RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: shadowbound on September 29, 2007, 01:09:36 PM

Title: Pal games on the Sega Nomad
Post by: shadowbound on September 29, 2007, 01:09:36 PM
I read the Sega Nomad never got released in the UK but I wouldn't mind getting myself one from ebay or something. I just wondered if my Pal Megadrive games will run on it ok?

Title: Re: Pal games on the Sega Nomad
Post by: James on September 29, 2007, 01:21:35 PM
Mostly. Mega Drive games weren't region locked until (I think) mid 1994-95. So most PAL 50Hz games will work in NTSC 60Hz mode, and vice versa.

I just sold my Nomad a couple of months ago because I wasn't using it and I needed a bit of cash. It was a good console but not portable at all, unless I used a car charger or only wanted to play it around the house.

Title: Re: Pal games on the Sega Nomad
Post by: Mars on September 30, 2007, 03:54:20 PM
Or had lithium batteries, or just really good rechargeable ones.
The Nomad also has a control port for two players :)

I use to have a site, nomad.org.au and was making a compatibility list... kinda wish I didn't axe it now. Like James said, all the early games work, the later ones do to. They mainly seemed to region lock games around the mid life of the system. This is a game by game thing though, and more the bigger budget games for the most part.

Also you'll find the Nomad can play Jap games. The only one I had though was Double Dragon II as it was completely in English.