RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Lord Nepenthean on June 12, 2004, 04:52:29 AM

Title: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on June 12, 2004, 04:52:29 AM
Sometimes, they just can't give us a good translation.  The most classic of these can be found in Zero Wing, on Sega Genesis.

"All your base are belong to us..."

What other horrible video game translations (or just poorly-written text/dialogue) can you think of?

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on June 12, 2004, 05:11:11 AM
Alien Soldier comes to mind.

Stolen from this page: http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/segaarenaa1/alien%20soldier.html

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Sureshot on June 14, 2004, 07:02:22 AM
Well Captain America & The Avengers wasn't badly translated, it was just a bit weird.  For instance:

Captain America: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE!

Accompanied with ridiculous Gauntlet-esque Elmer Fudd talk ('WELCOME TO THE TWEASURE WOOM!!').  Another similarly funny occurrance was when Guile proclaimed 'GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN!' on beating Chun Li.

However, sheer bad translation awards go to Star Luster (my sig, should be Cadet Wing), and these are good too:


and http://zanyvg.overclocked.org/finalfantasy2/ff4spoony.gif of course (copy & paste).

Gunbound, the online Worms-type clone, has some very odd moments indeed.  Here's an item of 'hair' you can buy... it's all so obvious by the description! http://sureshot.sulphuricacid.co.uk/woodhair.jpg

http://www.engrish.com/category_index.php?category=Video%20Games: some new ones on there too (some already posted too).

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Arrrhalomynn on June 14, 2004, 08:37:19 AM
haha! hilarious.

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Lord Nepenthean on June 14, 2004, 08:44:30 AM
Wow, that is a good one.  What game is that from?

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Izret101 on July 05, 2004, 03:41:19 AM
i read the title and had the exaxt same thoughts as Nepenthean all you base are belong to us there where multiple mistranslations in that, and they were bad

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: danvx6 on July 05, 2004, 10:34:16 PM
Metal Gear for NES

Guard falls asleep, then wakes up and says: "I FEEL ASLEEP!!"

Snake gets in a truck, message: "UH - OH!  THE TRUCK HAVE STARTED TO MOVE!!"

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Izret101 on July 06, 2004, 09:14:23 PM
http://www.engrish.com/category_index.php?category=Video Games
screenshots of horribly translated games at their best I would guess. Your gonna have to copy & paste since the games is part of the link.

Title: Re: Horribly-Translated Video Games
Post by: Toilet > my N-gage on October 05, 2004, 07:20:08 PM
Megaman X6...worst translation, capcom did a great job with X5, maybe someone died