RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Ghost Soldier on October 18, 2007, 12:14:43 PM

Title: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 18, 2007, 12:14:43 PM
http://money.cnn.com/2007/10/18/technology/ps3.ap/index.htm?cnn=yes  Now all we need is some good ps3 only games.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 18, 2007, 12:25:40 PM
Whoop-de-do! They're still too far away from the $199.99 price point in order for me to START to be interested. :P

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Ghost Soldier on October 18, 2007, 01:04:07 PM
Whoop-de-do! They're still too far away from the $199.99 price point in order for me to START to be interested. :P

I agree with you on the 199.99 price point.  I'll pick it up towards the end of it's life.  I'm happy with the 360 and Wii right now.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Tan on October 18, 2007, 01:13:23 PM
I'll have one well before $199, I've always felt that owning a system while it's still new and popular is much better than buying it near the end of it's lifecycle. More friends playing it, better online etc etc. Something to be said for being in the moment that makes you enjoy it more than picking it up discount. Prob why I don't enjoy the PS2 quite as much, I didn't buy one until the slims came out, by then most of the games were years old and most people stopped playing them or lost interest.

Since it'd be a secondary system I'd want it to cost a lot less than my primary one (X360). Since there aren't any good games coming this year I can wait until Spring, hopefully there will be something to play other than multiplatform games.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Tynstar on October 18, 2007, 01:35:36 PM
Getting closer....now we need some games.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 18, 2007, 01:36:51 PM
I am interested in a PS3, but I will wait until it has a bigger library. Hopefully there will be another price drop or two before I am ready.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Tondog on October 18, 2007, 02:09:41 PM
I just posted an article on the front page about it (finally).


Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 22, 2007, 10:28:43 AM
So when is the 120gb version with backward compatibility, rumble controller, and HDMI port with HDMI cable for $449.99 coming out? 8)

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: den68 on October 22, 2007, 11:15:18 AM
It will still be awhile before I even have a flicker of interest for a PS3. I'm still just somewhat interested in a 360 and just recently finally got a PSP.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Tan on October 22, 2007, 12:40:43 PM
Because of the dollar parity, the price of the 80 gig dropped $160 up here, a good step in the right direction. :)

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: cyberfluxor on October 23, 2007, 07:51:22 PM
I'll have one well before $199, I've always felt that owning a system while it's still new and popular is much better than buying it near the end of it's lifecycle. More friends playing it, better online etc etc. Something to be said for being in the moment that makes you enjoy it more than picking it up discount. Prob why I don't enjoy the PS2 quite as much, I didn't buy one until the slims came out, by then most of the games were years old and most people stopped playing them or lost interest.

Since it'd be a secondary system I'd want it to cost a lot less than my primary one (X360). Since there aren't any good games coming this year I can wait until Spring, hopefully there will be something to play other than multiplatform games.
I bought my silver slim PS2 last November, love it and there's still tons of games I want. I don't care if others are playing "awesome" current gen systems and their games, I'll hang out there if I really want to taste it. LOL

Maybe years down the road if/when money isn't as much an issue I'll be interested in trying to keep up, but til then I like lots of cheap and fun classics and slowly buying outdated hardware and games.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 24, 2007, 03:53:29 PM
^A very economical strategy. I was a slow adopter last gen. 

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: hardart on October 29, 2007, 05:17:14 AM
i agree with cyberfluxor. i would rather pay for a older console with a load of decent games than for a next get console with one free game which isnt any good.

i got an xbox after it have been out ages, so there was loads of great games that had come out when the console first came out, so had a large library of cheap games to choose from. and since the 360 came out. u can pick up games for like £3. so i am still playing through a lot of xbox games before i even consider a ps3 or a 360.

and the fact that i have only just got a dreamcast. i think i wont be updating to a next gn console for a little bit longer (unless someone is kind enough to get me one for christmas or birthday), however i cant really see that happening.

only reason i would get a ps3 is for the bluray player and the backwards compatibility. however the latter seems to be out the window, especially in the UK with the cheaper ps3. and since i still own a crt TV. i dont see much point in getting bluray or a hd dvd player just yet.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Cobra on October 29, 2007, 02:56:07 PM
What the PS3 really needs is a killer game, one that'll make people want the system solely for it alone. Bluray seems to of flopped, well at least here in Australia, I haven't seen a single Bluray movie in any shop. Unless the bottom row of the very very small PS3 section has them I didn't check.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 29, 2007, 03:13:03 PM
At this time in the U.S., Blu-Ray disk movies are supposedly outselling HD-DVDs by 2:1. However, I don't know the particulars of these numbers to know if that includes the "5 Free" movies with the purchase of a Blu-Ray player or not.

Either way, 2:1 may sound impressive but imo is not going to shut down HD-DVD as a media format. The other aspect to consider is the fact that there's so much available in the area of downloadable movies that both disk formats could easily fail.

PS3 does need a console-exclusive killer app, no doubt about it. But imo that killer app would have to be something along the magnitude of Crysis or WoW in order to sell systems. Otherwise, it's going to be viewed as just another "good" game for the PS3, but which still won't be good enough to make people motivated enough to drop $499.99 on the system.

Title: Re: PS3 Price Cut
Post by: Cobra on October 30, 2007, 03:35:26 AM
Hmmm, you know while it wouldn't interest me, WoW would really help out the PS3, I mean heck, the 360 at least got Final Fantasy XI.