RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: Izret101 on September 30, 2007, 03:50:38 PM

Title: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Izret101 on September 30, 2007, 03:50:38 PM
I made a little post about this in Idle chatter.

I want to try and figure out if and how i can get my Wii online since i have become very unfortunate and don't have hi speed anymore.(I want VC dloads!!!)

I read that you could get the DS online with dialup using the WiFi connect USb plug thing for PCs.

Someone said they tried it with a Wii but it wouldn't work. Kept timing out.

I still might give that a shot though...

There is no ethernet for the Wii so maybe i could try something with the USB?

Anyone have any ideas?

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Tondog on September 30, 2007, 03:53:23 PM
As far as I'm aware, you can use an ethernet to USB adapter on the Wii. Try that.

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Izret101 on September 30, 2007, 09:45:47 PM
So if i picked this up:
would i be able to possibly maybe be able to access the net connection via the dialed up PC?

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Tynstar on October 01, 2007, 12:14:56 AM
Get high speed it would be less hassle. Or take you PC to a friends house with high speed. Or does Texas not have high speed? :)

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: JWKobayashi on October 01, 2007, 02:55:16 PM
AFAIK, the ethernet adapter has to have a chipset that the wii is compatible with.

You might have more luck with something like this:


Although, there is still no guarantee that this will work with a PC using ICS to share a dial up connection. If your speed sucks, you're still going to get the timeouts.

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Izret101 on October 01, 2007, 04:07:06 PM
Get high speed it would be less hassle. Or take you PC to a friends house with high speed. Or does Texas not have high speed? :)

The issue is the island isn't fully covered and it is harder to find a reliable provider than most places.

Plus i don't want to start paying for it at my girlfriends mothers house and get locked into an agreement that i am not going to be using.

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: shoes23 on October 01, 2007, 11:37:37 PM
Those Wi-Fi dongles should work, all the Wii needs is a wireless connection.  The problem would be however that you wouldn't have a static IP address.  You would need to reenter your settings on the Wii everytime you wanted to log online.  Maybe I'm way off, but I have an extra dongle at home, I'll try it out sometime this week.

Title: Re: 56k for Wii???
Post by: Izret101 on October 04, 2007, 02:54:36 PM
Thanks please let me know.

I would really like to try and get some of the Virtual Console games.