RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: captain_nintendo on July 26, 2007, 08:56:29 AM

Title: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: captain_nintendo on July 26, 2007, 08:56:29 AM
 Article with picture of car (http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2007/07/04/racist_car_in_forza_2_causes_controversy/1)

 Another article with a picture of the other side of the car (http://www.360-gamer.com/news.asp?id=1187)


My opionion is that users like this are breaking the user rules (TOS) of Xbox Live, and should be banned from XBL.

Of course everytime you play a game online, the ESRB states: "Game experience may change during online play."

It's a fact! Foul language, and user content like this are bound to be something you are going to run into. Especially when you give the user "free rain" to create the cars skin. That being said, I really appreciate the option to customize things  :)


"Microsoft has clearly stated that it is against the rules to, “Publish, distribute or disseminate any topic, name, material, file or information that incites discrimination, hate, or violence towards one person or a group because of their race, religion, nationality, transgender status, homosexual status, or HIV/AIDS status, or that insults the victims of crimes against humanity by contesting the existence of those crimes.”

- Discuss

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: JWKobayashi on July 26, 2007, 09:02:44 AM
On one hand, I think that when you play a game online, you need to have a resonable level of expectations that you might encounter. For example, I know that if I play a FPS online with voice chat, I'm bound to be called by several offensive names. I realize and accept this. Is it right? No, but I know this going into it.

On the other hand, this does clearly violate the ToS of Xbox Live, and I would commend MS for getting rid of this account. It seems obvious that they're just doing it for attention anyway. I'd be an advocate for banning them.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Fighter17 on July 26, 2007, 09:24:04 AM
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Kick the guy out of Live.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Tondog on July 26, 2007, 12:55:16 PM
Kick him off Live. That's what any responsible company would do.


"Microsoft has clearly stated that it is against the rules to, “Publish, distribute or disseminate any topic, name, material, file or information that incites discrimination, hate, or violence towards one person or a group because of their race, religion, nationality, transgender status, homosexual status, or HIV/AIDS status, or that insults the victims of crimes against humanity by contesting the existence of those crimes.”

Then I guess a lot of the Xbox Live players could get banned for calling people "gay", or "fags", or "n***ers" (and I don't mean nanners) over voice chat.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: tholly on July 29, 2007, 12:59:40 PM
my opinion is .... "Who the fuck cares?"  if you are bothered by shit like this, then don't play on live....grow up, get over it, and realize that it's just a moron fooling around and ignore it.....if you are really that sensitive, then you should stay inside, look the doors, turn off the internet, and watch your walls.....

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 29, 2007, 07:03:06 PM
It definitely violates the terms of agreement.

Gotta ban the offender from xbox live.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: ganonbanned on July 29, 2007, 07:07:25 PM
My whole Thing about racism is that "white power" isnt racism, but Heil hitla, n-words, and swastikas are.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: tholly on July 29, 2007, 07:47:06 PM
My whole Thing about racism is that "white power" isnt racism, but Heil hitla, n-words, and swastikas are.

but, if a white person says white power to another person, a german says heil hiter to another german, or an african american calls another african american a n-word, its not racism......

its complete bullshit....just ignore it and say who cares....

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: captain_nintendo on July 30, 2007, 12:18:14 AM
I agree with some of the thoughts here, but it comes down to them violating Xbox's user agreement.

User should be banned due to this violation.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: shoes23 on July 30, 2007, 12:56:33 AM
I think the media reaction to the entire thing is hilarious.  They all state that things like this are so wrong, yet the simultaneously disseminate pictures of it across the web.  Then they say, "You thought the first side was bad, take a look at THIS side."  They are just perpetrating the entire thing, and making more and more people upset.

The whole thing should have just been dealt with and kept quiet, because honestly me and millions of others would never have known that there was something like this car skin in the game.  The user should have been immediatly banned, all photos removed, and this "story" should have just been passed over by the media.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Hydrobond on July 30, 2007, 07:14:26 AM
The car is black, so clearly he was not trying to be racist in any way.

There are stupid people everywhere, and they need to be punished.  Banninate his ass.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 30, 2007, 09:02:00 AM
I think the media reaction to the entire thing is hilarious.  They all state that things like this are so wrong, yet the simultaneously disseminate pictures of it across the web.  Then they say, "You thought the first side was bad, take a look at THIS side."  They are just perpetrating the entire thing, and making more and more people upset.

The whole thing should have just been dealt with and kept quiet, because honestly me and millions of others would never have known that there was something like this car skin in the game.  The user should have been immediatly banned, all photos removed, and this "story" should have just been passed over by the media.


The unfortunate thing is that instances like this are more fodder for those that oppose having user-created content available online.

I hope this isn't going to be a trend. I know that I love to create and publish maps for Far Cry and I would hate so see customization features such as this (i.e. map editor, car creator, athlete/fighter creater, etc) removed from a game's design just because of a few idiots with no common sense.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Mike Leon on August 06, 2007, 02:52:34 PM
My whole Thing about racism is that "white power" isnt racism, but Heil hitla, n-words, and swastikas are.
I'm pretty sure you got that all mixed up. White power is racism. Heil Hitla is not racism. Nigger is racism. Swastikas are not racism.

Look up the history and meaning of all those things and you'll have a strizoke in your brizzain before you have it all sorted out. Here's a cool break down you can show your mom:

White power is actually the belief that white people are superior to all other races. That's actually the definition of racism if you look it up in a dictionary.

Saying "Heil Hitler" does not necessarily endorse racism. It simply means you like Hitler, maybe for some reason completely external to racism. Hitler was a vegetarian, for instance. Maybe you really love animals.

The word nigger is an ethnic slur for black people. Unless you're black, saying it is racism. If you're black, saying it will make you a successful stand-up comic.

Swastikas were around long before the Nazi party. I don't think anyone really knows what they originally meant. Some people say peace, but that's lame. Everybody thinks everything means peace.

Anyway, it's clear from all of this that the designer of the car was a black vegetarian stand-up comic with a love for ancient peace symbols.

This is just more sensationalist media crap. If Microsoft doesn't like it, they can and will ban it. They knew that would be necessary when they implemented the ability to design cars in first place. What did that think, everyone was going to settle for a cool flame stencil on the fender?

The real headline here as the media wants you to read it is "Gamers are Racists" or maybe "Rednecks play Racing Games." Some fat cranky journalist bitch with sand in her vagina saw her kid looking at this in the game and suddenly it's NEWS that people say "nigger" in online games. Wake up and play Counterstrike for ten minutes. This has only been going on for ten years. No one cared before and no one will care later.

If you can't deal with other users being offensive, don't play. We don't want your n00b455 in the game anyway.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Izret101 on August 07, 2007, 03:18:25 PM
Please post more often!

Actually i really like the car. I think the ship them back is a bit over the top. I mean its not like black people took a cruise ship over hear for a vacation and decided to stay.

But i agree that it is rediculous that it is getting that much press.

As for the swastica i thought it was the symbol for new begining/life/procreation originally?

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on August 07, 2007, 03:47:26 PM
I thought those old instances of the swastika, which weren't really swastikas, came from some asian yin-ya.g type thing.

e.g. the swastika looking shuriken that Miho ends dudes with in Sin City.

I always thought the swastika was the broken cross. But I'm not sure, maybe wikipedia will know.

About the story: I'd say that if the car had been ignored there would be less racism in the world. Making news stories like this only perpetuate the feeling in people that racism is something to care about.

Title: Re: The racist race car! (Forza2 user content)
Post by: Cobra on August 10, 2007, 02:59:25 AM
It definitely violates the terms of agreement.

Gotta ban the offender from xbox live.

That's pretty much it, the person agreed to a whole bunch of terms (without reading them of course) and this is in direct violation. There shouldn't be any fuss at all, they should of just banned him right away, case closed.

Instead, this guy now has THE most viewed paint job in the whole game. You can't buy this kinda publicity, he should of gotten some sponsorship on there too and made a fortune.