RF Generation Message Board

Announcements and Feedback => Announcements and Feedback => Topic started by: RevQuixo on August 15, 2007, 08:49:51 AM

Title: Pot, Kettle, Black?
Post by: RevQuixo on August 15, 2007, 08:49:51 AM
Okay...many eons ago my website was "called out" over at Digital Press for one of my contributors swiping pictures from RFGen and then hosting them himself and offering them to VGR.  I admitted that it was a douchey thing to do at the time and apologized.

It appears at this time that your new Japanese staffer, Funk_Buddy (who has contributed a ton to VGR I will admit and is a stand-up guy) is parsing through VGR's Japanese Saturn section in order to flesh out RFGen's Saturn section.  At the exact time he is logged into VGR, RFGen's recently added games are added/updated with information and formating that mirror VGRs.  Additionally he came across a mistake on one game (Gex) and was kind enough to fix our error at the same time he added your entry.

Now I *know* that what we provide is all non-proprietary information..so its not like I have a lock on the info.  On the other hand, my staff has gone through great lengths to research Japanese websites to get information such as developers and barcodes that usually is not readily apparent when adding entries.  Even though Funk has a enormous collection all of the games he has added are not part of his personal collection so I know he's not getting the info from his own stuff either.

Not looking for any recourse here, or even for him to stop doing it...just wanted to let you know that I know it is happening.

Title: Re: Pot, Kettle, Black?
Post by: captain_nintendo on August 15, 2007, 08:53:18 AM

How about I'll lock this (because this shouldn't be in a general discussion) and I'll have TraderJake contact you via pm.  :)

Thinking about it so more, this really belongs in the announcement / feedback section  ;)