RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: James on August 13, 2007, 11:35:53 AM

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 13, 2007, 11:35:53 AM
Played the Bioshock demo.....meh

I started downloading that. Just to show how popular the demo must be - It's been downloading for about an hour and a half and it's at 6% of 1.35GB. The servers must be under a heavy load. Other 1GB+ Demos have taken around 30 minutes to finish for me.

I found an old CD of DOS games at my aunts on Friday and I got round to playing it today in DOSBox 0.71. I could load the menu to choose which game to play but it wouldn't load the game. It turned out I wasn't mounting the CD properly. I started Titus The Fox and it came up with the message "Yeeeeah! You're still playing Titus in 2007!"

Edit: Another hour and a half later it's up to 18%. This is really slow.

Edit 2: It's now been 4 hours and I'm up to 25%.

Edit 3: I started the download at about 4:00pm. It's now 9:30pm and it's at 34%.

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 13, 2007, 12:39:38 PM
Played the Bioshock demo.....meh

What!!!  :o   I was looking forward to this one! Was it too short of a demo maybe? Too easy? Details please.

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 14, 2007, 03:49:00 AM
The Bioshock Demo was at 64% after 10 hours so I stopped and went to bed. I turned it on this morning and it jumped back to 46% but it was much quicker today.

Having played it, I was really impressed. It's overhyped but it is good. The graphics are great. I got to a room near the end and kept dying as soon as I got out of the Vita Chamber.

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 15, 2007, 10:04:18 PM
Bioshock demo. OMG!  :o

First off. This game is a work of art for the next gen in the way Ico was for the last gen. The atmosphere of the game is outstanding. Graphics are gorgeous! Gameplay is smooth as silk. I've taken down some "splicers" (mutated human beings that inhabit Rapture, the city of Bioshock) and have gotten to the point of needing to sneak past a security bot before getting wiped out. There's definitely a puzzle factor to getting through certain areas.

The game starts in cinematic style, but doesn't break perspectives when you start playing. Cutscenes are interspersed into the general context of the game. The early-game atmosphere does wonders for immersing you into the action and clues laying around reveal that there's a mystery to unravel. So far, this is shaping up to be one awesome game.

@Tan, were you jaded by something before you played this demo? Did it seem too much like something else you played previously?

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tan on August 16, 2007, 02:09:40 AM
@Tan, were you jaded by something before you played this demo? Did it seem too much like something else you played previously?

Read around the forum and other places on the net, you'll find opinions of this game vary. This won't be the big GOTY everyone thought it would. By the time December rolls around everyone will be like "Bio what?" with all these great games coming this year. Once you get past it's pretty eye candy and sound it's another cookie-cutter FPS. It's almost Prey with all the WTF moments, wrench beatings and dark atmosphere, but without the Art Bell, portals and puzzles.

But yes I have played a dark game with a nice atmosphere and gameplay meant to keep you on your toes. It was called Doom3 and it came out 3 years ago LOL. Like I mentioned in my blog it'll probably be a solid game good for a bargain bin purchase. Spiritual Successor to System Shock? I can't beleive they had the gall to even compare it or associate it's name.

But that's my opinion so it shouldn't matter. I don't buy games based on anyone's word or reviews and I don't imagine you do either. ;)

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 17, 2007, 09:17:21 AM
This won't be the big GOTY everyone thought it would. By the time December rolls around everyone will be like "Bio what?" with all these great games coming this year. Once you get past it's pretty eye candy and sound it's another cookie-cutter FPS.
...I don't buy games based on anyone's word or reviews and I don't imagine you do either. ;)

I know I've been wrong about demos before. For example, I was totally geeked about Lost Planet's demo, but when the game actually was released, I returned my copy and put a reserve on Crackdown (which was an excellent choice, btw!). I'll probably pick up LP again when it's a budget title, though, because it still does seem entertaining enough to be worth it...just not at full prices.

So while I can empathize with your "meh" when it comes to playing the Bioshock demo, I just happen to disagree...wholeheartedly. 8)

Hopefully, the complete game is as good as it's being made out to be and I won't have another Lost Planet to have to return. As far as the ratings go on gamerankings.com, so far the lowest score it's received from the major review sites is a 9.5! :o So I view that as a good sign.

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tan on August 17, 2007, 12:46:32 PM
As far as the ratings go on gamerankings.com, so far the lowest score it's received from the major review sites is a 9.5! :o So I view that as a good sign.

Yes and that's why many reviewers have locked themselves into a corner and have become unreliable. IGN gave it a 9.7, 1up gave it a 10/10. So for the rest of the 360's lifespan, every game better than Bioshock now has to get a 10/10, otherwise Bioshock will be listed as the highest scoring and best game on the 360 ever. Not much room for them to move within that 0.3 or 0.0 margin. :P

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 17, 2007, 01:35:43 PM
As far as the ratings go on gamerankings.com, so far the lowest score it's received from the major review sites is a 9.5! :o So I view that as a good sign.

Yes and that's why many reviewers have locked themselves into a corner and have become unreliable. IGN gave it a 9.7, 1up gave it a 10/10. So for the rest of the 360's lifespan, every game better than Bioshock now has to get a 10/10, otherwise Bioshock will be listed as the highest scoring and best game on the 360 ever. Not much room for them to move within that 0.3 or 0.0 margin. :P

All that means is that Bioshock is setting the standard for this generation of gaming. From the last gen, the frontrunner was RE4. The generation before that, LoZ-OOT. We'll see if the scores hold up.

But do you notice someting? All 3 of those games are single player. No multiplayer.

Title: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tan on August 17, 2007, 01:45:54 PM
As far as the ratings go on gamerankings.com, so far the lowest score it's received from the major review sites is a 9.5! :o So I view that as a good sign.

Yes and that's why many reviewers have locked themselves into a corner and have become unreliable. IGN gave it a 9.7, 1up gave it a 10/10. So for the rest of the 360's lifespan, every game better than Bioshock now has to get a 10/10, otherwise Bioshock will be listed as the highest scoring and best game on the 360 ever. Not much room for them to move within that 0.3 or 0.0 margin. :P

All that means is that Bioshock is setting the standard for this generation of gaming. From the last gen, the frontrunner was RE4. The generation before that, LoZ-OOT. We'll see if the scores hold up.

But do you notice someting? All 3 of those games are single player. No multiplayer.

It means if Halo 3 and Mass Effect aren't absolutely perfect beyond all reasoning they'll get equal or lower scores than Bioshock. :P

Settings the standard? No, even the reviewers take note that Bioshock isn't on the bleeding edge on any front, graphics, sound, gameplay etc. But yet it's a perfect game? Hardly makes much sense. Makes the whole point of review scores redundant and meaningless now doesn't it?

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: lackofselfcontrol on August 17, 2007, 03:58:41 PM
They are probably forced to pull off such score after hyping the hell out of every game.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 17, 2007, 04:00:51 PM
If the argument is that there's no such thing as a "perfect" game, then I'm likely to agree. There's always "something" that could be improved. However, that would mean that no game should get higher than a 9.5 on a scale of 10...ever! Or no higher than a 9 out of 10 if the scale doesn't use decimals. Like you suggest, it does put review scoring in a quandry. That being said, though, to reflect the difference of a Bioshock to something like Tomb Raider: Legend, a grading scale of some kind is necessary.

A review is basically just an opinion anyway. It's just interesting that there's been so little variation surrounding the reviews of this particular game.  

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tan on August 17, 2007, 05:16:23 PM
Seriously though, 10/10? How starved for games are these people?

Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros., Metroid, Halo 3, LittleBigPlanet, MGS4, Killzone, Phantom Hourglass are guaranteed to not score any higher now, that or there will be over a dozen 10/10 games by the end of the 4th quarter.

This really is a symptom of a problem that reached new heights last year. When reviews become contradictory, "Best Zelda ever" scores lower than WindWaker, Neverwinter Nights review gets pulled and re-scored, etc etc. It's a good thing only a small minority of gamers read these sites.

Perhaps Bioshock is a great game, tastes vary, but no one in their right mind would think that it belongs in the top all-time video games lists as it's now dominating score among new systems would seem to suggest.

Super Mario bros. Sonic 2, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock...... nope just doesn't sound right no matter how you list it. And no I'm not being a fanboy, of those games I listed only Sonic 2 gets played in my house. But that doesn't mean a bit of common sense can't prevail and see what a classic game is, whether you like it or not.

I can assure you, As good as Bioshock is, revive this thread a year from now and try to tell me it's among the greatest of games ever made. You'll come around. ;)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on August 17, 2007, 11:05:33 PM
People's tastes vary and thus the reviewer should tell his readers what the game delivers. Then you add in the reviewer's own biases, his editors goals, the console his magazine/website is aligned too, and on and on and on.

Hell, I stopped reading gampro since it never seemed to give anything but the worst games at least a 6.5-7...Perhaps they receive more gifts from game devs when they bump their mediocre range up.

Ah well I'm slightly inebriated so don't mind this.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on August 20, 2007, 11:46:08 PM
but without the Art Bell

+1 for the Art Bell reference.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 21, 2007, 07:24:28 AM
Art Bell? Who or what is Art Bell?

Anyway, I played through the demo twice this weekend and am looking forward to picking up my copy today.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tondog on August 21, 2007, 09:22:57 AM
Art Bell used to host Coast To Coast AM, a late night talk show about paranormal activity and conspiracy theories.


Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 21, 2007, 12:26:28 PM
Just got my copy. Used the $49.99 Circuit City weekly ad at Best Buy and a $15 Best Buy gift card to get it for $37.99 after taxes. 8)

Can't wait to play it!

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tondog on August 21, 2007, 12:59:44 PM
Way to save money there!

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 21, 2007, 03:59:10 PM
Thanks, man. 8)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 21, 2007, 04:11:50 PM
The cheapest I can find it over here is about £35/$70. We get ripped hard. The collectors edition is £50.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 24, 2007, 12:55:36 PM
360 owners:  do not deprive yourself from the pleasure of playing this game! OMG! :o

Graphics. Sound. Gameplay. Story. Environment. All outstanding! 8)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 24, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
Blockbusters were doing Bioshock steel tin with a faceplate for £35 today. I could have traded in some old DVDs while I was at it. Except I forgot and didn't go. :( I expect they'll be sold out tomorrow.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 24, 2007, 01:41:50 PM
James, get that faceplate...ASAP! It's extremely rare! I saw it going for $100 on ebay. They were only given out as gifts to EB/Gamestop managers here in the states. Apparantly, only 5100 were made.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 24, 2007, 03:10:37 PM
I heard the European faceplate was different to the US one but I can't find anything about it. All I've heard is that the UK one is crappier than the US version.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 25, 2007, 04:50:47 AM
I just went into Blockbuster with 7 crummy DVDs and got £10 credit, which I was happily surprised with. They had run out of the limited edition steel tin version and the faceplates but I got the standard one for £25. It was the last one they had as well.

The woman asked what was so special about it so I shrugged my shoulders and said the demo was good.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tondog on August 25, 2007, 08:30:11 AM
Game Rankings has it pegged as the 4th best game of all time...

I highly doubt it.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 25, 2007, 09:58:40 AM
Game Rankings has it pegged as the 4th best game of all time...

I highly doubt it.

And you'll probably NEVER know...sad.  :hmm:

@James, when you start getting into the game, you'll start to realize that it's a living, breathing world.  It's not a simple "corridor" shooter. And the decisions you make, however subtle, determine how the game plays out. You'll see. Enjoy the experience! I've got to get back to playing it... :D

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 25, 2007, 10:02:04 AM
I've probably been sucked into the hype of it, making me see it as better than it is but Christ, it's good. There are lots of areas to see but it all takes you along the same path in the end.

I got to a bit where there were lots of goodies in the middle of a room. I thought "What's the catch? There must be a catch" I started picking things up then when I got the shotgun the lights went out and left a spotlight on. The surround sound is used really well because I could actually hear them coming from behind out of the darkness.

I think I died twice over the hour or so I played it. I decided to have a break when I was using telekinesis to throw grenades back at the bloke. I only had a bit of health and Eve left with no first aid kits or Eve rechargers. I was meaning to go back to it but I got sidetracked as usual and ended up doing other things.

The environment is so detailed with loads to explore. There was a dead cat which I found in the demo. Not sure what that's about. It may not be truly unique but it's a fresh environment. How many other FPSes are there set in an underwater city?

I don't know about 4th best game of all time but it must be the best of this generation.

Edit: You posted while I was replying.

@James, when you start getting into the game, you'll start to realize that it's a living, breathing world.  It's not a simple "corridor" shooter. And the decisions you make, however subtle, determine how the game plays out. You'll see. Enjoy the experience! I've got to get back to playing it... :D

I think I roughly said that in this post. :) It might not be entirely coherent because it's got me excited.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 25, 2007, 10:52:54 AM
^I don't think I'm much further ahead of you in the game. I've got some gaming to do... :o

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 25, 2007, 11:00:58 AM
I don't know why but for some reason I like to hoard things in games, like money and health packs. So I use health packs as little as possible, even if it means I die. And I don't spend any money on extra health packs or Eve.

I'm up to the bit where I killed the first Big Daddy. It was quite tough but I'm sure there's an easy way. At that point mummy knocked on the door and said it was time to change the sheets on my bed. :embarassed:

I just checked your achievements and, unless you've been playing offline today, you haven't beaten Dr Steinman yet. I think the Big Daddy was about 10-15 minutes after that.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on August 25, 2007, 02:37:17 PM
You guys should post a review on the gamepage if you haven't already.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 26, 2007, 12:49:16 AM
I beat Steinman and 2 big daddies. I just made it to Neptune's Bounty.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 26, 2007, 12:49:37 AM
You guys should post a review on the gamepage if you haven't already.

When we're done.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on August 26, 2007, 09:15:46 AM
You guys should post a review on the gamepage if you haven't already.

When we're done.

OK good.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 26, 2007, 02:48:45 PM
I'm having so much fun with this game. I've been in a mood where I have to push myself to play games for any decent amount of time. But Bioshock (Like a couple of other Xbox 360 games I mentioned before) has drawn me in. I've been really happy with the Xbox 360.

I can't play for over an hour at a time, something just clicks and I stop, but it's been fun right through. When I get a bit stuck I just explore the area looking for extra ammo or Eve hypos. The great thing is wherever you go there are more splicers to attack, so you aren't left backtracking for miles not doing anything. That's not to say there's no backtracking. Sometimes you get to a dead end where your goal is then have to go back through a few rooms and corridors - attacking splicers on the way. I've been taking pictures of the splicers for "research", something that has to be done to get into a safe room with someone. Researching splicers, big daddies and little sisters changes the ease of killing them or the benefit of harvesting or rescuing the little sisters.

The game can be saved at any point but it has checkpoints. When you die you're regenerated at a Vita Chamber which usually has some vending machines nearby. Vending machines can be used to buy extra ammo, first aid kits and so on. All machines can be hacked using a flow-pipe mini game. There are variations on the game around the internet. The aim is to connect the pipes from one point to another by uncovering them and moving them around before the fluid reaches the end. There are different ratings of difficulty for hacking with special pipes in the harder ones. If you don't finish the hack you get a shock and lose some health.

I'm a bit annoyed because I found out there's an achievement for completing the game without harvesting any little sisters, rescuing them instead. I've rescued all but the one I harvested before I found out about the achievement.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on August 27, 2007, 09:08:02 AM
I'm rescuing them, too. Since I'm playing on medium difficulty, my thought is I could probably "get by" on half the Adam amounts so I'll be the good guy at this difficulty.

But when I play it on Hard, I'll probably be Harvesting all of them.

@James, glad you're liking the game. I'm still just at the beginning of Neptune's Bounty, though.  :P

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: James on August 29, 2007, 06:53:01 AM
I didn't play it on Monday or Tuesday because I couldn't be bothered, after having other things to do. I'm up to Arcadia now.

I killed a Rosie (Not particularly easy) expecting to get another Little Sister but there wasn't one around. Then after it loaded Arcadia I saw at the bottom of the map screen it said "Little Sisters on this level" with two Big Daddy symbols, so there must be more Big Daddies than Little Sisters.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on September 04, 2007, 12:46:16 PM
^I think I'm near the end of Neptune's Bounty. But I think you're right, sometimes there's more big daddies than little sisters. I've defeated 3 bd's on Nep's Bty (and rescued the little sisters), and I still hear 1 or 2 bd's stomping around.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on September 05, 2007, 11:42:31 AM
I got Bioshock the same day I got Two Worlds but I haven't played it yet.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on September 05, 2007, 12:28:48 PM
I got Bioshock the same day I got Two Worlds but I haven't played it yet.


Do I get to revoke YOUR gamer card now? 8)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on September 05, 2007, 12:40:23 PM
No I have played many NES games. Bioshock isn't a classic yet no matter what you think.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on September 05, 2007, 01:49:38 PM
I remember playing the following NES games:

Play Action Football
Wall Street Kid
Crystalis (excellent 8-bit RPG!)
Blades of Steel
Double Dribble
Baseball All-Stars

...and...uh...other stuff... ::)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: Tynstar on September 05, 2007, 02:35:50 PM
I remember playing the following NES games:

Play Action Football
Wall Street Kid
Crystalis (excellent 8-bit RPG!)
Blades of Steel
Double Dribble
Baseball All-Stars

...and...uh...other stuff... ::)

Thats a sad sad list. Please give Den your gamer card. We will also have Den set up a NES and then you most play an approved NES game list. You will have to play each game for 1 hour. Once that is done you may get your gamer card back.

Thank you and have a good day.     ;)

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on December 03, 2007, 07:27:46 PM
New content coming out this week for Bioshock...FREE!


Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 04, 2007, 03:16:30 AM
I thought this thread was about how Bioshock reveals how fake and retarded the popular game reviewers are.

Title: Re: Bioshock Review Score Discussion
Post by: phoenix1967 on December 04, 2007, 07:19:50 AM
I thought this thread was about how Bioshock reveals how fake and retarded the popular game reviewers are.

I didn't feel the need to create a whole new thread for the new DLC only so I added it here. My bad I guess... :P