 29, 2008, 03:09:28 PM
Have you played Rogue Galaxy yet?
I LOVE Level5 RPG's! I've been wanting to play Rogue Galaxy every since it came out. But for some stupid, stupid reason it's still €50 in stores where I look and it's been out for like a year :'( Maybe I'll have to check eBay for it, because the waiting is getting irritating.

I've seen it go from $40-60 here as well....when you can find it of course. I lucked in and got it used for half that a couple weeks after it came out but I've hardly ever seen copies of it since. One of the PS2's best games IMO.

Mwhahahaha!!! I got this game for $22.99 at Game Crazy with an MVP membership used. It looked like it was played once, then put back in the case. And I am gonna start doing reviews for various games I own too.

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Shimra on July 29, 2008, 06:20:51 PM
Awesome, please post them so I can check them out. I love reading reviews (the in depth/entertaining/constructive ones at least).

Title: Re: I'm going to attempt to write a very in depth review once a week.
Post by: Sirgin on July 30, 2008, 06:18:05 AM
Okay........I'm glad atleast you got it cheaper then.