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Gaming => RFGeneration Archives => Topic started by: shaggy on July 08, 2007, 06:20:12 PM

Title: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: shaggy on July 08, 2007, 06:20:12 PM
Now that it is pretty certain that the PS3 is going to be reduced to $499 would you get one?

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tynstar on July 08, 2007, 07:16:10 PM
I know I said 300 in the past but with the right package of free stuff I might get one.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tan on July 08, 2007, 07:31:50 PM
If it's $499 Cdn like the X360, then maybe at Christmas, if it has the games of course. Other than Time Crisis 4 there's nothing on the upcoming release lists that interest me right now. We'll see after E3, Leipzig and TGS.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 08, 2007, 08:49:19 PM
As I said before, I'm not going to be getting one until the price is $199.99 or less. So they've got a LONG way to go...

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: OatBob on July 09, 2007, 05:29:13 AM
I'll wait a long while.  After all, I finally got a PS2 this past month.  Used past-gen consoles and games are way cheaper.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: shaggy on July 09, 2007, 06:08:52 AM
I said I'll think about it but I probably won't get one until the price goes down even further.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: James on July 09, 2007, 06:45:21 AM
I hear there's an 80GB version coming soon.

I won't buy a PS3 mainly because I already have an Xbox 360. I'd consider one at £250 ($500) if I didn't have a 360. However, at our RRP of £425 ($850), $100 off plus tax isn't much of a saving. Soon after launch there were a couple of places selling them at £375 for a few days.

I doubt we'll have a price cut over here anyway. Another point is how do we know this is an official price cut and not stores taking a loss to entice people into their shops and to buy PS3 games. The RRP of the Xbox 360 is still £280 but most places sell them in great bundles at that price, or around £230 on its own.

I've got a friend who can't make his mind up between an Xbox 360 or a PS3. I spent ages telling him why he should get an Xbox 360. I then asked how much he had to spend on his Xbox 360/PS3 as well as the HDTV he wanted. "£300". ::) That's fine for a 360 bundle but he still can't make his mind up on the PS3 or 360 and still wants an HDTV with it.

PS. Not a shot at shaggy... It really annoys me when people round to the lowest pound/dollar. People do it all the time on another forum I go on. £99.99 =/= £99. If it's rounded it's £100. I don't care if it makes it sound cheaper, it's bad mathematical grammar. Gurr. ;)

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: This Dude Abides on July 09, 2007, 08:00:18 AM
Nope, still too expensive for my taste, and right now, Motorstorm is the only PS3 game I have any remote interest in.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on July 09, 2007, 12:49:09 PM
Needs games.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Izret101 on July 09, 2007, 01:12:18 PM

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Magewout on July 09, 2007, 01:18:06 PM
^^Agree with Izret and Leon. PS3 simply has no games I'm interested in.

Oh, and apparently there's a 80GB version coming out soon, which costs - indeed - $599.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 09, 2007, 07:38:21 PM
Nope, still too expensive for my taste, and right now, Motorstorm is the only PS3 game I have any remote interest in.

FYI, the new 80gb version will have Motorstorm as a pack in for $599.

I've got a friend who can't make his mind up between an Xbox 360 or a PS3. I spent ages telling him why he should get an Xbox 360. I then asked how much he had to spend on his Xbox 360/PS3 as well as the HDTV he wanted. "£300". ::) That's fine for a 360 bundle but he still can't make his mind up on the PS3 or 360 and still wants an HDTV with it.

Sounds like he wants to eat his cake and have it too...all for 300 pounds(or is it Euros?).

Like you, I'm set with my 360. And I just heard that My Beautiful Katamari was cancelled for PS3. It'll be Wii and 360 only.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: NES_Rules on July 09, 2007, 07:40:44 PM
If I can pick one up at a garage sale/flea market for less than $50, I may consider buying it. 

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 10, 2007, 12:56:09 PM
If I can pick one up at a garage sale/flea market for less than $50, I may consider buying it. 


 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Alabama-Shrimp on July 10, 2007, 03:38:16 PM
think my view is very much the same as what James said, that such a small price drop in America probably wont happen here as we are already over charged for it and there are just no games

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Speedy_NES on July 10, 2007, 09:28:24 PM
I don't think I'll be getting one for a while.  I assume the price cuts are only in the US and not for Europe?

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: ColecoVisionist on July 11, 2007, 12:53:54 AM
No, I'm still having fun with my PS. Maybe when it his the $300.


Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 11, 2007, 07:50:02 AM
$300 is still too much, imo.

The price drop is only USA from what I've read.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tynstar on July 11, 2007, 10:25:09 AM
$300 is still too much, imo.

You are just being a Anti Sony Fanboy at that point.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Ataripitbull on July 11, 2007, 11:30:14 AM
 Its not that I don't want one, but $500.00 plus is a little high for me right now, but then again I just dropped $300.00 on a Atari 2600 game called Springer CIB, so I guess I dumb enough to pony up $500.00 for the new system.

   :( :hmm: :-\

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 11, 2007, 02:22:10 PM
$300 is still too much, imo.

You are just being a Anti Sony Fanboy at that point.

No. My price point to buy the PS3 has always been $199.99 or less. I just have no use for Blu-Ray, nor will I EVER have a use for Blu-Ray unless I get a 1080p TV. And that's not likely to happen in at least the next 5 years (hopefully). And even then, who's to say that Blu-Ray won't be obsolete by then, giving way to direct HD downloads?

By the time the PS3 drops to $300, the Wii will likely be something like $150 or less. In which case if I'm ready to buy a new console I'd choose the Wii.

So I stand by my comment.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tynstar on July 11, 2007, 05:29:33 PM
What makes a 360 worth 399.99 but a PS3 only 199.99? Given time the PS3 will have awesome games.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: phoenix1967 on July 11, 2007, 07:32:03 PM
What makes a 360 worth 399.99 but a PS3 only 199.99? Given time the PS3 will have awesome games.

At the time I bought my TV almost 2 years ago, the 360's capabilities maxxed out my TV's capabilities (720p/1080i). Basically, I bought the 360 knowing that I wasn't paying for any technology that I wouldn't be getting the most out of; unlike with the Blu-Ray player (1080p) which I have no interest in buying movies for in the new format. Circumstances the year in which I bought my 360 were also favorable to me in the form of casino poker winnings that I set aside towards the purchase of the 360. I also ended up cashing in on my football prop bets from Vegas to be able to pay for the balance.

So, right now, the reason that the PS3 is only "worth" $199.99 or less to ME is that if I were to have budgeted $600 in total to spend for consoles, and that I'd already spent $399.99 to become an early adopter of the 360 (got mine 6 months after launch), then that leaves me with $200 left. Therefore, I won't spend more than that for a PS3.

I agree that it will likely have some great exclusive games, but just like the last gen, I'm more inclined to wait to buy the Playstation as the last of the consoles I get from this generation.

It's all just my personal preference, Tyn. 8)

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Izret101 on July 11, 2007, 07:40:26 PM
He has a very good point and defends his position Scott ;)

Why do so many people own a DS where the PSP is technically a great bargain?

Its all personal preferance ;)

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tynstar on July 11, 2007, 08:20:06 PM
He has a very good point and defends his position Scott ;)

I agree 100% but it usually sounds like blind hate of Sony. Hell he all know I hate Sony but for 399.99 I would get a PS3. Sure my TV can't do 1080i but it still looks damn good in 720p and 1080i.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: JWKobayashi on July 11, 2007, 10:45:11 PM
Eh, so far the only exclusive game that I want is MGS4, and I've got at least half a year on that one. Otherwise, I'll just get the 360 version (well, once I finally get one of those).

I'd like to see it hit $400 before I move on it.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tan on July 12, 2007, 11:16:57 PM
No Price cut for Europe (http://www.rfgeneration.com/news/modern-gaming/no-sony-price-cut-for-europe-102.php)

Any reactions from our friends from across the pond?

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: hXd on July 12, 2007, 11:18:22 PM
There's not really any PS3 games I'm into right now, but I do look forward to LittleBigPlanet, MGS4 and FFXIII, so maybe if I can afford it in the future I may invest in one.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tan on July 13, 2007, 07:56:39 AM

Apparently according to this guy (SCEE president David Reeves) if you can believe him, the 60Gb model will be discontinued and only the $599 model will be sold.

This is either a bone-headed idea or a desperate PR attempt to boost sales.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: James on July 13, 2007, 08:14:24 AM
No Price cut for Europe (http://www.rfgeneration.com/news/modern-gaming/no-sony-price-cut-for-europe-102.php)

Any reactions from our friends from across the pond?



Apparently according to this guy (SCEE president David Reeves) if you can believe him, the 60Gb model will be discontinued and only the $599 model will be sold.

This is either a bone-headed idea or a desperate PR attempt to boost sales.

That's a rather confusing article. I couldnt understand who they were talking about getting an 80GB model and why that's bad if it only costs Euro cents.

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: Tan on July 13, 2007, 08:20:03 AM

I think from that first article, he said it costs very little for Europe to have a 80GB model, but that their supplier has plenty of 60's right now at good prices so it makes more sense to keep the 60 for the time being.

For those of you who don't want to read either article, the gist of it is that the 60GB was priced lower because it's being discontinued and is expected to be gone from stores shelves by the end of the month or so.

The 80GB model will be all that's left at a price of $599.

Edit: For the record, Kaz Hirai just confirmed it in a video interview. :P

Title: Re: Weekly Poll 7/8/07
Post by: shaggy on July 13, 2007, 02:10:52 PM
Why those low down, good for nothing...